medical id bracelet

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It came this morning, and I'm actually really thrilled with it. Aymes, you were totally right, in that as it's engraved, you can't see it unless you're looking for it.

I understand what they said about not being able to fit it all on though - the bar with the details on is about half the length I thought it was going to be. Explains a lot.....🙄

Hi .. Im glad you like it now it has arrived and you can see it properly!!!!

wow that was really quick delivery!!! :D
I've had a medic alert necklace for years. While it's pretty useful, they only allow a certain number of changes each year as well as charging an annual subscription. Recently, I changed to using the u-tag dog tag You just pay for the tag and can have 4 lines engraved on the tag, I've got my name (very handy if I'm unconscious as paramedics find it useful to know your name), year of birth, house number and postcode and my 2 main conditions as well as 2 ICE numbers.

The tag itself is a USB stick and you input all the information yourself including all meds, conditions, a photo, emergency contacts, blood type and any advanced directives. All someone has to do is connect the stick, there's no need to download any software and they can access your information (it also translates into several languages). Changes are password protected and you can also store scans of your driving license, passport etc. in a separate folder.

The price compares well to a medic alert tag as there is no subscription and being able to edit details yourself is a big advantage. By the way, I don't work for them so this isn't a sales pitch :D
I went for a bracelet because I felt I could wear it with anything, I can always wear more than one bracelet, but I felt that I'd be tempted not to wear a medical necklace as i'd want to wear others!

As for visability, I'm not sure if it would make a difference, I think emergency medical personnel are trained to look for either.....?

i spoke to my mum (nurse of 30 years) and she recommended a necklace as this is where paramedics will check for a pulse, may open a collar button, etc.

i'm looking into getting a dog-tag-esque necklace and then a wristband or two from the coolmedid site, to cover both bases.
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