Medication decision

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I was diagnosed Type 2 last year and was given Metformin which I couldn't get on with as it upset my stomach. My blood test is now 82 and I have been given a choice of 2 medications

Ozempic® injection once a week or​

Empagliflozin tablet everyday​

I am interested on people's views on these medications and the side effects?
I have been sent the information leaflets on both but I would like to hear real life experiences.
Any info/advice greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Was the modified release version of metformin not an option for you? I ask because that's usually much easier on the old digestive system than the standard version.
Hi and welcome.

I believe Ozempic is often used to help with weight loss as well as BG levels but can cause nausea etc. There are at least a couple of threads about it's use from people documenting their experiences.

Empagliflozin has been around longer and may be less likely to have side effects but not sure if the side effects are potentially more harmful. Kidney/liver damage, DKA etc if I remember rightly.

Have you tried modifying your diet as that can be a much more powerful means of reducing your HbA1c than either of these 2 medications and with no potentially unpleasant side effects? Many of us here follow a low carb way of eating to manage our diabetes and some have come down from HbA1c readings higher than yours by following this route. Obviously, if you have already explored that option then it will come down to what works best with your body and lifestyle but a read of the posts here on Ozempic might help your decision.

These are just some of the threads I found using the search facility in the top right of the screen.

Good luck making your decision but if you want help with trying a low carb way of eating, just ask and we will try to point you in the right direction.
Was the modified release version of metformin not an option for you? I ask because that's usually much easier on the old digestive system than the standard version.
Hi Colin, thank you for your reply. Yes it was the modified release version but I suffer with stomach issues generally and it just upset me more.
Hi and welcome.

I believe Ozempic is often used to help with weight loss as well as BG levels but can cause nausea etc. There are at least a couple of threads about it's use from people documenting their experiences.

Empagliflozin has been around longer and may be less likely to have side effects but not sure if the side effects are potentially more harmful. Kidney/liver damage, DKA etc if I remember rightly.

Have you tried modifying your diet as that can be a much more powerful means of reducing your HbA1c than either of these 2 medications and with no potentially unpleasant side effects? Many of us here follow a low carb way of eating to manage our diabetes and some have come down from HbA1c readings higher than yours by following this route. Obviously, if you have already explored that option then it will come down to what works best with your body and lifestyle but a read of the posts here on Ozempic might help your decision.

These are just some of the threads I found using the search facility in the top right of the screen.

Good luck making your decision but if you want help with trying a low carb way of eating, just ask and we will try to point you in the right direction.
Thank you! That is really helpful...I will read through these. I do need to get my head around a low carb diet and will keep that in mind. Thank you for replying
Hi. Sounds like it may be worth going low-carb for a while before having either of those meds but do discuss and agree with the GP the best approach.
Many GPs and Diabetes nurses don't appreciate how powerful a low carb diet can be in managing diabetes, so they may be resistant to putting the medication on hold and giving you a few months to try dietary changes, particularly when your HbA1c is quite high. You might need to be persuasive if that was something you wanted to try. It can be surprisingly enjoyable once you get your head around it
Do be aware that low carb with Empagliflozin is not recommended, if I remember correctly, as it can lead to DKA. Don't know about any contraindications with Ozempic.
Hi Sandra, what kind of diet do you like, and do you need any support in reducing appetite? If you would benefit from feeling fuller to support you in changing your diet then I’d encourage you to consider ozempic, whereas if you don’t have much appetite then empagliflozin may be better for you. If you prefer a lower carb diet you should also be aware that very low carb diets are advised against whilst taking empagliflozin but fine on ozempic. There’s also the injection vs tablets aspect, the ozempic needles are very small at 4mm but if you have a fear of needles you may prefer empagliflozin.
Hi Lucy, I must admit I need to get a handle on my diet as I comfort eat. I need to lose weight so Ozempic sounds the better option but just scared of all the side effects of either really. But reading up everybody is different and can't really predict what i might be in for. Thank you
Hi Sandra. I’d say to consider whichever you try as a trial. Speak to the dr or nurse about how long you should give it to see if it’s working, what to do if you get side effects, and if the one you try doesn’t suit you then you could try the other
Hi Lucy, I must admit I need to get a handle on my diet as I comfort eat. I need to lose weight so Ozempic sounds the better option but just scared of all the side effects of either really. But reading up everybody is different and can't really predict what i might be in for. Thank you
I think diet is the answer, see it as diet changes rather than a diet, you don't want to take meds to keep diet as you are because your just masking the cause so get help with lower carbs diet. Comfort eating was a way of life for me and look where I ended up but just tweaking my food has turned it around, no more comfort eating as I don't need comfort anymore.
I have never eaten so well on around 100g's of carbs a day it's not a diet just small changes.
Good luck with your decision @Sandra@47

Let us know how you get on with whatever you decide to try 🙂
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