Medication problems.

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Thank you for your message. I have not yet looked at Linagliptin, but will after I have sent you this message. The last time I saw my diabetic nurse, I refused point blank to be put on insulin or something like Gliclazide, simply because I am not going to start having hypo's when there is no need for me to have them.

The PDF information that I linked to from here is more than a little interesting, seeing as I was not told of the other meds in the same group. From this PDF information, it states that if necessary I could use double or triple medication to help with my BG. I am not going to be swayed or told that I can't try something else because of cost, that is not going to wash with me. I worked for 18 years in the NHS as a Dialysis Nurse, so Patient Choice is something I heard every day, which I will be applying to myself with the diabetes nurse.

Having started Carb Counting properly now, I find it's helping to regulate more of what I eat and how much, so for myself, I am not risking my health becoming worse and hopefully will start losing some weight.

I will attach the PDF file for you to look at and print of you so wish, it's worth reading, as this information was only meant to be for practitioners and nurses, not the general public like yourself and I.
Thanks - I have downloaded and saved this file.
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