LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS FOR STUDY - Type 2 Diabetes and Remote Consultations in General Practice

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone!

My name is Bhavnisha and I am a medical student at UCL looking to have a chat with people with Type 2 diabetes about your experiences of remote consultations! I would be extremely grateful if you could help me out with this to ensure the best experience for you guys!

The interview will be on Zoom or Microsoft teams and will last around 30 minutes. It will be a short chat with myself.
There is also a chance to be entered into a prize draw to win £20 worth of Amazon vouchers!

If you are interested in taking part to help this amazing research, please email zcha304@ucl.ac.uk or respond to this thread!

Thank you so much,

@Josh DUK
Hello everyone!

My name is Bhavnisha and I am a medical student at UCL looking to have a chat with people with Type 2 diabetes about your experiences of remote consultations! I would be extremely grateful if you could help me out with this to ensure the best experience for you guys!

The interview will be on Zoom or Microsoft teams and will last around 30 minutes. It will be a short chat with myself.
There is also a chance to be entered into a prize draw to win £20 worth of Amazon vouchers!

If you are interested in taking part to help this amazing research, please email zcha304@ucl.ac.uk or respond to this thread!

Thank you so much,

@Josh DUK
This has been approved.
Excuse me laughing - GP consultations? Never happened.
Oh dear! Im so sorry to hear that! Did you not have any contact with your GP practice at all during COVID?
I did have a blood test, and was contacted by phone and asked to take statins by someone with a list and a script - but my diabetes situation is obviously of no interest.
I did have a blood test, and was contacted by phone and asked to take statins by someone with a list and a script - but my diabetes situation is obviously of no interest.
I apologise for your experience. If you're up for it, I would love if you could share more about your experience and hopefully put it as feedback and improve your experience in the future. We could have a short chat on Zoom - please let me know by messaging me directly or emailing zcha304@ucl.ac.uk. This needs to be sorted!
I recently did a zoom questionnaire for UCL about calling Gp or practice nurse during the pandemic. The lady that took the zoom was very friendly , encouraging and looking for more people . I was trying to fond the link. Maybe one of the mods will be helpful . Please if you can help this kind lady Miss Patel in her survey it’s bound to help the diabetic society in the long run. Many thanks . As I say nothing was too personal it was friendly and confidential . I believe no right or wrong answers either.
I apologise for your experience. If you're up for it, I would love if you could share more about your experience and hopefully put it as feedback and improve your experience in the future. We could have a short chat on Zoom - please let me know by messaging me directly or emailing zcha304@ucl.ac.uk. This needs to be sorted!
I'm not sure - my diabetes is in remission, but at my age can I really afford to annoy my GP further - I've not had any contact with the GP who is my 'designated GP' at the surgery since 2016 when he told me I was a very bad diabetic.
Hmm interesting. I too have never been seen by any GP even after a week in hospital at the end of 2020, and being put on insulin injections. I was basically left to fend/fight for myself. No advice regarding insulin. No diet advice. No nothing. But given insulin injector pens and metformin.

The hospital stay was a joke. On a ward where they tried to give me and other diabetics food that was completely inappropriate for diabetics. I got very hungry during my stay there. Not the best of memories for me. However in the bed next to me was an old timer diabetic who gave me so much good and helpful advice. That, by sheer accident started me off in the right direction.

At home... it was chaos at first. No idea what to eat, avoid, limit.BGs totally erratic and out of a good range.

I got a lot better after I rang 111 and they said that no harm would come to me if I stopped taking the diabetic meds and insulin ( I had worked out/guessed that the meds were not helping). So I stopped and have never looked back. I feel better now than I have ever felt. BGs have been smack inside a good range (5 - 6) since then

I did have a few visits from a diabetic nurse at first but they stopped quite quickly when they could see that I seemed to be managing things reasonably well. No courses offered. No interest from the GP. No contact available for my questions. So I joined this forum. A life saver ! And some really nice people.

Recently, ie months, I have had no contact what so ever from the diabetic nurse, GP, anyone.

What gives?

I am feeling a bit peeved/neglected this afternoon.

