Liver scan tomorrow - what to expect?

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I asked a few more questions and felt really judged by her responses, one was in relation to my question about not drinking and if the fatty liver is different in people that dont drink, she raised her eyebrows and said I cant say anything, I felt she thought of me as a fat woman who probably drank and ate too much so what did I expect, but I may have just been upset at her pancreas comments.
The reason she can not say anything is because she is not qualified to do so.
The HCP you saw was a technician not a nurse. Nurses are in short supply and it's not their job to do scans.
Who examines the scan and makes the diagnosis, is it the scanner or will it be looked at by a hepatic specialist, If its her then I fear what I will be told to be honest, it was like she knew a secret and wasnt sharing and it made me a little angry as the secret was about my body and health
Now that's being silly isn't it? :( A qualified radiologist will be the one looking at the scan and interpreting the results s/he sees.
As you have been told the results will go to your GP who will then refer you if needed.
So the experience wasnt the best. The rather surly nurse wasnt very friendly or reassuring. She told me to lie on my right hand side and breathe in, I was confused as I was only hours earlier told by my GP that only my liver was being scanned and nothing else. The nurse said she was scanning my kidneys and doing a full abdominal scan.
All the above is perfectly normal. Except as already told you it was not a nurse who did the scan.
The reason she can not say anything is because she is not qualified to do so.
The HCP you saw was a technician not a nurse. Nurses are in short supply and it's not their job to do scans.

Now that's being silly isn't it? :( A qualified radiologist will be the one looking at the scan and interpreting the results s/he sees.
As you have been told the results will go to your GP who will then refer you if needed.

All the above is perfectly normal. Except as already told you it was not a nurse who did the scan.
OK sorry if my questions seem silly to you
@EmmaL76 - Do you just remove your top for the scan and can you keep a bra on?
I just lifted my top up last time I had a scan it's exactly the same has a pregnancy scan so don't worry about it hurting etc.. you will probably be in and out in about 10 min, sometimes they will give you results there and then other times they won't it depends on who does it so don't worry if they don't tell you anything it doesn't mean there is anything bad ... Good luck
I just lifted my top up last time I had a scan it's exactly the same has a pregnancy scan so don't worry about it hurting etc.. you will probably be in and out in about 10 min, sometimes they will give you results there and then other times they won't it depends on who does it so don't worry if they don't tell you anything it doesn't mean there is anything bad ... Good luck
Thanks for the response. The scan was carried out on my whole abdomen including my kidneys,liver and Pancreas. The Sonographer said fatty pancreas and fatty liver but said my doctor would provide the results in full. I popped into the doctors on the way to the shops and asked the receptionist if my results were in she looked and confirmed, "yep fatty liver", I asked if there is any action, appointment needed and she said no.

I received a text later from the surgery asking me to make a telephone appointment to discuss the results with my doctor within the next 4 weeks. I tried unsuccessfully to make an appointment with my GP but she is on leave so have made an appointment with a different doctor for 5th September. I am assuming as it can wait 4 weeks it cant be anything too sinister so not worried, probably just another round of "cut down on fat, carbs sugar and exercise" 🙂
Thanks for the response. The scan was carried out on my whole abdomen including my kidneys,liver and Pancreas. The Sonographer said fatty pancreas and fatty liver but said my doctor would provide the results in full. I popped into the doctors on the way to the shops and asked the receptionist if my results were in she looked and confirmed, "yep fatty liver", I asked if there is any action, appointment needed and she said no.

I received a text later from the surgery asking me to make a telephone appointment to discuss the results with my doctor within the next 4 weeks. I tried unsuccessfully to make an appointment with my GP but she is on leave so have made an appointment with a different doctor for 5th September. I am assuming as it can wait 4 weeks it cant be anything too sinister so not worried, probably just another round of "cut down on fat, carbs sugar and exercise" 🙂

To be fair, there are mainstream diets for NAFL worth investigating.
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