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Sorry forgot to add a mile and a quarter walk to work between 7.20....8.00
I hope you have taken some glucose for that 4.4 with a vertical downward arrow. 😱

Why are you injecting your insulin after eating. This is the cause of the huge spike..... the glucose from the carbs is hitting your blood stream much quicker than the insulin, so you need to slowly increase your prebolus time.

Also, why did you double your insulin dose? That is a big change all at one go? Insulin is powerful stuff and you need to be cautious with adjustments. Hope you are OK!
Adding in exercise on top of a double dose is also dangerous. I know you said you had dextrose at the ready but please do be cautious about increasing doses and taking exercise at the same time.

If you have been struggling with post meal spikes, it is nearly always the timing of the insulin and you need to bring it forward to give it time to give it a head start on the food, particularly at breakfast time as it can take longer then because it is often also dealing with DP/FOTF ie the liver releasing glucose as well, so it is kind of like the insulin is swimming against a strong current and needs some extra time to make some headway before the carbs hit your system. Many of us need a lot longer prebolus time at breakfast than at other times of day because if this.
Yes I did take some glucose then a slice of bread and butter so I am now back up again, tomorrow going to have the same breakfast but take the insulin 10 minutes before and driving to work so that's the leg stretch out of the window...Thanks for advice.
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