Looking for answers...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Actually in hospital for a mental health complaint just now, but thought I'd try the diabetes forum to get some answers for some questions I have.

Been trying to look after myself, but stress and a troubled environment is making this difficult, so am seeking some support on here... hopefully I will find some like minded sorts here...
Sorry to hear that Lydia, remember though that D can play havoc with emotions & stress; exacerbating otherwise OK conditions. I remember that in Missouri (last year) where I had to go away from home to work for a few months my emotions were all over the place trying to adjust to being away from the wife, dogs, friends & all the while trying to get my D under control.
Didn't realise that. Is there any way of keeping stress and emotions under control? I know they say exercising is a good stress reliever and, once out of hospital, I will be trying my utmost to do as much activity as I can daily. Perhaps that might help?
Welcome to the forum Lydia.
You're right about exercise being a good stress reliever, sleep promoter etc. Exercise in open air is even more valuable for mental, as well as physical, health. Years ago, I worked in a psychiatric hospital, where patients and staff all did cycling, bowling on greens, party type races etc. More recently, I set up health walks at a country park, and about half the participants had mental health issues. Some had not been out alone for many years, but after being brought by mental health staff, they came by bus to the planned walks, and at other times. I also ran a series of 4 orienteering sessions over one summer for mental health service users and staff, which seemed popular. Many councils provide free activity sessions in parks, so it's worth asking, looking online, looking for posters etc.
Wow, you sound incredibly fit! Those were the days!

Actually I do recall when I have been in my local park some elderly people strolling along, imbibing the air. I could make enquiries about that.

I think the borough's mental health centre's do things like that too, but I can't travel on buses to get to them. Very nervous and stressed out and have bad travel sickness.

But that is a very good idea. Just to shake up the exercise routine, and, as you said, gain some much needed fresh air. Would have to wait till the cooler weather as I struggle in hot, warm weather. Shortness of breath, but I am definitely going to look into that idea as this local park is within walking distance .. thanks for the idea...
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