Medtronic insulin pump bolus delivery,

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Can you explain what makes you think that? I am guessing it must have been a scary persistent hypo.
Can you describe the full circumstances?
Hi @Jessica1985
Can you clarify what happened.

I have delivered too much insulin on my pump where I have miscalculated the carbs, or forgotten that I had already done it. If that is the case keep a watch on your levels and top up with extra carbs as necessary.

I have never had a pump deliver insulin that I have not told it to do.
Apparently there was a reported issue with an earlier Medtronic pump but I’ve not heard anything about the 640. Have you contacted Medtronic? Are you ok?
Yes but the insulin pump was giving my 10 year old boy an extra 50- 70 units during the night,, which explains all the hypos ,, we have been in hospital for 4 nights and now back on insulin pens, although the diabetic doctor have told me that it was definitely not the pump,, so I'm now facing a panel and social workers questioning as they think I gave him LIFE THREATING AMOUNT OF INSULIN,so I'm trying to get evidence to prove them wrong.
Blooming heck! That is scary! That is a huge amount of insulin, especially for a child..... can a pump even deliver that much in one go or were there several boluses.
So pleased he has survived it as it must have been a very close call and it must be horrendous being investigated. Was this a one off bolus of insulin (I am assuming it couldn't be a change to his basal settings) and what time did it happen? Was it after a meal or in the middle of the night. Could your son have been playing with the pump and accidentally caused the bolus?
Yes but the insulin pump was giving my 10 year old boy an extra 50- 70 units during the night,, which explains all the hypos ,, we have been in hospital for 4 nights and now back on insulin pens, although the diabetic doctor have told me that it was definitely not the pump,, so I'm now facing a panel and social workers questioning as they think I gave him LIFE THREATING AMOUNT OF INSULIN,so I'm trying to get evidence to prove them wrong.
@Pattidevans and @trophywench who was that lovely young lady who had all that insulin dumped from her medtronic pump a few years back? Can you contact her?
Medtronic wont help as to much to lose.

I would also add that the pump should be set up to only deliver x amount per bolus and by hour and by day. So if the pump has delivered more than the set limits, then obviously a major problem.

Thank goodness your son is still with you.
Yes there was a few changes to the basal settings also ratios were also adjusted in clinic,, but according to the upload of the insulin pump shows that it have been put through manually after a hypo during night ?? I did ask my son if he put through anything by accident but even my 10year say " only an idiot would give urself extra insulin if was hypo,, but the doctors are addament that it was not the pump and 1 of us has done it,,ps I have been a single parent for 10 years and doing insulin for 9 years and has never been taken to hospital once,, so angry , I'm also making a formal complaint.
Yes there was a few changes to the basal settings also ratios were also adjusted in clinic,, but according to the upload of the insulin pump shows that it have been put through manually after a hypo during night ?
Ok so what limits are on the pump? As in what is the most he can bolus? Because if it's set at something like 5 units then that's an awful lot of button pushing to deliver 70 units of insulin isn't it? Was the 70 units delivered in one go?
Yes at all different times,,and also if my son was say putting carbs through during the night as wot we are accused of i would have heard him here the beeping noise on the pump also
but according to the upload of the insulin pump shows that it have been put through manually after a hypo during night ?? I did ask my son if he put through anything by accident but even my 10year say " only an idiot would give urself extra insulin if was hypo,,
When you are hypo you do silly things because your brain is struggling to function properly. I enter insulin on my Libre notes instead of carbs quite often during a hypo although I am MDI and I have never injected insulin in that situation and wouldn't but pushing buttons is another matter when the mind gets foggy and perhaps he was trying to stop an alarm and hit the wrong buttons instead.
Were you with him when he had the hypo and treated it? What time did it happen? Is he normally calm about treating hypos or does he get flustered. I am sure there should be warnings or limitations on releasing insulin when you are hypo but I am not familiar with their exact mechanisms and safety features.
Can I suggest you phone the Diabetes UK help line (number at the top) to get their advice.
I would suggest you get legal advice too @Jessica1985 I don’t have the Medtronic pump so I’m not familiar with its features. Were the buttons locked? Is there anything on the pump’s records that’s ‘impossible’ eg delivering a bolus outside the max bolus, that would prove a pump malfunction?
Yes but the insulin pump was giving my 10 year old boy an extra 50- 70 units during the night,, which explains all the hypos ,, we have been in hospital for 4 nights and now back on insulin pens, although the diabetic doctor have told me that it was definitely not the pump,, so I'm now facing a panel and social workers questioning as they think I gave him LIFE THREATING AMOUNT OF INSULIN,so I'm trying to get evidence to prove them wrong.

Are you saying 50-70 on each of the four nights, or across the four?

I'd agree with @Leadinglights and @Inka that talking to Diabetes UK/getting legal advice would be sensible.
When you try to bolus more than the set amount of bolus, the pump will not allow you to do. A message appears on the screen telling you why the bolus wont be delivered.
So I wonder if your lad is doing the boluses in his sleep? Would be hard to enter carbs and deliver the insulin, but not impossible.
Can you put on the child safety lock and also perhaps put the pump in a pouch with a little lock on it so no access to it?

Another option is to put a camera in his room so you can review the sequence of events if he ever goes back on a pump.

You still haven't answered my question though what is the max bolus he can deliver in one go?

Also you can change the settings to 0 during the night then he can not bolus can he? Only you can change this by going into setting if you need to do a correction.
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