Lunch time hypos

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Gaaaaah......having ANOTHER hypo because I decided to go into a couple of shops on my way back from buying lunch instead of going straight back to the office and eating 😡 2.9, which has really buggered up good BS numbers of yesterday (6, 5.1, 4.4, 4.8), especially as I was 7.3 before breakfast as well.

ARGH! (excuse me 😎)
Gaaaaah......having ANOTHER hypo because I decided to go into a couple of shops on my way back from buying lunch instead of going straight back to the office and eating 😡 2.9, which has really buggered up good BS numbers of yesterday (6, 5.1, 4.4, 4.8), especially as I was 7.3 before breakfast as well.

ARGH! (excuse me 😎)

had you taken your insulin before you went to get lunch????
Nope, cause I'm on Novomix, so I took it with breakfast...10 units at that injection.
Sodding glucotabs are taking their time to work....hands are still shaking. Grr

ah i see. well the only thing i could say is it seems as if your dose may have been to high for what you had to eat at breakfast 🙂
Nope, cause I'm on Novomix, so I took it with breakfast...10 units at that injection.
Sodding glucotabs are taking their time to work....hands are still shaking. Grr

I kept hypoing on novomix by lunch because i was getting the right amount of long acting but too much short at breakfast so they've now switched me to seperate as was too much short and was not eating enough breakfast to cover it :(
I kept hypoing on novomix by lunch because i was getting the right amount of long acting but too much short at breakfast so they've now switched me to seperate as was too much short and was not eating enough breakfast to cover it :(

yeah they usually start pepps off on the mix then switch them to basal/bolus when they start to have problems on the mixed insulin.
Bit miffed off actually. I was just saying to my housemate (who works at the same office as me) that I was more annoyed that this spoiled my day of good numbers, to which I got the reply "well, it's probably a good thing not to get too cocky, then" Hmph!
Bit miffed off actually. I was just saying to my housemate (who works at the same office as me) that I was more annoyed that this spoiled my day of good numbers, to which I got the reply "well, it's probably a good thing not to get too cocky, then" Hmph!

wow thats a little bit of an a**ey thing to say!!!!!!

if i was you i'd ask your dsn about going onto basal/bolus asap. gives you better control.
Probably a good idea. (Oh, and I shall be having words when he comes back from getting his lunch)

i really dont blame you for having words!!!!!! its horrid for us to be having hypos anyway and hard enough to get good control all the time when a even a cold can throw your numbers all over the shop. so maybe a littlew support from him wouldnt be a bad thing.

if they offer you basal/bolus i would ask them to put you on novorapid for your short acting (bolus) and lantus for your long acting (basal)
He's actually been really, really brilliant for the most part. He was the one who pushed me into going to see a doctor in the first place, bought me some DUK cookery books, took me food shopping the night I got out of hospital and was feeling overwhelmed, and has been encouraging me to stick to better eating. I just spoke to him as he got back, and it was an unfortunate choice of words on his part, it seems. Good job too, because I hate being mad at him.

As regarding basal/bolus, I think my DSN wants to start me on that fairly soon, by the sounds of it. I originally thought they meant starting me on DAFNE, but I think I got the wrong end of the stick. I hear novorapid and lantus being mentioned a lot - are they the best bet?
He's actually been really, really brilliant for the most part. He was the one who pushed me into going to see a doctor in the first place, bought me some DUK cookery books, took me food shopping the night I got out of hospital and was feeling overwhelmed, and has been encouraging me to stick to better eating. I just spoke to him as he got back, and it was an unfortunate choice of words on his part, it seems. Good job too, because I hate being mad at him.

As regarding basal/bolus, I think my DSN wants to start me on that fairly soon, by the sounds of it. I originally thought they meant starting me on DAFNE, but I think I got the wrong end of the stick. I hear novorapid and lantus being mentioned a lot - are they the best bet?

well i find lantus is a lot better for me as it has a smoother profile (they way it lasts in your body) so it has no spikes(doesnt peak and drop). novorapid is probably the best bolus around (i had it when i first got diagnosed over 9 years ago). there are a few options, but i have found these two are the best for me. it is best to discuss the options with your dsn, but as your on novomix id say they will give you novorapid for certain, but the lantus they may offer you a alternative. 🙂
Thanks for the info - good to know these things.

Just tested again - back up to 5.7, which is obviously better.

glad to help and glad to see the numbers are better 🙂
thats a pretty typical problem with mixed insulin. If you look at these links they will show the action profiles on the insulins. the first one compares lantus (relatively flat profile) with NPH- which is the 70% bit of the novomix you are taking. So you can see that it has a peak in the lunch period. So you will have to either snack mid-morning or make sure you eat lunch at the same time each day. This is the reason a mix doesn't work well for most people. lantus and levemir are the 2 basal (long acting) insulins each seems as good as each other, just a consultants preference really what they prescribe. The bolus fast acting insulins used for meals are novorapid (which you are taking already) or humalog or aprida, novorapid seems to be the main choice.

Seems like you are doing really well for only being diagnosed a few weeks.
Just a suggestion from a type one who's on pills, is it possible to have a plain biscuit or cracker before you go out, jut to tide you over? Then if you go shopping, you'll be less likely to hypo and if neccessary cover it with nsulin when you come back?
Just a suggestion from a type one who's on pills, is it possible to have a plain biscuit or cracker before you go out, jut to tide you over? Then if you go shopping, you'll be less likely to hypo and if neccessary cover it with nsulin when you come back?

How can a type one be on pills?:confused:

Also, you can not cover for snacks on a mixed dose, you need to be on basal/bolus, this would be dangerous to do this. the best thing while you are still on mixed insulin is what sofaraway has suggested. take care
How can a type one be on pills?:confused:

Also, you can not cover for snacks on a mixed dose, you need to be on basal/bolus, this would be dangerous to do this. the best thing while you are still on mixed insulin is what sofaraway has suggested. take care

Yeah I wondered that when i read it, especially as the profile says type 2, anyway as I said earlier that is why i was then changed as I was feadin to cope with the amount of mix which is not the way to do it at all
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