Marmite good or bad for you

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I love marmite SO MUCH. But a friend who was training to be a Dr told me they use it to mutate cells as an experiment. This means it is a carcinogen.

Along with a lot of other things of course.

I gave it up for about a year and then fell back into almost my old ways - I used to have it on toast for breakfast and for lunch, now I have one piece of rye toast with it on in the morning! Thinly spread!

Just a quick observation re marmite. I had painful foot problems including big toe and heal on the same foot for several years which my doctor couldn't cure with medicines. I love marmite and I used to have it 4-5 mornings a week but due to a diagnosis of angina, I was advised to cut down on bread and consequently stopped marmite completely. Anyway foot pain stopped and hasn't returned after several months. Coincidence? I don't think so and will report this to my GP in case he could help anyone else with foot joint pain.
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