Me again… not coping

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If taking insulin would allow you to eat a more normal diet and help to stop you loosing weight and have more normal blood glucose levels then surely that would be a sensible regime for you if it works regardless of what label is put on your diabetes type. It is not just folk who are Type 1 who have an insulin requirement to manage blood glucose levels.
See some medics have been all for insulin but this particular one im seeing now is not saying I shouldn’t take it but that there is no requirement as my c pep was good. Is there a problem with having too much insulin in your body ? I mean does it actually do any harm ? X
There would be no need to stop insulin if you are decided to be type 2 and achieve a good hba1c whilst taking insulin. I’d just start taking it again in small doses
Oh I see… I thought I would have to have a crazy high hba1c to require insulin. Mind you if I ate normal I would lol xx
My understand was that you had to be eating a really extreme and unsustainable diet in order to achieve that, though, one that doesn't allow you to maintain your weight.

That just seems silly: I'd have thought a sensible approach would be to encourage you to go back on insulin while they do further investigations.
Yes my diet is brutal, and not sustainable I know this. Some days I can say to myself eat you silly cow. Then as the numbers creep up that little voice comes back telling me I’ve done bad and need to do better. There is literally zero help/consideration given to anxiety around eating with diabetes. I’ve had eating disorders and overcame them, but having diabetes is like next level mental torture around food! Back in my 20’s I would feel like such a failure if I gave in and ate… now I get a score for what I’ve eaten!!! What can be harder than that ?? Then you get medical professionals ringing you up ( on a sunny Saturday a few weeks back when I was actually feeling ok and contemplating doing some gardening ) saying hello just thought I’d ring as you have flagged up high risk for heart disease. Please can you be mindful of the fats you eat or take these pills that everybody hates! BE MINDFUL ABOUT WHAT I EAT !!!!! I do nothing but ??? However she is a lovely nurse, and had zero knowledge of how that conversation shaped my day/week when she ended the call with “ok my lovely… you go and enjoy this lovely sunshine” erm yeah thanks… will do lol xx
@EmmaL76 have you seen the ridiculously trendy colabs Birkenstock have some recently?
A friend bought the Arizona’s in black and silver and is convinced they’re the height of cutting edge fashion. £300!!
@EmmaL76 have you seen the ridiculously trendy colabs Birkenstock have some recently?
A friend bought the Arizona’s in black and silver and is convinced they’re the height of cutting edge fashion. £300!!
No way!! I’ve just googled them, there are some tan ones that I love! My Klarna always takes the biggest hit around 6am lol. X
No way!! I’ve just googled them, there are some tan ones that I love! My Klarna always takes the biggest hit around 6am lol. X
I’m pleased I know what Klarna is otherwise I’d think it was a euphemism!
Yes apart from the fact you can get off a roller coaster… it’s very similar x
Only when it's stationary, otherwise that is a daunting proposition and makes extreme sports seem easy! 🙂
Yes my diet is brutal, and not sustainable I know this. Some days I can say to myself eat you silly cow. Then as the numbers creep up that little voice comes back telling me I’ve done bad and need to do better. There is literally zero help/consideration given to anxiety around eating with diabetes. I’ve had eating disorders and overcame them, but having diabetes is like next level mental torture around food! Back in my 20’s I would feel like such a failure if I gave in and ate… now I get a score for what I’ve eaten!!! What can be harder than that ?? Then you get medical professionals ringing you up ( on a sunny Saturday a few weeks back when I was actually feeling ok and contemplating doing some gardening ) saying hello just thought I’d ring as you have flagged up high risk for heart disease. Please can you be mindful of the fats you eat or take these pills that everybody hates! BE MINDFUL ABOUT WHAT I EAT !!!!! I do nothing but ??? However she is a lovely nurse, and had zero knowledge of how that conversation shaped my day/week when she ended the call with “ok my lovely… you go and enjoy this lovely sunshine” erm yeah thanks… will do lol xx

Well, you got one bit of your early sentence right @EmmaL76 : Eat! Seriously, that’s the answer. Eat properly, take any medication you need to allow you to do so. That’s it - that’s the answer. But I completely understand why you find that simple solution hard. Which brings me to the second part of your sentence, which was completely and utterly wrong: you are not a silly cow! You’re a lovely person and that comes across in all your posts. Don’t you go talking yourself down, or blaming yourself for the difficulties you’re having.

Think about things in a different way. You’re not the cause of your issues, you hold the power in your hands to overcome them. Think about it that way - because it’s true.

Yes, LADA can take years to come on. I think I mentioned my friend before. They’d been diagnosed as ‘Type 2’ more than 10 years but had had blood sugar problems for a number of years before that diagnosis, and estimated things were going wrong at least 10 years before their actual diabetes diagnosis. So that’s 20 odd years in practice.

