Losing need help with counting calories

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am trying to lose weight and have 12 lbs to lose. per the dietician. I am 76, have numerous allergies to foods [wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, herbs, spices, nuts, salicylates, onions, apples etc and coeliac]. It's not much to lose but hard. Can anyone help with this?
Calories in 40 grams dry weight wild rice when boiled in water
Calories in 40 grams dry weight basmati white rice when boiled in water.
Calories in 50 grams dry weight oats boiled in water.
Calories in 50 grams dry weight of rice pasta cooked in boiling water.
I have carbs books but it states cooked weight and not dried weight and then when cooked.
thanks folk
I am disabled with arthritis both RA and OA so it is hard for me to weigh the stuff on the scales when it is cooked. Given weekly charts to fill in with calories I have eaten each day and carbs.
Treat yourself to a pair of 'add and weigh' scales. Put your serving plate (bowl, dish etc) on the scales, weigh it, then zero the scales. serve your cooked whatever on the plate, and see what it weighs. Then calculate the calories.
Many of those foodstuffs you have listed have quite a lot of carb's
you may find that if you simply reduce your carb intake the weight loss will follow.
(i have lost over 1/2 stone since my diagnosis simply because of my reduced carb intake.
Treat yourself to a pair of 'add and weigh' scales. Put your serving plate (bowl, dish etc) on the scales, weigh it, then zero the scales. serve your cooked whatever on the plate, and see what it weighs. Then calculate the calories.
I have Salter one that was reasonable.
Mine is a Salter too ! Picked up from 'Home bargains' store a few years back for under a tenner. Takes a flat round (C2032) battery, and only recently needed its first new one.
Mine is a Salter too ! Picked up from 'Home bargains' store a few years back for under a tenner. Takes a flat round (C2032) battery, and only recently needed its first new one.
Sounds the same as mine but I got mine in Argos.
I am trying to lose weight and have 12 lbs to lose. per the dietician. I am 76, have numerous allergies to foods [wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, herbs, spices, nuts, salicylates, onions, apples etc and coeliac]. It's not much to lose but hard. Can anyone help with this?
Calories in 40 grams dry weight wild rice when boiled in water
Calories in 40 grams dry weight basmati white rice when boiled in water.
Calories in 50 grams dry weight oats boiled in water.
Calories in 50 grams dry weight of rice pasta cooked in boiling water.
I have carbs books but it states cooked weight and not dried weight and then when cooked.
thanks folk
I am disabled with arthritis both RA and OA so it is hard for me to weigh the stuff on the scales when it is cooked. Given weekly charts to fill in with calories I have eaten each day and carbs.
I always get the carbs from the packet for dry ingredients.
Many of those foodstuffs you have listed have quite a lot of carb's
you may find that if you simply reduce your carb intake the weight loss will follow.
(i have lost over 1/2 stone since my diagnosis simply because of my reduced carb intake.
Yes I know this and that is what I am trying to do. I am also coeliac so double whammy. Can't eat much fat without being ill and have to take enzymes to digest a load of foods esp fats. I get these on prescription.
Well that's where I get the uncooked values from too, I thought everybody did, but clearly, not.

Just looked at the new bag of 'easy cook' basmati we bought today - 77.4g carb per 100g weight. So 40g dry weight = 32.2g carb.
thanks Trophywench. Has it got the calories of the 100g cooked. These books keep saying cooked weight yet of course one starts with the dry ingredients so I was left trying to work out how much to put into the saucepan to cook. My husband used to do all the cooking cos of my arthritis. He passed away two years ago on our 49th wedding anniversary in July. I have had to pick up the pieces and so trying to make things easy for myself and fill in this chart of how much food I am eating. Any help welcome.
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