Medtrum Touchcare Nano CGM

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Absolute nonsense. Okay 12.2 ain’t great but we expected that. But the CGM is saying she is over 22.2! Ridiculous. How can anyone use this rubbish?
The advice I have been given is that CGMs are not accurate at high numbers and you must always double check a high before treating.
Whilst it is clearly out, I would be reluctant to judge the accuracy of a CGM over 10mmol/l.
I'd be most reluctant to have to rely whatsoever on a device that is so far out and 'fail' at such a low threshhold.

10.0 is just not even particularly high in the overall scheme of things as far as I'm concerned.

Now in the high teens and above, that's high - and I accept results would most likely be questionable.
Aaaaaand fail. Fantastic.


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Hi Tom

How frustrating. That sounds like a faulty sensor.

I have not used a Medtrum sensor. With my Libre and with my current Medtronic sensors, there will be differences and if the trends are out and I am sure there are weird things happenin, I have contacted the manufacturers. both Abbott and Medtronic have asked for three comparative results. On the Medtronic I share my data, so they are able to see the data. faulty ones have always been replaced.

If this is the one that your clinic is suggesting, can they enable you to speak to there that are using the sensor. I know that this is more difficult with data protection, but my clinic has done this within the rules.

Are there other options available?
How frustrating @Tom1982 ! Can you get another sensor and give it one more chance? I’d be put off using it if it carried on like that even after calibrating.
How frustrating @Tom1982 ! Can you get another sensor and give it one more chance? I’d be put off using it if it carried on like that even after calibrating.
Going to try the last sensor on a fattier bit. One last bash as it looks a decent bit of kit on paper!
Tried this CGM again on the fattest bit of Josie’s arm. It simply doesn’t work. I’d be interested to see if anyone has used it, and if it works?
Tried this CGM again on the fattest bit of Josie’s arm. It simply doesn’t work. I’d be interested to see if anyone has used it, and if it works?
If you definitely want your daughter to have that pump you could use it as a standalone pump?
That’s what I thought. In a nut shell, how much different is a closed loop system?
Closed looped systems (some of them anyway) can increase insulin if numbers go above the high target you choose or when the sensor predicts BG to reach that level within the next say half an hour while others can do both this and decrease basal insulin when BG is predicted to reach the low BG level set. Some closed looped pumps can only do the low BG suspend
That’s what I thought. In a nut shell, how much different is a closed loop system?

Diabetes UK put a new page on their website about hybrid closed loop pumps not so long ago

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