Meals close together or snack in-between and bolusing again before fast acting insulin has run out

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No reason why it shouldn’t be - we'd do the same without worrying about it! Enjoy
Thanks and bolus was 18:32pm it was bgl test that was 18:03pm - I had margherita pizza and really enjoyed it
So today I'm doing what my title says and having 2 meals close together - breakfast and bolus were done at 10:08am and once we get served lunch and bolus will be anytime now 13:49pm so breakfast bolus won't have fully worn off eeeeek! Wish me luck ohh and I'm having a tuna and mayo sandwich on white bread served with salad and crisps and I'm having a diet coke to drink
I estimated 36g of carbs for the tuna & mayo sandwich (hovis white is 36g of carbs) and for the crisps which I decided to weigh and enter the weight into carbs and cals and the crisps were 19g of carbs
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No, I was told stacking mainly applied to correction doses. Obviously you have to be aware of when you last ate and injected, but I frequently eat closer than 4/5hrs and have no issues.
I've asked my DSN the same question about having meals close together and this was her reply

"The best thing about your insulin regime is that you are not ruled by the clock . You can eat when you like as long as you remember that the fast acting will accumulate , so at least 3 hours between melas would be better"

so it's not just insulin correction doses
Well, obviously the doses will accumulate but it’s not important as long as you’re aware of that. Eg if your ratio is 1:10g and you eat 30g carbs and inject 3 units at 12pm and you then want a cereal bar at 1pm, then you can still have one and inject the necessary insulin (let’s say the cereal bar is 20g carbs) The 3 units you had at 12 noon is dealing with the 30g carbs you ate then, and if you take 2 units at 1pm to deal with your 20g carb cereal bar, then that’s fine.

Technically your doses could be said to have ‘accumulated/stacked’ but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re aware of when you last ate and that your insulin lasts X amount of hours.

Its no different than a long meal where you inject separately for the Starter, Main and Dessert. The only concern would be if someone didn’t realise their blood sugar would still be coming down and so wrongly thought it was high (because they’d recently eaten) and added a correction dose.

If someone is experienced and confident in managing their diabetes, eating and injecting more often than every 4 (or 3) hours is fine. If they’re not, then it’s best to keep things simple and stick to what their DSN tells them 🙂
Feeling really annoyed with myself this morning because it's usually anywhere from 9am to 9:30am ish when I have my breakfast then around 1pm ish to 2pm ish when I have my lunch. But because I went back to sleep after my waking test and tresiba at 8:30 again later than usual here I am now getting my breakfast at gone 11am!! At my usual lunchtime my humalog dose will probably only be 2 hours between meals!!
Do I risk having 2 doses only 2 hours apart or do I skip my lunch which means me only having 2 mealtime injections today?
There is absolutely no reason why you have to have 3 meals a day Gill unless you want to, so skipping a meal is absolutely fine. I do it all the time.
Alternatively you can have your lunch 2 hours after breakfast if you want to, but only bolus for the food at lunchtime (no corrections) because your levels will probably still be high from breakfast but there will be insulin on board to deal with that.
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