low carb argghh

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
:( well this is my second day of low carbing it, for anyone who hasnt read my low carb comments on other thread. I have been struggling to keep my levels steady for a few weeks now, lots of 26s and then 1.2s!! i decided on monday to try low carbing and see if that made much difference, well my levels were pretty steady all day and didnt go above 6!! luckily i like veg, fruit fish etc But i love carbs too, i didnt realise how much i like/ eat them until i went through what i actually eat, too many carbs for sure. Has anyone got any ideas what other things i can eat for breakfasts?? im lost without my toast, cereal and am trying to cut down on my fructose addiction ha ha:confused:thanks everyone.
Eggs in some form? How low do you mean when you say low carb? Could you do say scrambled egg on a bit oflow gi bread or are you cutting down that much?
I have to say this is exactly why I wouldn't go low-carb - I doubt very much if I could maintain such a diet for long. I'd be looking for other reasons why my levels fluctuated so much, like maybe my basal setting was incorrect or possibly the basal was 'running out' at certain times of the day - also how accurate my carb-counting was being and correcting for highs/lows. I'm very lucky, in that I haven't had anywhere near your extremes since I was diagnosed 10 months ago - I think my highest reading has been about 15 and that was 6 months ago.

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful! I think I'd be speaking to the DSN or getting an appointment with the consultant to try and determine what is going on rather than trying to tackle it on my own in such a difficult way! I wish you luck!🙂
There's nothing wrong with carbs as long as the right type are eaten and the word moderation is used :D
Have a look at the Glycemic index and also the Glycemic Load.
This will explain how to use carb to stablize your blood sugars and is also very easy to follow. I tend to watch the GL values of food and find I am very rarely hungry.
Oh and blood sugars are very stable too.
Do you carb count and have a carb:insulin ratio?
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Eggs in some form? How low do you mean when you say low carb? Could you do say scrambled egg on a bit oflow gi bread or are you cutting down that much?

yeah will try eggs wasnt really sure how many i could get away with eating a week without my chloresterol going through the roof. i am trying to stay away from bread during the day and only have a slice for supper. hopefully i will be able to shift a bit of weight by not eating as many carbs. There is alot of conflicting advice from doctors, who said reduce the carbs and diabetic nurse who said to have mainly carbs!! i will let you know how i get on and how long i stick to it before i fall off the wagon and pig out on lovely buttered toast.. thanks everyone🙂
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Is more exercise an option to help the levels along? Gentle exercise only though, if levels are high (>15mmol)
Is more exercise an option to help the levels along? Gentle exercise only though, if levels are high (>15mmol)

yes that is also on my agenda, alot more walking the dog as he is getting a bit chubby at the moment, now that the weather is nicer it is easier to be out and about and not realise how much extra activity you are doing. in a couple of months we will both be alot thinner. I have also recently bought an exersise bike although admittedly ive only used it 4 times!! i will get it out of the cupboard now.🙂
Frankfurter sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushroom, grilled bacon,poached eggs,kippers,mackerel, cheese and ham. Cant think of anymore at the moment!🙂Bev
Frankfurter sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushroom, grilled bacon,poached eggs,kippers,mackerel, cheese and ham. Cant think of anymore at the moment!🙂Bev

thanks bev, its a good job im not a vegetarian anymore! ha ha. yeah i could easily eat that sort of food, i will just have to keep an eye on portion sizes though. thanks for the input.🙂
I have to say this is exactly why I wouldn't go low-carb - I doubt very much if I could maintain such a diet for long. QUOTE]

You're not the only one, I'm full of admiration for people who can stick to it, ,and if it works great, but it's not something I could ever do.
I have to say this is exactly why I wouldn't go low-carb - I doubt very much if I could maintain such a diet for long. QUOTE]

You're not the only one, I'm full of admiration for people who can stick to it, ,and if it works great, but it's not something I could ever do.

and me, levels are better when I have lower carbs but not something I can or want to do long term
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This is a bit like the Atkins diet - no or low carbs. I lost 11lb on that in 3 weeks before now. But you used to have to have fat ie cream in coffee, fry your food etc. They have revised it a bit now to allow you to have some carbs I believe. I ate egg, bacon, tomato and mushrooms for breakfast (and fried the lot, I dont' suggest you do that though).

Low carb diets are really really hard, good luck and I hope you succeed.
This is a bit like the Atkins diet - no or low carbs. I lost 11lb on that in 3 weeks before now. But you used to have to have fat ie cream in coffee, fry your food etc. They have revised it a bit now to allow you to have some carbs I believe. I ate egg, bacon, tomato and mushrooms for breakfast (and fried the lot, I dont' suggest you do that though).

Low carb diets are really really hard, good luck and I hope you succeed.

thanks Adrienne, im not saying i will last for long but its worth a try! it will be worth it to get back in to my jeans!! im missing bread tho:(
thanks Adrienne, im not saying i will last for long but its worth a try! it will be worth it to get back in to my jeans!! im missing bread tho:(

I did Lighterlife a few years ago and lost 4 stone. I then put 6 stone back on!!!!! I started the Cambridge diet a month or so ago and lost 12 lb but stopped but you stop carbs. The withdrawal is amazing and people don't know that. The headaches (and shakes sometimes) are severe, carbs have a lot to answer for.
I did Lighterlife a few years ago and lost 4 stone. I then put 6 stone back on!!!!! I started the Cambridge diet a month or so ago and lost 12 lb but stopped but you stop carbs. The withdrawal is amazing and people don't know that. The headaches (and shakes sometimes) are severe, carbs have a lot to answer for.

yeah carbs are addictive thats for sure! might change my name to Carboholic instead of insulinaddict09 ha ha 🙂
There's nothing wrong with carbs as long as the right type are eaten and the word moderation is used :D
Have a look at the Glycemic index and also the Glycemic Load.
This will explain how to use carb to stablize your blood sugars and is also very easy to follow. I tend to watch the GL values of food and find I am very rarely hungry.
Oh and blood sugars are very stable too.
Do you carb count and have a carb:insulin ratio?

:confused: I am probably showing my ignorance now, but although I have heard of Glycemic Index, I have never heard of Glycemic Load. Can you tell me what it is and how you use it?
:confused: I am probably showing my ignorance now, but although I have heard of Glycemic Index, I have never heard of Glycemic Load. Can you tell me what it is and how you use it?

Glycaemic Index is a little artificial as it doesn't take account of portions. Glycaemic Load, on the other hand, is the actual combination of foods eaten together, where something with high GI eaten with something low GI will produce a lower overall GI effect. So, I eat porridge (low GI) with honey (high GI) but the porridge has the effect of slowing the absorption and digestion of the honey so the overall effect is moderate increases in blood sugar rather than a big spike that honey would give by itself.

Hope that makes some kind of sense! Worth reading a book on it.🙂
Thanks for your help Northener and HelenM. Have started with the website for now and along with your explanation things are beginning to make sense.
This site may be of interest too

I have a book collins gem GL it has loads of food in it with portion size carb values etc all in the traffic light colours Green, good amber moderation and red as a treat.
You can mix and match as you please but it's so easy to follow/understand and easy to stick too. Because basically it's normal healthy eating.
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