In my view the NHS support, help, advice, attention (in regard to me) has been very poor.
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Hmm interesting. I too have never been seen by any GP even after a week in hospital at the end of 2020, and being put on insulin injections. I was basically left to fend/fight for myself. No advice regarding insulin. No diet advice. No nothing. But given insulin injector pens and metformin.

The hospital stay was a joke. On a ward where they tried to give me and other diabetics food that was completely inappropriate for diabetics. I got very hungry during my stay there. Not the best of memories for me. However in the bed next to me was an old timer diabetic who gave me so much good and helpful advice. That, by sheer accident started me off in the right direction.

At home... it was chaos at first. No idea what to eat, avoid, limit.BGs totally erratic and out of a good range.

I got a lot better after I rang 111 and they said that no harm would come to me if I stopped taking the diabetic meds and insulin ( I had worked out/guessed that the meds were not helping). So I stopped and have never looked back. I feel better now than I have ever felt. BGs have been smack inside a good range (5 - 6) since then

I did have a few visits from a diabetic nurse at first but they stopped quite quickly when they could see that I seemed to be managing things reasonably well. No courses offered. No interest from the GP. No contact available for my questions. So I joined this forum. A life saver ! And some really nice people.

Recently, ie months, I have had no contact what so ever from the diabetic nurse, GP, anyone.

What gives?

I am feeling a bit peeved/neglected this afternoon.

In my view the NHS support, help, advice, attention (in regard to me) has been very poor.
Thank you so much for your interest! It clearly needs to be amended, doesnt it! I wonder why youve not been contacted! Something needs to be done! Id love to get your views on what we should do next, a short chat on Zoom? It would really help make a change to people like yourselves and people on this forum! Let me know if you are interested! Message me or email me on zcha304@ucl.ac.uk
thanks xx
I'm not sure - my diabetes is in remission, but at my age can I really afford to annoy my GP further - I've not had any contact with the GP who is my 'designated GP' at the surgery since 2016 when he told me I was a very bad diabetic.
This has been quite common - not being a "burden" on GPs... It is very interesting! It is important to note you are not a burden! But id love to have a chat with you!
I haven’t had any contact with my GP practice either, no news on when my GP annual diabetes reviews for March 2020 and March 2021 will be done, not even a “we’re not doing them because of COVID” message, so I don’t think I’d be of any use for your study either!
The hospital stay was a joke. On a ward where they tried to give me and other diabetics food that was completely inappropriate for diabetics. I got very hungry during my stay there. Not the best of memories for me. However in the bed next to me was an old timer diabetic who gave me so much good and helpful advice. That, by sheer accident started me off in the right direction.
This reminds me of the heart operation I had, after coming round and lying flat for a few hours, you had to have a hot drink and a sandwich. It was a cardiology ward and everyone had been told to avoid caffeine by the consultants. The only hot drink options were caffeinated. Seemed a bit conflicted for them to then tell us we had to have a hot caffeinated drink and a sandwich, after a heart operation, for a heart condition that meant avoiding caffeine!
I haven’t had any contact with my GP practice either, no news on when my GP annual diabetes reviews for March 2020 and March 2021 will be done, not even a “we’re not doing them because of COVID” message, so I don’t think I’d be of any use for your study either!
Oh dear! No contact at all! Thats crazy!
Oh dear! No contact at all! Thats crazy!
Didn’t even get a text or call inviting me for the COVID jab! I booked that through the National system when that became available for group 6 as had been waiting ages for contact from GP and heard nothing. The only contact with my GP practice is the texts they send to everyone saying not to come to the practice, so I do at least know they have my number correct!
I tried to visit the surgery yesterday to pick up my Thyroxine - there was a queue right to the pavement, even without social distancing.
I haven’t had any contact with my GP practice either, no news on when my GP annual diabetes reviews for March 2020 and March 2021 will be done, not even a “we’re not doing them because of COVID” message, so I don’t think I’d be of any use for your study either!
Id still love to have a chat with you, if youre interested! Id love to hear what improvements you could think of for the current system and the future!
Would love to hear about the good and bad experiences with anyone at your general practice! Also would love to hear your views on what should happen next!
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