Lost interest

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I’m new here I’ve been a type 2 for 3 years now I’m just wondering has anyone else lost interest in food I just feel like I eat to survive, I don’t enjoy food anymore diabetes has took that away from me. Also now I hate food shopping it’s the same foods week after week it’s just getting me down at the mo any advice appreciated hoping this will just pass. This is my first post just need a bit advise how to enjoy food & cooking again thank you in advance xx
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Welcome @Mezza 🙂 Yes, it is annoying having to think about food so much, but I actively try not to let it affect my enjoyment of food. When I get in a rut, I buy or borrow some new cook books and try out new recipes. I also treat myself to some nice foods that I don’t have often due to price.
No, I enjoy food more these days and quite like cooking.

I have a varied diet using recipes from the Caldesi cookbooks - fish, meat, vegetables, fruit. And a lot of home made curries, just without rice, although I sometimes have some naan without much problem.

The Caldesi recipe for Salmon with Fennel is absolutely delicious and a delight to eat.
And the seabass with cream and tarragon is quite addictive.
Tonight will be prawns with a creamy paprika source.
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When you had Covid, did you lose your sense of smell and taste, and have they returned to normal? I just ask, because although I didn't lose mine when I had covid, I had a weird throat/sinus virus over the winter, and although I tested negative for Covid on this occasion, I lost my sense of smell and taste, which only returned slowly over a period of a couple of months. During that time, I had no interest in food, and felt I was just eating for fuel, not for enjoyment. I found concentrating on having a variety of texture, not just taste, helped, when I was planning and shopping for food.
My 'go to' ended up being a bowl of crunchy veg, (red pepper, courgette, pak choi, broccoli, grated carrot, etc),lightly stir fried, with a piece of grilled or griddled oily fish over it (salmon, sea bass fillet, etc) and a dollop of mayo.
Welcome @Mezza 🙂 Yes, it is annoying having to think about food so much, but I actively try not to let it affect my enjoyment of food. When I get in a rut, I buy or borrow some new cook books and try out new recipes. I also treat myself to some nice foods that I don’t have often due to price.
Thank you for your reply, I know I will have to get myself out of this rut and try new recipes etc as I used to really love cooking thank you x
When you had Covid, did you lose your sense of smell and taste, and have they returned to normal? I just ask, because although I didn't lose mine when I had covid, I had a weird throat/sinus virus over the winter, and although I tested negative for Covid on this occasion, I lost my sense of smell and taste, which only returned slowly over a period of a couple of months. During that time, I had no interest in food, and felt I was just eating for fuel, not for enjoyment. I found concentrating on having a variety of texture, not just taste, helped, when I was planning and shopping for food.
My 'go to' ended up being a bowl of crunchy veg, (red pepper, courgette, pak choi, broccoli, grated carrot, etc),lightly stir fried, with a piece of grilled or griddled oily fish over it (salmon, sea bass fillet, etc) and a dollop of mayo.
Thank you for replying I mis worded my post I meant since covid was around I got diagnosed during lock down ( I never had covid ) sorry my wording, sorry to hear you had covid must of been awful x
No, I enjoy food more these days and quite like cooking.

I have a varied diet using recipes from the Caldesi cookbooks - fish, meat, vegetables, fruit. And a lot of home made curries, just without rice, although I sometimes have some naan without much problem.

