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Duane Charles

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This post isn’t about diabetic lows but the way I’m currently feeling. For the past few nights I haven’t had a great nights sleep. I know I’m still in the experimental stage of exploring my diet and possibly my medication working. I don’t know enough about diabetes and therefore not confident enough to discuss it and how I’m feeling with work colleagues. It has been pointed out that I don’t seem the same as I was, but I’m also trying to maintain an equilibrium. I’m a manager and apparently I should be full of the joys of spring regardless of how I’m feeling. Sorry just needed to get this off my chest.
This post isn’t about diabetic lows but the way I’m currently feeling. For the past few nights I haven’t had a great nights sleep. I know I’m still in the experimental stage of exploring my diet and possibly my medication working. I don’t know enough about diabetes and therefore not confident enough to discuss it and how I’m feeling with work colleagues. It has been pointed out that I don’t seem the same as I was, but I’m also trying to maintain an equilibrium. I’m a manager and apparently I should be full of the joys of spring regardless of how I’m feeling. Sorry just needed to get this off my chest.
If you work for a largish organisation they may have an occupational health person who you could talk to about your issues.
Awww, bless you. Diabetes (of any type) is a pretty tough condition, especially in the beginning when you are still trying to learn what works best, and it’s bloody relentless too, which was one of the things I found hardest. Talking to friends/relatives/colleagues rarely helps, because unless they have been through the same thing then they don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, even if they are trying to be sympathetic.

But you are not alone, you have all of us on this forum, who know exactly how you’re feeling and can confirm that you will come out the other side eventually. It does get easier. You’ve made a good start of getting to grips with it all which can only bode well for the future. If you have a bad day and slip a bit, don’t beat yourself up about it, just start again the next day. We all have days where it all goes wrong (sometimes without obvious reason). And above all, if you need a rant, this is a great place to do it! Sending (((((Hugs)))))
The organisation is a franchise of a large worldwide company and unfortunately profits come first.
Awww, bless you. Diabetes (of any type) is a pretty tough condition, especially in the beginning when you are still trying to learn what works best, and it’s bloody relentless too, which was one of the things I found hardest. Talking to friends/relatives/colleagues rarely helps, because unless they have been through the same thing then they don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, even if they are trying to be sympathetic.

But you are not alone, you have all of us on this forum, who know exactly how you’re feeling and can confirm that you will come out the other side eventually. It does get easier. You’ve made a good start of getting to grips with it all which can only bode well for the future. If you have a bad day and slip a bit, don’t beat yourself up about it, just start again the next day. We all have days where it all goes wrong (sometimes without obvious reason). And above all, if you need a rant, this is a great place to do it! Sending (((((Hugs)))))
Thank you @Sally71 I know things will change in due course as I get my head around things. I have had a couple of breakdowns at work, which weren’t necessarily diabetes related but the first one I continued to work through and after the second went home. My manager was present for both and whilst they’re aware of my current health situation, there’s not much “interaction” by them to find out what’s happening.
Sorry to hear your mood has taken a bit of a battering @Duane62

It’s not at all uncommon, so you aren’t alone in going through this. Many people experience phases of anger, denial, bargaining, and depression following their diabetes diagnosis - it can be like a form of grieving.

Do you think it would help to make some vague and unspecific reference to “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been working through some healthcare stuff recently” as a response to anyone who asks what’s up?

It’s a technique I used when I’ve had mood-impacting things that it became difficult to repeatedly tell the story of to all and sundry. Just enough information to satisfy the other person, without having to tell the whole tale again.
Do you think it would help to make some vague and unspecific reference to “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been working through some healthcare stuff recently” as a response to anyone who asks what’s up?
I have been up front with my manager about the management of my D both by myself and medical team at my surgery. I have had medication changes that left me nauseous and at one point throwing up. I’ve been taken off medication because I wasn’t instructed on how to take it correctly, then put back on it. I’m quite sure that none of this information I have given them, including the breakdowns have been passed back up the chain.
Do you think it would help to make some vague and unspecific reference to “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been working through some healthcare stuff recently” as a response to anyone who asks what’s up?
I have also said when asked how I’m feeling by peers “I’m not great, but I’m here” or “upright and breathing”
Don’t want to go to work, but can’t afford not to
Sending enormous virtual {{{Hugs}}}
and, also wondering if you've had recent blood tests to rule out hypothyroidism?
Sending enormous virtual {{{Hugs}}}
and, also wondering if you've had recent blood tests to rule out hypothyroidism?
Thank you, I know that I’ve thyroid blood tests in the past (this year), but nothing has come back from them to suggest anything abnormal. I will ask if it can be done again though. Not related to thyroid, I did have to have a re-test for ACR (kidneys) as that came back low, but the re-test was normal.
I made the decision that because of how I’m feeling not to go to work. I’ve rung them and explained that I won’t be in. However, I get thrown the threat of disciplinary action for it. Sorry, but wtf?
I made the decision that because of how I’m feeling not to go to work. I’ve rung them and explained that I won’t be in. However, I get thrown the threat of disciplinary action for it.

Sorry to hear that @Duane62

If you feel your employer isn’t acting fairly, it might be worth calling the Diabetes UK Helpline when it re-opens on Monday for advice on your rights at work, and the ‘reasonable adjustments’ employers should make.
Absolutely second @everydayupsanddowns...we have employment laws in this country!

I work in the care sector and it's only since having a much more switched on manager who arranged an occupational health assessment have I had adjustments made to my working day and the number of hours I can work so that I can take a lunch break and stick to my contracted hours rather than doing 45 plus because we're short staffed. I think this manager realised that it was that or lose me to ill health.
Absolutely second @everydayupsanddowns...we have employment laws in this country!

I work in the care sector and it's only since having a much more switched on manager who arranged an occupational health assessment have I had adjustments made to my working day and the number of hours I can work so that I can take a lunch break and stick to my contracted hours rather than doing 45 plus because we're short staffed. I think this manager realised that it was that or lose me to ill health.
I currently have other issues apart from my health at work, those issues I don’t want to discuss right now. That said these along with my D are causing me to suffer with more anxiety, depression and mood swings. I have been keeping my immediate line manager aware but don’t believe that this has been passed on to our Head office, I’m on The Wirral and they’re down in Cardiff.
Good Morning @Duane62, I was just wondering how you are feeling this morning. I hope you got a decent night's sleep and perhaps just feeling a bit 'chirpier' overall?
Just seen your terrible jokes. Bodes well, me-thinks!
Good Morning @Duane62, I was just wondering how you are feeling this morning. I hope you got a decent night's sleep and perhaps just feeling a bit 'chirpier' overall?
I’m still not in a great place, I think the humour is just me trying. I did speak to my GP yesterday and have done a self referral for counselling. Christmas hasn’t been a great time for me over the past 20 years and this year will unfortunately be no better @Proud to be erratic, thank you for asking, it’s appreciated
Sorry you’re struggling @Duane62 I found counselling really useful - much more so than I thought it would be. I hope it helps you.
Sorry you’re struggling @Duane62 I found counselling really useful - much more so than I thought it would be. I hope it helps you.
Thank you @Inka I hope the counselling helps too. However, I don’t think the work issues are going to end well
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