Massive welcome to all 'newbies'

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They keep asking me how much I drink and how often because I've got some liver damage. Answer, I don't drink, never did drink much and quit altogether about three years ago. 'They're' obsessed.
It's a closed loop reasearch project, I have a constant BG sensor attached at the moment and will be switched to a different pump later at the hospital.
It's part of artificial pancreas research.

thanks for that i was just being nosey , is it a hospital yes? that has alcohol

Yes, Addenbrookes is the hospital where all my treatment is carried out, I will be given wine.
I am quite looking forward to it actually, Should be fun.
Will probably reply back here later as I am just about to get ready to leave.
It's a closed loop reasearch project, I have a constant BG sensor attached at the moment and will be switched to a different pump later at the hospital.
It's part of artificial pancreas research.

ooh great, that's what im holding out for, the artificial pancreas! as well as the artificial womb for when I want kids...
I was so chuffed when after diagnosis that they said my liver function was fine, well I've had a few in my time, and it was nice to know no damage has been done yet!

Regarding newbies is it to do with time of year, I was diagnosed in November, is the Autumn time more prone to diagnosis??? When did you all get the nodd??
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