Medications - experiences with gliclazide

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Hi all! I’m currently on aloglyptin 25mg.. a bit of background

1. I didn’t tolerate metformin regular or extended release
2. I have an allergy to jardiance (got swelling of lips and throat and my skin was literally peeling off my face)
3. I’m currently on aloglyptin and it’s doing nothing (see my previous post for more info) basically my bloods are out of control and it’s awful.
4. Waiting to see an Endo for lada testing and hopefully moving onto an injectable. I have massive issues with taking oral medication due to a traumatic neck injury I suffered a few years ago. Not wanting to go into too much details about that but it was related to domestic violence. I can take meds but it is a real struggle and I end up choking and gagging and throwing it up and then having to retake it most of the time. Hence why injectables would be a better option long term.

As the waiting list for an Endo is about a year where I am docs were considering moving me to gliclazide (spelling) in the meantime but are concerned because of the risk of hypos. Can anyone share their experience of this med and positive or negative effects?

I’m aware that it makes blood sugar drop a lot, which I really need right now and I am on a privately funded cgm. Would love your experience and expertise! Thanks so much!!
Hi @Gottapee - I took gliclazide for a couple of years in various doses and never had a hypo. When i stopped taking it, my blood glucose generally rose so it had been having some effect. That was my experience but it fits in the spectrum of responses to gliclazide where my general understanding is that hypos are possible by no means likely.
I was quite sensitive to Gliclazide, even on the slow release, and tend to hypo.
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