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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
What part of me asking for a diet Coke do you not understand?

Been twice in the last week asked for diet going threw the drive one, and they give me full on sugar coke, are they mad? When i go in and ask them for diet they look at me like im stupid and just being petty ! No you mCdonald nugget it will make sugars go threw the roof!!!

I think they need training a few customer skills and how to cater for all needs sorry for the angry one Rant Over sorry peops
I'd write a letter or email to head office and cite the restaurant in question Scotty. They need to realise this isn't something trivial!
I'd write a letter or email to head office and cite the restaurant in question Scotty. They need to realise this isn't something trivial!

and then I'd take my money elsewhere.

try KFC there alot better in my experience.😉
Not had a single problem at Mcdonalds. Then again I don't use the drive through. I think the problem is when they line up drinks pre-made to make the service faster and the employee passing the drinks can't be arsed to make a fresh one so just puts in full fat coke and hopes you don't notice. At the same time thinking "If he's coming to McDonalds why the hell is he ordering diet anything anyway". I'd stick to water at drive throughs, less hassle, more healthy 😛
Or just keep driving through !

Far far healthier :D

I noticed that recently the McDs around here have started selling Coke Zero as well as Diet.
I'd contact the branch manager and head office. If you are offered full on coke again, pay with monoply or toy town money...
Not had a single problem at Mcdonalds. Then again I don't use the drive through. I think the problem is when they line up drinks pre-made to make the service faster and the employee passing the drinks can't be arsed to make a fresh one so just puts in full fat coke and hopes you don't notice. At the same time thinking "If he's coming to McDonalds why the hell is he ordering diet anything anyway". I'd stick to water at drive throughs, less hassle, more healthy 😛

why it is supposed to be a restaurant? I should be able to go to maccas and order a salad and diet coke whats the prob with tht?
why it is supposed to be a restaurant? I should be able to go to maccas and order a salad and diet coke whats the prob with tht?

Indeed you should Scotty. Unfortunately this is quite a common problem, as witnessed by our 'Didka' (Diet Drink Awareness) campaign a while back. Fast food outlets in particular seem to be serial offenders. :(
Mistakes happen, no biggie. Rather than this employee being branded as an "idiot" it could have been a plethora of issues; such as a misheard order or an error in the drive-thru system istelf. A polite word with the shift manager would of resolved it I'm sure. If you are that worried about being served a full-fat coke then simply reiterate that it is important ethat its diet coke at the window. Problem solved 😉

McDonalds in my opinion are very good at catering for special dietary needs. And with the amount of different needs out there its not always easy to get it right everytime and mistakes do happen. No body died, relax 🙂
Scotty was it the same drive threw both times?
why it is supposed to be a restaurant? I should be able to go to maccas and order a salad and diet coke whats the prob with tht?

Didn't say there was a problem with it. Just offered what I would do as a suggestion which might save you some grief in the future. Don't worry you don't have to take my suggestion. I order diet coke all the time at McDonalds, it's not like i'm a water fanatic. It's just this has seemed to bother you a lot, so I was trying to help improve that. Like others have said, mistakes can be made, genuine ones, can't always assume it's deliberate. Just chill out a bit.😉
I think the ones saying relax a little would be saying diffirently if they were suffering a hypo and the trigger of it was the full fat coke when you asked for a diet one..
I think the ones saying relax a little would be saying diffirently if they were suffering a hypo and the trigger of it was the full fat coke when you asked for a diet one..

I'd be glad of full fat coke if I was having a hypo 😛
urgh i get that all the time, i sit down taste it and i'm like ewwww normal coke so i go back and i'm all moody, i then say "i asked for a diet coke not a normal coke thanks very much" and give them evilllllsss....

haha, well perhaps not the moody and the evils bit, but you catch my drift 🙂
I think the ones saying relax a little would be saying diffirently if they were suffering a hypo and the trigger of it was the full fat coke when you asked for a diet one..

How would a sugary drink trigger hypoglycemia :confused:?
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