Your continued use of food and blood sugar results as a justification to punish yourself is very upsetting. I’ve been there and all I want to say is that you absolutely do NOT have to do that. Once you step off that mad conveyor belt, you won’t believe the peace that will blossom into your life and mind. If you can’t do that yourself (and that’s no failing on your part), then please do speak to someone. In my opinion, that’s more important than any MODY testing or anything. Sort your eating, find the right meds, live your life.
See I have brought this up, i did have some tests that I’m sure are related to pituitary and I think they were ok, but my cortisol was 3x the upper limit of normal. Was suffering with PTSD at the time you see and I always questioned that. Don’t get me wrong I could take insulin if I really needed to, and have done over the last week or so, but my charts get very funky when I do lol xx
If your cortisol levels are as high as you say then there's your culprit I would have thought! Cortisol rises blood sugar levels.
I have no cortisol in my body so take steroids to replace what I do not produce. My adrenal glands packed up which translates to Addison's disease. @mikeyB can you help?
If your cortisol levels are as high as you say then there's your culprit I would have thought! Cortisol rises blood sugar levels.
I have no cortisol in my body so take steroids to replace what I do not produce. My adrenal glands packed up which translates to Addison's disease. @mikeyB can you help?
I have brought this up with docs before, but I had some adrenal type of tests done that were fine. The cortisol test was a blood test first thing in the morning and was way over what it should be for that time of day. This was just put down to anxiety/stress in the end and was never tested again. I had a look over my old records which I found interesting as I didn’t know you could go so far back on doctors online system. I had suspected gestational 1999, out of the 5 hba1cs I’d had done between 2006 and now they have all been 5.8 apart from one when I was pregnant with my son. So one mark off pre diabetic, so don’t think cortisol could of been an issue for all that time? But the change in hba1c did coincide with the period of stress? It’s certainly worth investigation. It’s like today, I’m going away, stressing because people aren’t helping, tescos took all the Easter eggs out of my online shopping , heart rate going through the roof…. Sugars way higher than normal. But does this happen to all diabetics ? Bit of a what came first chicken or Easter egg scenario
I always agree with everything you say… it makes total sense. Until I try and do it. I really do know that the stuff I do isn’t normal. It’s just that when I’m completely in control I feel like that’s the only time I can settle. Problem is there is no completely controlling this so I never settle lol. Thankyou inka xx
Hello @EmmaL76 , the lack of steroids in my case was an example of low blood sugars I could not right.

But yes you need to ask for a retest re the high cortisol levels as it's not normal. AS you have probably seen on the forum many a time people ask about higher blood sugars whilst on steroids and cortisol is a steroid which you produce naturally.
I always agree with everything you say… it makes total sense. Until I try and do it. I really do know that the stuff I do isn’t normal. It’s just that when I’m completely in control I feel like that’s the only time I can settle. Problem is there is no completely controlling this so I never settle lol. Thankyou inka xx

I understand @EmmaL76 It’s like a security blanket, a safe state, a place where you feel in control. But, it’s a deplacement activity. Trying to exert strict control in an area of your life that you can because you feel like other areas you can’t control. It’s like an anchor.

Ask yourself honestly what areas of your life feel uncontrolled. It doesn’t have to be big areas. Sometimes little things are enough to get to you and unsettle you, and sometimes it’s a cumulative effect. If you’re at all like me, you like to bury things, not look at them, or glance at them, get stressed, and then look away because you’re stressed. Speaking to a counsellor will allow you to unpack these things, lay them out, and go through them in a gentle, controlled way. Just getting things out there helps enormously. It helps order your thoughts, and helps you see things in a new light. The understanding that will bring will help you address and overly controlled habits around food. xx
I understand @EmmaL76 It’s like a security blanket, a safe state, a place where you feel in control. But, it’s a deplacement activity. Trying to exert strict control in an area of your life that you can because you feel like other areas you can’t control. It’s like an anchor.

