Lost 9lb to beat diabetes

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But how much do people really need to know if it doesn't effect their life fully. There are so many conditions out there that no one can be 100% up to scratch on whats what. 2 weeks ago I thought if a diabetic ate a chocolate digestive they would end up in hospital (happened on Coronation St once 😛), I had no idea of the complications that came as a result of diabetes. I didn't even knowwhat the pancreas did in all honesty! And then again why should I, I've never met anyone with diabetes and its never directly or even indirectly affected my life before?

I don't really have a problem with members of the general public getting it wrong, unless they are being smug or offensive about it. I think the thing that people get upset about is that, due to numerous campaigns, the chief characteristic about being diabetic appears to be that you must be fat. This isn't the public's fault, but it doesn't give them the right to sneer at and bully people.

When I was diagnosed - BMI 16.5 and a week away from running a marathon - I emailed an old friend who hadn't seen me for many years. She gave me a little lecture about diet and losing weight - if I'd lost any more I'd have been dead! I thought that showed a lack of thought considering the information I had given her. When I was told I had diabetes, I didn't really have a clue about what it meant. I didn't really associate it with weight at all - I think my knowledge was based on the character Danni in Neighbours who was a slim Type 1. Maybe the campaigns have become more prevalent since then, so there is a closer link in the public mind.

It should be remembered that 20% of Type2s are not overweight at diagnosis - this represents around 400,000 people in this country. Of the 80% who are, many may be overweight because they have diabetes, not the other way round. Weight can be a risk factor for many hundreds of thousands though, so modifying lifestyle and diet would help them avoid diabetes - these are the people that government campaigns are trying to 'save', keeping the message simple unfortunately means that the complexity of diabetes cannot be put across.
Dont get me started on this topic, grrr 😡

I find it very sad the number of people who are actually diabetic, yet have no understanding of it. Im not blaming them, its the professionals that dont educate them.

We have a friend of a friend, who is type 2, and every time i meet him he insists on telling me I have the bad one, (like he doesnt 🙄), how his mum had type 2, lost her sight and her legs. And everytime I ask his figures he looks at me blankly. His wife bought him a meter several years ago now, but he has never used it 😱 he thinks as long as he takes his pills he is ok ???

I also get annoyed when people tell me they are borderline, you either is or you isnt!
I also get annoyed when people tell me they are borderline, you either is or you isnt!
Hi Tracey
I understand what you say, but just one thing:
Doctors do use the word 'borderline.' My hub was told he's borderline, which meant his fasting BG level was very close to diabetics's. He did another test and now it's cleared. Now he has to be very careful not to get this condition...
I was asked yesterday 'do you have the real one - type A or type B'? I said the types were actually known as t1 and t2 and that I had t2. The response I got was 'oh that must be the B one that you get because you are fat!'

Grrr...i can't wait until christmas when hopefully I will have lost 5 stone and people won't be so rude within ear shot of me in future!!

OMG! I'm speachless! How very dare she/he? 😱

People can be so rude, thoughtless and hurtful can't they? Ive had a few comments about getting diabetes because of my weight and its so upsetting. I am type 1, but it seems to make no difference, people make the assumption I have diabetes because Im fat and it does my head in.

Rude, rude, rude Lucy! I hope you delivered a scowling look 😉🙂
Hi Tracey
I understand what you say, but just one thing:
Doctors do use the word 'borderline.' My hub was told he's borderline, which meant his fasting BG level was very close to diabetics's. He did another test and now it's cleared. Now he has to be very careful not to get this condition...

I do understand what you mean. But in my head (think its because i have done a lot of science, ie is or isnt no inbetween), then you have it or you dont. Your husband doesnt thankfully. Not meaning to offend at all, just my opinion of it.
I do understand what you mean. But in my head (think its because i have done a lot of science, ie is or isnt no inbetween), then you have it or you dont. Your husband doesnt thankfully. Not meaning to offend at all, just my opinion of it.
😱I'm not offended or anything, so please don't worry about that!
Have you got degree in science? Maybe your avater is your graduation?🙂
😱I'm not offended or anything, so please don't worry about that!
Have you got degree in science? Maybe your avater is your graduation?🙂

Kind of, its was OU so classed as open, I did Psychology and Business. Glad you not offended. I do see your point. I know a few people who have been told they were borderline but were actually diagnosed later. :(
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