Looking for reviews of Core Blood Glucose Monitoring and True Metrix

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I suspect that's a part of the way it works to reduce the pain; it's a distraction. (The Libre applicators aren't quiet either. I'm not saying either thing deliberately creates the noise, necessarily, but I suspect if there were an easy way to reduce it they wouldn't.)

With Libre the ‘click’ comes as the needle is retracting, so after the jab. I’m not sure whether they did that on purpose, but they certainly mentioned it at the launch event I was invited to in 2014 before its debut at EASD the following week.
Swinging back to this thread in case anyone stumbles on it in the future to add that I LOVE the GlucoNavii. It will accept an incredibly small amount of blood.
"Painless" is always going to be a stretch when you're poking sharp objects into your skin. I'd say it almost is, but you certainly feel it (it's more like a "thwack" than a "stab"). Just like I'm fed up of people going "oh fingerpricks don't hurt"

Sometimes when I prick my finger it hurts a lot and nothing comes out. But sometimes I feel nothing, intend to try again, but a big drop of blood developed. Reducing pain comes with practice and experience, it is understandable the device you used originally hurt while you were still learning how best to use it. But if you do it right with a soft finger then it can be painless.

It sounds to me as the one you bought simply offers a partial shortcut past those early difficulties. Though its inflexibility by doing things a particular way may limit its ability to get easier and less painful with experience.

Notwithstanding that everyone is different, I would not consider it unfair to say that do not hurt once you know what you are doing. I need blood tests every fortnight and usually feel nothing, but sometimes they can be painful too if the phlebotomist is inexperienced. That said, last year I had a steroid injection in two fingers, so four injections as an anaesthetic had to go in first. The memory of that pain still utterly terrifies me that lancing pain when I mess up is now just an annoyance.
Try having a local anaesthetic jab right next to your eye in order for a wart-y cyst-y thing to be removed from the lower lid right under your lower lashes. OMG. All things are comparative !
I do not know, soft skin and somewhere it does not have to go in too deep sounds better than having a needle go ¾" deep from the palm, where the skin is thick and covering tendons and whatnot, then having to wiggle it around to get the precise spot where it is inflamed. And then the same again three more time.

Anyway, I put in an effort to see how painless I could be this evening when lancing. I did feel it, but I would not describe it as painful. It was the unusualness of a sudden brief sensation, compared to the more usual dull feeling of pressure when typing this, that made it noticeable. That was with the basic little lancing device that came with the meter, although I did angle slightly more towards the pad of the finger, which I usually avoid as I stick to the sides where it does not matter as much if the skin goes thick and horrible, even though it can hurt more there needing more of a stab.
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