low carb argghh

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Thanks Type1_Sue. I have had a quick look at the website which has a lot of info and will go back later when I have more time. The book sounds good as well and I will try to get hold of a copy.
3rd day!!

Day three of my low carbing and im still going strong!! Ive not been moody at all and i thought i would of been as bad as when i gave up smoking years ago. I might even last a week if i keep going like this ha ha.:D The only downfall at the moment is the headache ive had since i started, im hoping that will go soon. On the plus side my sugars have not been above 7 today which is good for me, and i have only had 1 mild 3+ hypo yesterday. 🙂
Good on ya, insulinaddict!
I've been low carbing for a few years now and wouldn't go back to the starchy animal feed if you paid me!
My weight is back to my teenage years, tons of energy, bg never over 6, blood lipids better than ever before. It amazes me there is so much hostility towards it from the NHS and others. The carbs aren't just unneccesary, they're downright addictive and dangerous.
I don't ever feel like I deny myself proper food, in fact it's my low-fat pals who cast envious glances when I have cream in my coffee, cheese, steak and all the 'guilty pleasures' they deny themselves.

Keep the faith,

Good on ya, insulinaddict!
I've been low carbing for a few years now and wouldn't go back to the starchy animal feed if you paid me!
My weight is back to my teenage years, tons of energy, bg never over 6, blood lipids better than ever before. It amazes me there is so much hostility towards it from the NHS and others. The carbs aren't just unneccesary, they're downright addictive and dangerous.
I don't ever feel like I deny myself proper food, in fact it's my low-fat pals who cast envious glances when I have cream in my coffee, cheese, steak and all the 'guilty pleasures' they deny themselves.

Keep the faith,

Yeah i know what you mean, i havent enjoyed my food this much for years!! my levels have been great so far no more 20+ for me Ha ha. just one 3+ today and one yesterday otherwise fine, headache has gone too!! whats your colesterol like?
... It amazes me there is so much hostility towards it from the NHS and others. The carbs aren't just unneccesary, they're downright addictive and dangerous...ikeymo

I don't intend reigniting this debate, but I think this goes a bit far ikeymo! I'm not hostile to the idea of low-carb, but I eat what I want in this respect and they do me no harm whatsoever - all my numbers are fine (HbA1c - 5.4%, cholesterol 2.4). Low carb works well for some, but isn't suitable for all. Carbs aren't dangerous, they're a major food group - the key is in getting the right balance of those food groups so that you can live happily with your diet and keep good control. Because we have diabetes we have to sometimes compromise on the happiness with the diet to get happiness from the control! I'm very lucky in that my pre-diabetes diet appears to be what my post-diabetes body requires!🙂
I don't intend reigniting this debate, but I think this goes a bit far ikeymo! I'm not hostile to the idea of low-carb, but I eat what I want in this respect and they do me no harm whatsoever - all my numbers are fine (HbA1c - 5.4%, cholesterol 2.4). Low carb works well for some, but isn't suitable for all. Carbs aren't dangerous, they're a major food group - the key is in getting the right balance of those food groups so that you can live happily with your diet and keep good control. Because we have diabetes we have to sometimes compromise on the happiness with the diet to get happiness from the control! I'm very lucky in that my pre-diabetes diet appears to be what my post-diabetes body requires!🙂

agree 100%, was just trying to come up with a way to put it so thank you!
I don't intend reigniting this debate, but I think this goes a bit far ikeymo! I'm not hostile to the idea of low-carb, but I eat what I want in this respect and they do me no harm whatsoever - all my numbers are fine (HbA1c - 5.4%, cholesterol 2.4). Low carb works well for some, but isn't suitable for all. Carbs aren't dangerous, they're a major food group - the key is in getting the right balance of those food groups so that you can live happily with your diet and keep good control. Because we have diabetes we have to sometimes compromise on the happiness with the diet to get happiness from the control! I'm very lucky in that my pre-diabetes diet appears to be what my post-diabetes body requires!🙂

I wouldnt go as far as to say carbs are dangerous but im going low carb at the moment as carbs { even 1 slice of granary} seem to be having an adverse effect on my sugars at the moment. well i'm on day 4 & im still alive and kicking so far!! This is going to be trial and error to see how many carbs i can add back in to my diet and still keep decent levels.
I wouldnt go as far as to say carbs are dangerous but im going low carb at the moment as carbs { even 1 slice of granary} seem to be having an adverse effect on my sugars at the moment. well i'm on day 4 & im still alive and kicking so far!! This is going to be trial and error to see how many carbs i can add back in to my diet and still keep decent levels.

Sounds like a great attitude and you're going about it in just the right way to find that 'happiness' compromise - I wish you every success!
Sounds like a great attitude and you're going about it in just the right way to find that 'happiness' compromise - I wish you every success!

Thanks Northener :D Im looking forward to hopefully being able to get a good mix of carbs & my usual healthy foods back in my diet without my levels zooming in the wrong direction like they have been😡 For some unknown reason my diabetes seems to go crazy when i eat carbs, i dont want to have to take huge amounts of insulin to be able to eat a slice of bread, i dont miss it that much 🙂
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