Medtronic mio infusion sets

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Sorry, I just assumed the needles extracted easily out of all cannulas, as they do in the Roche ones. It's potty designing something that a 'weak and feeble woman' can't deal with ! (I'm very like Elizabeth I myself LOL)
Hi, I am using these and I love them, however they don't fit into the 1l sharps bin provided by my GP. My previous pump was an animas one and they sent me 5l sharps bins to use. Medtronic don't. I can't be the only person with this issue! So I was wondering what others did! Thanks for you help 🙂

Hi Ellie,

My son uses mios and we dont use a sharps bin!😱We just screw the plastic cap back on and its safe then. Even Schools are told that mios dont need a sharps bin as they are not considered a risk due to it being contained within the plastic. I wouldnt worry just put them in the normal bin.🙂Bev
Oh Ellie, so frustrating :( Sneaky idea - don't suppose there's an Animas pumper (or Roche if they do them) in your area who could accidentally order a 5L bin with their next order, which they then discover they don't need....?

Sue - coincidentally, Nanette, the administrator of the Insulin Pumpers UK forum has just changed from a Cozmo to a Vibe and has been recently lamenting all the oh-so-useful features she now doesn't have! It sounds like a real shame Cozmos are no longer made (?) or available here. A few of us have been having a bit of a Vibe moan over there! I'm still incredibly grateful to be on a pump though and they all seem to have their '+'s & '-'s, and my own main criteria for choosing the Vibe was the size and brightness of the screen compared with the other available pumps, so <hmph> just have to put up with the moany issues about it I guess (though useful to have a moan with people who understand 🙂 )
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Oh Ellie, so frustrating :( Sneaky idea - don't suppose there's an Animas pumper (or Roche if they do them) in your area who could accidentally order a 5L bin with their next order, which they then discover they don't need....?

Sue - coincidentally, Nanette, the administrator of the Insulin Pumpers UK forum has just changed from a Cozmo to a Vibe and has been recently lamenting all the oh-so-useful features she now doesn't have! It sounds like a real shame Cozmos are no longer made (?) or available here. A few of us have been having a bit of a Vibe moan over there! I'm still incredibly grateful to be on a pump though and they all seem to have their '+'s & '-'s, and my own main criteria for choosing the Vibe was the size and brightness of the screen compared with the other available pumps, so <hmph> just have to put up with the moany issues about it I guess (though useful to have a moan with people who understand 🙂 )

Oh I'm def grateful for my pump as I do not have a flat basal so no hope of control without a pump.
There are no more cozmo's due to Medtronic filing a law suit against the company about something regarding the bolus and the way it was worked out. Medtronic swore blind that the company had taken it from them. So The judge ordered that any pump sold in future Medtronic had a cut in the price of it and and also Smiths medical were also fined or told to pay a large fine or compensation.
So Smith's medical said fine ok sod you and stopped selling the pump.
Medtronic thought fantastic all the Cozmo users will come over to us.......... Over my dead body as far as I am concerned.

The Animas is a very poor second but a lot better than nothing. As to the screen it's fine as long as the sun isn't shining. Once the sun's out find a dark corner to read the pump 🙄
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I use Medtronic Mio sets. My DSN told me to bend the used inserter needle so it sits behind a white plastic lug. Then you can pop the coloured lid back on and put in the bin.

I didn't want to do that, so she said I'd have to go to my GP's and ask the nurse for one of their 5 litre sharps bins - this size isn't available on prescription. The receptionist is happy to take my old sharps bin away and give me a new one from their nurse's cupboard.

I know it's meant for sharps, but I chuck all of my used test strips into it as well. Don't forget there's also needles at both ends of the tubing and the blue thing in the reservoir pack. The DSN said I should put all of those in the big sharps bin if I went down that route. So that's what I do. The 5l bin does me for about 2 months.

It's possible to pop out the white section containing the inertion needle if you push it from behind - it reduces the volume of sharps waste a little.

