Massive welcome to all 'newbies'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was away for a couple of days and wow, so many new people!

Forgive me for not writing to each of you personally - but I hope you will each accept my welcoming you to the club, which really we wish we were not part of...............

Having said that - everyone here is the tops - and I know that any questions you have will be answered.

FYI, me. I am T2, diagnosed 8 or 9 years ago, tried a number of tablets over the years but was put on a mix of insulin and tablets earler this year. So, I feel as though I have a foot in each camp, so to speak.

Good luck to everyone

well i was just saying to people in the virtual pub thread we do seem to have had a lot of newbies since tuesday im just pleased they found us

id just like to extend my welcome to all the newbies to xxx
You're right Hazel, there have been a lot of new people coming to the site in recent days! I'm wondering where they all found us - perhaps the new issue of Balance is out, or Sweet? Or perhaps we're doing better on the google searches!

A very warm welcome to all of you - do drop by and let us know how you found us!🙂
Lol, I noticed we had a lot of new members too, after a marathon 'welcome' session I had earlier!! :D

I noticed that as well lots of new people this week. Any of the newbies like to let us know where they found us?

on google at the moment if you type 'diabetes forum' we are the very top sponsored link
if you type 'diabetes support' we are top and 3rd link
I noticed too, and was wondering how i'd ever get round to welcoming everyone!

So hello newbies and welcome aboard :D
I'm one of the newbies that joined this week.

Having been diagnosed last week, and knowing very little about the subject, I did what I normally do when researching something new and turned to Google. I'm a member of other forums (fly fishing in the main) and am well aware of just how useful a resource is a forum of this type.

I have been seriously impressed by the willingness of this forum to help newbies and by the obvious thought and care that the members here put into their postings.
I ought to say welcome to newbies more often. We are a friendly bunch here, and although we can only offer personal experience, it is nice to know there are lots of willing helpers and advisors here.
We have had over 50 new members signing up this week! The busiest day for the forum was November 17th, 2008 when we had 38 new members in a single day! That was around the time tat Balance printed an article about the forum, which shows that people will come here if only they know about us. I think that also, because the forum has been so busy generally, this helps move us up the search engine listings, so more people are finding us by that route.🙂
thats interesting, I think that Balance should publish our details every issue, it will only take a small amount of space. I haven't seen the new Balance yet is the article good?
WELCOME to you all !sorry if i dont personally welcome you all but id be here all day!....what d'you mean i AM here all day...Warning this forum can be bad for your housework!!
thats interesting, I think that Balance should publish our details every issue, it will only take a small amount of space. I haven't seen the new Balance yet is the article good?

No, I was talking about last year when the forum launched - I don't think they've mentioned us since! There must be an issue due soon, seems like ages since the last one - I wonder if our letter writing campaign worked?
WOW those stats , last night mind you it was busy and for the first time when i looked at 'who is online' they was 2 pages to look at .
No, I was talking about last year when the forum launched - I don't think they've mentioned us since! There must be an issue due soon, seems like ages since the last one - I wonder if our letter writing campaign worked?

I just had a look at DUK's website and they have us on the Home page!!! Hurrah!!!!:D
oh, woo! that explains things then lol. I personally think the forum should be a tab on their navigation menu - everyone would see that and everyone looks for a forum on those kinds of sites 🙄
I am also one of the last week newbies.
I am just getting ready to go into Addenbrookes tonight for a research stay.
Alcohol is involved, which should be funny considering I don't drink.
I am also one of the last week newbies.
I am just getting ready to go into Addenbrookes tonight for a research stay.
Alcohol is involved, which should be funny considering I don't drink.

would be funny for me as i dont drink either , id say have a nice time but what is it about ??
would be funny for me as i dont drink either , id say have a nice time but what is it about ??

It's a closed loop reasearch project, I have a constant BG sensor attached at the moment and will be switched to a different pump later at the hospital.
It's part of artificial pancreas research.
It's a closed loop reasearch project, I have a constant BG sensor attached at the moment and will be switched to a different pump later at the hospital.
It's part of artificial pancreas research.

thanks for that i was just being nosey , is it a hospital yes? that has alcohol
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