Ask yourself honestly what areas of your life feel uncontrolled. It doesn’t have to be big areas. Sometimes little things are enough to get to you and unsettle you, and sometimes it’s a cumulative effect. If you’re at all like me, you like to bury things, not look at them, or glance at them, get stressed, and then look away because you’re stressed. Speaking to a counsellor will allow you to unpack these things, lay them out, and go through them in a gentle, controlled way. Just getting things out there helps enormously. It helps order your thoughts, and helps you see things in a new light. The understanding that will bring will help you address and overly controlled habits around food. xx
All areas of my life are out of control! It’s kind of always been that way.
See I did see a counsellor one I paid for myself as the doctor put me on the list in 2020 and I still have not heard anything. I only had about 4 sessions because I wanted to address my health anxiety only, but she wanted to talk about my family life every week and was very insistent that there were some changes I had to make that I wasn’t willing to do. So I stopped them. Maybe it’s like you said then and it’s those things that make me behave the way I do about my diabetes. A few people have said this now, to me there is no connection and I’m simply controlling my sugars to stay healthy , even though when I look in the mirror I am anything but !!
All areas of my life are out of control! It’s kind of always been that way.
See I did see a counsellor one I paid for myself as the doctor put me on the list in 2020 and I still have not heard anything. I only had about 4 sessions because I wanted to address my health anxiety only, but she wanted to talk about my family life every week and was very insistent that there were some changes I had to make that I wasn’t willing to do. So I stopped them. Maybe it’s like you said then and it’s those things that make me behave the way I do about my diabetes. A few people have said this now, to me there is no connection and I’m simply controlling my sugars to stay healthy , even though when I look in the mirror I am anything but !!
I used to be a union health and safety rep and some of the training very much emphasised the signs of people suffering stress and anxiety would be manifested in physical symptoms even though they themselves didn't realise that was the cause. I do think there is a connection and cortisol is often called the stress hormone.
All areas of my life are out of control! It’s kind of always been that way.
See I did see a counsellor one I paid for myself as the doctor put me on the list in 2020 and I still have not heard anything. I only had about 4 sessions because I wanted to address my health anxiety only, but she wanted to talk about my family life every week and was very insistent that there were some changes I had to make that I wasn’t willing to do. So I stopped them. Maybe it’s like you said then and it’s those things that make me behave the way I do about my diabetes. A few people have said this now, to me there is no connection and I’m simply controlling my sugars to stay healthy , even though when I look in the mirror I am anything but !!
Hi Emma, it may be that there are links between your management of your physical health and your past experiences, but it is difficult to see these when you are in the midst of it all. However managing what you are doing now is your priority at present. I would have hoped that a counsellor would work with your current needs and I wonder whether you might benefit from working with someone else. I realise that is an outlay, but if you get the right counsellor it can really help. Working together they can identify links to follow up on when you are ready.

I know I have said this before, but I still think that you are doing all you can to manage your levels, and some insulin would really help you, giving you the facility to do corrections and match insulin to meals.
All areas of my life are out of control! It’s kind of always been that way.
See I did see a counsellor one I paid for myself as the doctor put me on the list in 2020 and I still have not heard anything. I only had about 4 sessions because I wanted to address my health anxiety only, but she wanted to talk about my family life every week and was very insistent that there were some changes I had to make that I wasn’t willing to do. So I stopped them. Maybe it’s like you said then and it’s those things that make me behave the way I do about my diabetes. A few people have said this now, to me there is no connection and I’m simply controlling my sugars to stay healthy , even though when I look in the mirror I am anything but !!

If you pay, you can guide the sessions more. Lots of counsellors seem to have a method and they’ll approach everyone by working through similar exercises. Mine did that, but I simply asked that we concentrate on X for now and maybe come back to that when we’d worked through X. That’s a polite way of using your money to the best effect as I knew I couldn’t afford endless sessions.

So, in the first session, honestly set out your issues - food, control, whatever - and ask if he/she feels able to help you work through those things. This will also give you a chance to see if the counsellor is the right person for you. It’s important they are.

If you need to starve yourself to control your sugars, that’s not an answer. If your diet is making you feel so rough and tired, that’s not an answer either. Your body needs appropriate nutrition. We have the drugs to help you eat properly if you need them. Did you know before the discovery of insulin, some people with Type 1 could go on for months or even a year or more? Yes, they were ‘controlling their blood sugars’ - they did this by starving themselves. We have absolutely no need to do that now.

Forgive my presumption, but I sense reluctance to address this particular issue because it’s something you don’t want to let go of. As someone who has let go of a similar problem, with hindsight I can tell you that the improvement in my life is massive. It’s like clinging onto a life-raft when you could let go and be picked up by a rescue ship. Yes, it’s hard to let go, and it can be scary, but once you’re on the rescue boat all of that will be forgotten. Take that leap of faith and reach out for the rescue boat. xx
Cortisol is usually defined as the stress hormone.

But looking at this from the other end of that telescope: stress is fundamentally bad for D. It causes cortisol response which triggers a release of glucose from the liver or other body reserves. It causes BG elevation, often more frequently than adrenalin does in a normal day.
Hello @EmmaL76 , the lack of steroids in my case was an example of low blood sugars I could not right.

But yes you need to ask for a retest re the high cortisol levels as it's not normal. AS you have probably seen on the forum many a time people ask about higher blood sugars whilst on steroids and cortisol is a steroid which you produce naturally.
I had no idea cortisol was a steroid !! In that case I should be built like The Hulk !
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