I did ask the chemist about disposing of full sharps bins. They said they had an obligation to accept one if a customer handed one in but, since they don't have a collection system in place, it would cost them around ?45 a time to get rid of them. They asked politely if I could hand them in to the GP instead as they already have collection procedures in place. If I have to get a new one at teh GP's, guess it makes sense just to walk in and do an exchange.
I cut the needle end off the tubing with scissors and just lob that in the bin. however it's awkward getting the reservoir needle part into these horrid oblong bins they will keep supplying now - we cut the 'fingers' back a bit with tinsnips to make a bigger hole. After all, you close the non-retractable 'lid' down on the whole caboodle before you hand them in so not much chance of anyone getting spiked.

Dried blood never hurt anyone - you wouldn't put a used plaster in a sharps bin after cutting your finger, or a sanitary towel or tampon, would you? So it's wasteful to stick em in the sharps. In surgeries/hospitals they'd go in Clinical Waste bins in case the patient had some awful disease or something!and we don't have them either so it's the normal kitchen bin then the dustbin for those.
Hum, my reply vanished, sorry! Not ignoring you 🙂 I had cottoned onto taking the coloured outer bit off and have been doing this, it does seen to make a big difference! I'm at the GP tomorrow for my whooping cough jab so will ask about sharps bins then. I don't actually know anyone else in real life on a pump otherwise I would be asking to borrow their bin!! I did have a quick loom into buying them but the postage was more expensive than the bin, I don't see why I should have to buy them but if thats the safest way of disposing of them where my little boy can't get them I'll have to!
Ellie, if you feel you must have one thus need to buy it go into your chemist shop and order one. There's no charge for it that way.
I can walk into my local agricultural store and buy one off the shelf. Vets have them as well.
Can you not use a needle clipper to clip the needle off and then dispose of that way?
Sue, genius, my in laws have a farm! Why didn't I think of that!! I don't have a needle clipper either so that's also on my list of things to nag my GP about 🙂
LOL - my first supply of disposable insulin syringes (we couldn't get disposables on scrip then!) was via a Rep from Arnolds Veterinary Products Ltd !

A box of 144 x packs of 10, BD Plastipak syringes ! Cost me a WHOLE month's salary, but I never ever ever needed another box ......
There are no more cozmo's due to Medtronic filing a law suit against the company about something regarding the bolus and the way it was worked out. Medtronic swore blind that the company had taken it from them. So The judge ordered that any pump sold in future Medtronic had a cut in the price of it and and also Smiths medical were also fined or told to pay a large fine or compensation.
So Smith's medical said fine ok sod you and stopped selling the pump.
Medtronic thought fantastic all the Cozmo users will come over to us.......... Over my dead body as far as I am concerned.

The Animas is a very poor second but a lot better than nothing. As to the screen it's fine as long as the sun isn't shining. Once the sun's out find a dark corner to read the pump 🙄

That's terrible!!!! Really dreadful reason for non-availability of that great little pump I've heard so much about. Grrrrry grrr grrrrrrr..

And yes, you're quite right about bright sun and the unreadable Vibe screen (*_*)

It's funny, this pumping business and sharps disposal - for about 40 years I never gave a second thought to safe disposal of sharps, don't ever remember any doctor or nurse mentioning it. Then, once on a pump, like the rest of you (I think?), it seemed to be an important issue which we're told about by pump reps/DSNs. Even if we can say hand on heart we know we personally don't have any nasty lurgies to pass on to council workers who might accidentally prick themselves on our sharps, they won't know that and will have to get tested, and worry and worry and worry until they get the all-clear. And yet, none of this concerned me pre-pump! And maybe the majority of insulin users still don't use a sharps bin method of disposal? Dunno. It would certainly help the uptake if councils/surgeries made it an awful lot easier - if I'd ever been offered a sharps bin, I can't imagine I'd have turned it down. Hope your in-laws can get you sorted now, Ellie 🙂

Although it will take me a long time to fill my sharps bin, I've thought about disposal - what would happen if I couldn't find anywhere that would take it when full, and decided I might just take it to the hospital and park it next to another 'in use' sharps bin....maybe say something to the staff, maybe not, but that way I'd know it would get disposed of ok. Perhaps that's silly and irresponsible, but why make these things so hard for us? There comes a point where you get so sick of it all, you don't care, you just go for the easiest solution.

Truth be told, I hate having a sharps bin, it takes up space & looks horrid! Maybe it needs a crocheted cover or similar (like some people's spare loo rolls do) to encourage acceptance and love LOL

Goodnight all.
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