The Caldesi recipe for Salmon with Fennel is absolutely delicious and a delight to eat.
And the seabass with cream and tarragon is quite addictive.
Tonight will be prawns with a creamy paprika source.
Hiya thank you for replying I absolutely used to love cooking but now I’ve lost my mojo with food and shopping for it I will look up these Caldesi cook books maybe I need some inspiration again thank you once again x
I have always enjoyed experimenting with food. Recently, I was asked what my favourite food is and said it is the next new thing I try.
During DAFNE, we were told not to be too concerned about carb counting because most people only eat about 10 different dishes and that includes breakfast. I eat different breakfast each day.
I appreciate I have more flexibility because I manage my diabetes with insulin but I also limit my diet because I don't eat meat.
Maybe if you feel you are stuck in a rut, you could find a new kitchen tool. I am sure the reason my Mum wanted the new fangled thing called a microwave when I was young was because it gave her access to more recipes. It had nothing to do with cooking/reheating/defrosting food fast.
I have always enjoyed experimenting with food. Recently, I was asked what my favourite food is and said it is the next new thing I try.
During DAFNE, we were told not to be too concerned about carb counting because most people only eat about 10 different dishes and that includes breakfast. I eat different breakfast each day.
I appreciate I have more flexibility because I manage my diabetes with insulin but I also limit my diet because I don't eat meat.
Maybe if you feel you are stuck in a rut, you could find a new kitchen tool. I am sure the reason my Mum wanted the new fangled thing called a microwave when I was young was because it gave her access to more recipes. It had nothing to do with cooking/reheating/defrosting food fast.
Hi thank you for reply I’m just on two tablets no insulin so I can’t adjust my dosage I just am sick of eating the same foods over the past four years what do you have for breakfast? I feel my choices are limited with breakfast apart from eggs Greek yogurt etc obv bacon but you don’t eat meat x
Thank you for replying I mis worded my post I meant since covid was around I got diagnosed during lock down ( I never had covid ) sorry my wording, sorry to hear you had covid must of been awful x
No worries. My comments still hold good, though, to go for texture as well as taste to add a bit of variety to your diet.
I was lucky in that my dose of covid was only akin to a slightly annoying cold with a temperature . The virus I had this winter, that wasn’t covid, was far worse!
My secret for breakfasts is not to treat it like a specific meal. There is very little i would eat other times of the day but not for breakfast. As a student, cereal was a common dinner item so why not have dinner items for breakfast. For example, a continental breakfast of cold meats and/or cheese is great. I just avoid the meats.
Do you vary what you have with your Greek yoghurt? Add spices like cinnamon or ginger. I am currently having stewed rhubarb with my morning yoghurt, but I have it with mixed seeds and a spoon of homemade dark Seville marmalade, and some ground ginger and a few chopped lemon balm leaves from the garden. If I have mixed berries with my yoghurt and seeds, I have cinnamon. Sometimes I have chopped nuts with it instead of seeds or as well as seeds.
If I have leftover curry, I will sometimes have that for breakfast (I love cold curry for breakfast) cabbage bhaji(which is a soft curried cabbage dish with onions and tomato rather than being the crispy deep fried version of onion bhaji), or cabbage and bacon and an egg, or some ham and cheese and coleslaw maybe with some pickled gherkins. Or a large 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and onion and peppers and cheese, with a large salad dressed with balsamic vinegar which gives it real bite and a big dollop of creamy coleslaw. No reason you can't have steak and mushrooms for breakfast if you fancy it. Some of those more filling suggestions mean that I can skip lunch and then just have 2 meals a day. Low carb doesn't really limit your meals, it is more your imagination and custom/habits which limit your choices.
You have my sympathy. I find grocery shopping to be very depressing as virtually the entire food stock is stuff I avoid due to prediabetes, cholesterol / triglycerides, CKD and needing weight loss (I'll have some of that fresh air ty, it looks yummy 🙄).
As others have said it seems the best bet is in seeking to expand into new foods, and different cooking methods. Both of those should help expand the variety in your meals.
Hi thank you for reply I’m just on two tablets no insulin so I can’t adjust my dosage I just am sick of eating the same foods over the past four years what do you have for breakfast? I feel my choices are limited with breakfast apart from eggs Greek yogurt etc obv bacon but you don’t eat meat x
Some good suggestion for the Caldesi books but you may also find some of the recipes in this link give you some inspiration https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/, that approach may be suitable depending on what medication you are taking as that may make a difference as to how much carbohydrate you might need to have.
Some people find metformin alters their taste and things taste metallic.
Hi I’m new here I’ve been a type 2 since covid I’m just wondering has anyone else lost interest in food I just feel like I eat to survive, I don’t enjoy food anymore diabetes has took that away from me. Also now I hate food shopping it’s the same foods week after week it’s just getting me down at the mo any advice appreciated hoping this will just pass. This is my first post just need a bit advise how to enjoy food again thank you in advance xx
Yes I have no interest in food at all. It's the same with food shopping, I do it online as I hate seeing what I can't have. I've accepted that this is my life now. It doesn't help that I'm lactose/gluten intolerant and dislike hot spicy food but that's life. You could try the Hairy Bikers diet books. Lots of low carb recipes in there. I love the Lasagne made with leeks. If I see anymore Greek yoghurt, berries or eggs I shall scream!!! 🙂
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You have my sympathy. I find grocery shopping to be very depressing as virtually the entire food stock is stuff I avoid due to prediabetes, cholesterol / triglycerides, CKD and needing weight loss (I'll have some of that fresh air ty, it looks yummy 🙄).
As others have said it seems the best bet is in seeking to expand into new foods, and different cooking methods. Both of those should help expand the variety in your meals.
I feel your pain
Yes I have no interest in food at all. It's the same with food shopping, I do it online as I hate seeing what I can't have. I've accepted that this is my life now. It doesn't help that I'm lactose/gluten intolerant and dislike hot spicy food but that's life. You could try the Hairy Bikers diet books. Lots of low carb recipes in there. I love the Lasagne made with leeks. If I see anymore Greek yoghurt, berries or eggs I shall scream!!! 🙂
I also don't like hot spicy food, so that limits me as well. Have you considered trying some flavourings in a limited way. I'm really not into ginger, but I can add a very very small amount of ground ginger mixed into a recipe. You wouldn't identify it as being present in the finished dish, but it can still add a little something to the flavour.
I do the same with tabasco - add a little for warmth, and a touch of flavour, but not heat.
The green tabasco is well worth trying. It has a zesty flavour, and is so mild I could sprinkle it into a bowl of soup/stew, mix it up and eat it


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No worries. My comments still hold good, though, to go for texture as well as taste to add a bit of variety to your diet.
I was lucky in that my dose of covid was only akin to a slightly annoying cold with a temperature . The virus I had this winter, that wasn’t covid, was far worse!
I will do thank you awful these viruses pleased you are over it now x
I also don't like hot spicy food, so that limits me as well. Have you considered trying some flavourings in a limited way. I'm really not into ginger, but I can add a very very small amount of ground ginger mixed into a recipe. You wouldn't identify it as being present in the finished dish, but it can still add a little something to the flavour.
I do the same with tabasco - add a little for warmth, and a touch of flavour, but not heat.
The green tabasco is well worth trying. It has a zesty flavour, and is so mild I could sprinkle it into a bowl of soup/stew, mix it up and eat it
Thank you for replying I know it’s so hard will try experimenting with lots of flavours and hopefully get my mojo back with cooking again appreciate your thoughts x
Here's an idea for a summer alternative to sandwiches Vietnamese summer rolls (if we get a summer 😳)
You'd need to ensure you were buying the rice wraps for non-cooked spring rolls, not the ones for the fried rolls. Once you see what size to chop stuff to and the mechanics of wrapping it you can experiment with your own fillings / dips.

I only did a fast search, but I spotted them at Tesco Blue Dragon Spring Roll Wrappers. Based on the nutrition info listed if the 134g pack size contains 15 wraps that's approx 7 carbs per wrapper (if it contains 17 wrappers then 6.3 carbs per wrapper)
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