Low carb: Fat or fiction

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No problem, it's all very interesting. In my case my BMI is 19.4 (I'm 6' 1 and weigh 67kg) with no excess fat at all - I've always been skinny. I weigh the same now as when I was diagnosed almost 30 years ago and haven't restricted carbs at all or at least only as part of my diet which I would describe as 'balanced.' Being T1 throws up challenges at the best of times but certainly so during exercise and I've found fuelling with carbs work best for me during rides. I would imagine currently that the majority of elite athletes (not that I'm one of them 😉 ) have a carb focussed diet. Whether that will change over the coming years only time will tell. 🙂

We each have to manage our conditions as well as we can, which ever regime we utilise. I have no beef with anyone who wants use a different diet to me; that's their choice. I was being Devil's Advocate and illustrating that there are many ways to skin this diabetes cat, for most people.
The disappointing thing is that the people on these forums - are not the majority of diabetics of any type. So if you imagine that 'most people are more or less like us' that is a HUGE mistake.

I recently was involved in reviewing the content for a new leaflet for patients concerning diabetic pregnancies. All ladies of course but I don't think that actually matters because first I was horrified to be told that the average reading age of all adults in general registered with the NHS in England is - NINE years of age. And the average HbA1c of the ladies at first check in their preg? Nine point something. Plenty above that but not so many under it and less still under 8.

When anyone makes a remotely sensible suggestion at all on here - well, we're all preaching to the already converted, frankly!
I was horrified to be told that the average reading age of all adults in general registered with the NHS in England is - NINE years of age. !
The reading age of the red top papers is about 7 and the broadsheets 11. 😱 Doesn't say much for our education system, does it.
Interesting article about LCHF in endurance exercise:


Must admit, I've been a runner for 35 years and have never really 'carb-loaded' - I generally run on empty, and top up occasionally with small amounts of carbs depending on distance (up to 8 miles currently, no extra carbs needed, and I start out with just slice of Burgen in my belly). Also, when I was in my 20s my BMI was around 17-18, so didn't have much fat on me either - but I was very light on my feet! 🙂
If I may add to this discussion in a slightly different vein. I was diagnosed 12 years type 2 and my blood sugar was 26 at the time. For 12 years I ave followed my surgerys advice, stoke up on pasta and things to stop feeling hungry. Where I live type 2's are not given meters and I was relieved with my needle phobia. After the 12 years my medication went up gradually to 2000mg metformin, 320mg and 100 mg szitagliptin daily and the Habc still rising hence the recommendation for insulin. Since I have been testing for a week and getting advice here my bs levels have dropped to only a little high. I blame the medical profession, out of date advice and not giving meters. Had I known then and had a meter I would not be in the position I am now. ALL diabetics should be given a meter automatically.
Totally agree with you @pat.y - and you are a great example of why! Great to hear that things are improving for you 🙂
The GCN guys have waded in to the high carb or low carb and exercise debate with this video. Not sure it makes it any clearer. The best bit is the comments underneath - as to be expected it's generated a number of conflicting opinions. :D

I have amazing news ! I went to the nurse with my own testing sheet today as I was told to do and prepare to be put on insulin. She looked at my results which I never had before because I wasn't allowed meter. She said you are falling too low in the afternoons 4' and below. We are over medicating you and she removed 2 of my gliclazides and told me to carry on what I was doing and go back in a month with morning only results and see how it went. They won't fund the meter any more though.
The Austrakian video at the beginning of the thread is really informative and food for thought. As someone still coming to terms with diagnosis and awaiting my DESMOND input the whole diet thing is particularly confusing. Have to say that what has struck a chord is that eating large amounts of a substance (carbs) that is the catayst for raising my blood sugar levels to unhealthy levels seems simply self destructive. My biggest problem is trying to establish a working low carb regime thats higher in healthy fat. Firstly im not too sure what fats are more health ie can i eat cheese ? If so whats more effective chedar feta etc. Ive never been much of a red meat eater so perhaps limited in my options somewhat. Im also aware that @ 58 i have to consider my health in general and not focus wholly on diabetes. Work in progress and hage to say this place is a great resource for folk like me coming to terms with this , thanks .
But crusty wholemeal bread is so more'ish........
I agree, but it sends my bg stratospheric and I've decided it's not worth it. I eat Burgen and Lidl hi protein rolls
Dai- anything that is a whole natural fat is a healthy fat. The fat on your bacon or pork chop is a natural fat. The fat in cheese and butter is a natural fat.

The only one I still have a problem with using is lard! Stupid of me really as that is fat in its purest form. Must be years of brainwashing that is ingrained in me!
I am tempted to try lard in our deep fat fryer to do celeriac chips.:D
I have amazing news ! I went to the nurse with my own testing sheet today as I was told to do and prepare to be put on insulin. She looked at my results which I never had before because I wasn't allowed meter. She said you are falling too low in the afternoons 4' and below. We are over medicating you and she removed 2 of my gliclazides and told me to carry on what I was doing and go back in a month with morning only results and see how it went. They won't fund the meter any more though.
That's completely bonkers. I hope they are at least funding the next month or so, as you are on instructed testing? It's almost like you're doing too well, so we'll take away your tools, and see how you get on then!

If your strips are being withdrawn, then the SD Codefree is the cheapest I know of. If you need to start self funding, then I can post up links to the relevant site, with discount codes for buying multiple pots of strips.,
I have enough strips for this month. I toyed with the idea of st staying with the nexus mini but then even if I only test before meals it's 28 a month. So yes think your info on the code free would be great. Just the lancets worry me as the abbot thin ones fit the nexus and I quite like those. (as an aside I told the nurse that I would probably get the code free. She said someone had bought one in a couple days ago. Her remark was that it probably wasn't very accurate but would do for what I needed it for, cheeky devil.)
Got sent this by someone I know. Makes for very interesting reading. Let's just say he's not a fan of the LCHF approach for anyone exercising.

Hmm..I thought Malcolm Kendrick was the author of The Great Cholesterol Con? In fact, a very famous running expert, Professor Tim Noakes, takes the opposite view, and promotes a LCHF diet! I think that, as always, it's finding the right balance for you as an individual. 🙂
Hmm..I thought Malcolm Kendrick was the author of The Great Cholesterol Con? In fact, a very famous running expert, Professor Tim Noakes, takes the opposite view, and promotes a LCHF diet! I think that, as always, it's finding the right balance for you as an individual. 🙂

I completely agree. There are too many of these 'characters' with websites - whatever 'side' they belong to. Personally I don't care what qualifications they claim to have they are all trying to sell something, be it a book or their ideas generating advertising space on their sites.

I find it a sad indictment on modern society that they are given any credence with people slavishly following whatever they say until the next big (pun intended) idea comes along.

Whatever happened to a healthy balanced diet with plenty of exercise? Maybe I'm just lucky but it seems to have worked for me for my whole life so far so I'm not about to change anything. 🙂
That article was interesting to read. A low carb diet works for me but now I'm working out at the gym and have started swimming I find carbs to be very useful! I make sure I avoid empty carbs like white bread but do find that if I eat brown rice or pasta before working out, I feel much better than just protein! That's just what works for me and everybody is different. On days I don't work out, I try to stay under 100g carbs
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