Hi Lovetosing, welcome to the forum
🙂 You are starting out with a great attitude, and this will stand you in good stead. Diabetes can usually be managed well with the right amount of hard work and knowledge, and many people begin to feel better than they have in years once they have things under control
🙂 Have a look in our
Useful links thread for lots of good suggestions. Our latest recommendation for a good book on an easy to follow diet plan is
Rick Gallop's Express GI Diet, or you might like to look at the GL Diet recommendations which work on pretty much the same principle of eating food combinations that release their energy slowly and steadily.
Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker is a good book to find out what to expect and how to handle it in the early days and months.
The tiredness should ease as you begin to gain control of your blood sugar levels. Do you have a meter? The Links thread has a link to get a free one if not, but ideally you should get your GP to prescribe the test strips as they are expensive.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will try our best to help out!