Majority of Brits no longer own a land line.

We no longer have a land line. Just broadband. Anyone we know contacts on our mobiles? We were literally only getting spam calls. Either automated or from what sounded like call centres.
We still have ours - we have Sky Talk, along with our TV & Broadband package. We don't pay a monthly subscription for it though - we opted to just pay for any calls we make, and line rental is free. Last month's call charges came to 52p, and that was just one call to the DVLA.

It's useful if we need to call Sky as calls are free if you're a Sky Talk customer, and as the calls usually involve haggling over our subscription they tend to be quite long calls.
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I went with TalkTalk at my flat, not been here long. Just for emergencies, but then mobile packed up so used the landline for a few days, not even a week I don't think. £138 odd. Gutted. One call to my daughter, just waffling on, cost me £7. Never again. It can collect dust and look fetching on the occasional, ie never, table.
One call to my daughter, just waffling on, cost me £7. Never again.
This may be a contributing factor why less people have a landline.
Also people and organisations seem to have a preference for phoning mobiles over fixed lines to avoid no answer due to people not being home.
We got rid of ours when our broadband company wanted to start charging us just for having it. Nobody ever rang it anyway apart from annoying call centres. The only time it might be useful is if you are having problems with your mobile, but as there are 3 of us here not all on the same network it should always be possible to get hold of one or the other!
We still have a landline. It means that whichever of us is available to answer the phone can do so, if the other is in the car/on a horse/in the shower etc. Quite often either my husband or I can deal with a call one of us might otherwise have missed (ie, what time the plumber is coming, the neighbour wants to come round and mend their fence, etc etc.)
We took our landline out 3 years ago, it was never used but were paying something like £15 a month for basically a ornament.

Shame as still remember excitement of getting a landline phone when we were kids, prior to that parents couldn't afford one so we had to stand in line outside phone box on corner of street to use it.
We keep ours for just in case although I think it will go in the next few years due to "progress". I had to negotiate a deal with the line being free but paying for calls. The first calls we made were so expensive that they are likely to be the last and we now use our mobiles, but incoming calls are free to us and might be needed. We also mainly get spam calls.
I’ve not had a landline for 7 years. I hardly used it when I did have one.
We've been slow starters switching to the mobiles, it's only since I started with the libre that I left it turned on. I was one of those people who switched it on when I knew somebody was going to call. Having no friends helps 😉.
Coversation is becoming a thing of the past:(...

Do you not make calls on your mobile?

Most contracts seem to have unlimited minutes these days.

Our landline got axed almost by accident. I switched provider, and hadn’t really realised that landline wasn’t part of the new package. But then like many others the only calls we were getting on the landline were spam / scam / automated overseas calls.

I do feel a bit weird about having lost ‘our’ number though.
Do you not make calls on your mobile?
I wasn't making the point about myself.

There has been a significant change in our culture and behaviour particularly for the younger generation. As the post shows, it's mainly the elderly who have held on to their land lines.

Texting and emailing has had a huge impact on businesses and people's social skills, health and wellbeing. In that, younger people are unwilling or are unable to talk and hold conversations.

The trouble with texting and emails is you usually only get a simple message back, whereas in a conversation, many things can be explored, relationships and rapport can flourish. You can get answers to questions you didn't even ask.

This is the problem with switching over to mobile phones and computers, it's the lack of human relationships.
This concerns me because my broadband comes in via my landline. I only kept my landline as a backup or for friends who have no mobile. My broadband has been with PlusNet since 2009, I have no intention of leaving as my service has been great. All my mobile calls with EE don't cost me a penny, so my landline just sits there. However at the beginning of the year my landline provider Shell Energy told me they were giving this to Talk Talk, everyone who knows me knows I would not touch TT as I loathe them, but had no say, I got an email from TT two weeks ago to say "your migration is now complete, we will tell you when your first payment will be taken in August, you should notice no interruptions".

Oh really, my landline has been dead to outgoing/incoming calls for three weeks. Not even a dial tone, My new bill is 2nd August at £55 which includes a £22 fee for what I don't know. To say I am angry is an understatement..
I've been with talktalk for some time now. The most important thing to do is NEVER NEVER EVER phone their support line.
The 'script monkeys' will annoy the hell outta you by making you jump through endless hoops until you desperately want to beat the hell outta something (pick a pillow and let rip on that).

The best way to get decently fast and good resolution (after trying rebooting etc), is to log a call on their forum giving as much helpful detail as you have. Log it asap to get it seen sooner.
The forum is by far the best route to getting any issues fixed. The support team pick up issues and get them looked at.
At the moment I hope you're right because I feel as if I don't even want to talk to them as a I have the feeling it will make things worse, also I thought of cancelling the DD which would cancel my landline but won't do so bcause that will cancel my broadband with PkusNet, so I feel screwed.
Before I found that forum I hated talktalk and would never recommend them to anyone who could not fix their own internet (assuming it was something they could impact themself).
The phone line people are rubbish, and the most they seemed able to do was a reset on the line (I suspect that's the equivalent of a pc reboot).
Since I found the forum I've found talktalk fine. So my advice would be ensure the forum is bookmarked on phone and PC, so you have it readily available.

If your landline is still out, get all the info together and raise it as an issue in the appropriate part of that forum 🙂
I want compensation and right now I am thinking of reporting them to ofcom. I am also considered a vulnerable person, I have health ussues and serioys heart issues, no family and live alone. This carry,on is unforgivable.
I'd definitely be looking for redress, but the key immediate thing is getting the line back up and working
If they already messed it up, I have no confidence they will fix it and scared it interferes with my broadband which is my lifeline.
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