Liver scan tomorrow - what to expect?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have my liver scan tomorrow, to check for fatty liver or whatever is causing the enzymes in my blood. My son is coming with me at 6pm after work. I have been told not to eat after midday and just stick to clear liquids, like water, black coffee, tea etc. I dont really know what to expect. I have had ultrasound scans when I was pregnant and x rays for my broken leg etc but neither of these I had to fast for so wonder if this scan is different. Do you know if I will have a dye injected or if they ever carry out an on the spot biopsy if they see anything suspicious. I want to prepare myself.

My daughters boyfriend lost his mum in 2020 (younger than me) to a liver condition, she was a drinker though (I rarely drink) and my daughter noticed her eyes had turned yellow, then the next we heard was she was in hospital and my daughters family were told to come and say goodbye, I know its a totally different scenario but I had a skin condition with sores that my daughter said at the time that her boyfriends mum also had so it made me think a little. I know liver problems can causes issues with the skin but I am trying not to link these up.

If anyone can tell me a little bit about what to expect please 🙂
It's the same as any ultrasound.
Fasting because your colon can get in the way.
The nurse can tell you what she is seeing.
When you are there, ask the nurse what your pancreas looks like as well.
Unfortunately mine was in hiding, but I would imagine it's not fatty anymore!
I have my liver scan tomorrow, to check for fatty liver or whatever is causing the enzymes in my blood. My son is coming with me at 6pm after work. I have been told not to eat after midday and just stick to clear liquids, like water, black coffee, tea etc. I dont really know what to expect. I have had ultrasound scans when I was pregnant and x rays for my broken leg etc but neither of these I had to fast for so wonder if this scan is different. Do you know if I will have a dye injected or if they ever carry out an on the spot biopsy if they see anything suspicious. I want to prepare myself.

My daughters boyfriend lost his mum in 2020 (younger than me) to a liver condition, she was a drinker though (I rarely drink) and my daughter noticed her eyes had turned yellow, then the next we heard was she was in hospital and my daughters family were told to come and say goodbye, I know its a totally different scenario but I had a skin condition with sores that my daughter said at the time that her boyfriends mum also had so it made me think a little. I know liver problems can causes issues with the skin but I am trying not to link these up.

If anyone can tell me a little bit about what to expect please 🙂
You need to skip the food so that a clear image is seen.
Scan is just an ultrasounds ie., freezing cold gel on your belly same as pregnancy scan.
No they do not use dye and no they do not do a biopsy. The person is an HCP with training for using an ultrasound not for doing biopsies 🙄
I had scan of liver, kidneys pancreas stomach etc, last year. Bit like a pregnancy scan and I remember having to move positions several times. Was not unpleasant in any way. Good luck and let us know how you get on

My daughter went for a dating scan for her pregnancy last week, I circulated this scan to family members, Everyone was saying how cute it is … it’s my liver


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You cant carry out a biopsy through ultrasound, it doesnt pierce the skin whatsoever. If you look up ultrasounds online you'll find some videos showing you what they are like.
I had scan of liver, kidneys pancreas stomach etc, last year. Bit like a pregnancy scan and I remember having to move positions several times. Was not unpleasant in any way. Good luck and let us know how you get on

My daughter went for a dating scan for her pregnancy last week, I circulated this scan to family members, Everyone was saying how cute it is … it’s my liver

I had scan of liver, kidneys pancreas stomach etc, last year. Bit like a pregnancy scan and I remember having to move positions several times. Was not unpleasant in any way. Good luck and let us know how you get on

My daughter went for a dating scan for her pregnancy last week, I circulated this scan to family members, Everyone was saying how cute it is … it’s my liver
Trust none of them are in the medical profession. Ha ha
I had scan of liver, kidneys pancreas stomach etc, last year. Bit like a pregnancy scan and I remember having to move positions several times. Was not unpleasant in any way. Good luck and let us know how you get on

My daughter went for a dating scan for her pregnancy last week, I circulated this scan to family members, Everyone was saying how cute it is … it’s my liver
That made me spit my coffee out 🙂

Will the fact my stomach fat is on top of my liver cause any issues with seeing my liver or pancreas as I have all my fat on that area, just wondering how dense fat is?

Thanks for these responses, really helpful
I wouldn’t of thought so, I sense a bit of anxiety in you. That’s not a criticism at all but I feel like your brain is constantly giving you worse case scenarios. I know this because it’s what mine does! I am getting better though slowly. Hopefully all will go well at your scan, but if somethings not quite right, there is usually always something you can do about it and you sound like a determined lady. I know it’s hard, all the worry that goes along with diabetes but it really does get better. Xx
I wouldn’t of thought so, I sense a bit of anxiety in you. That’s not a criticism at all but I feel like your brain is constantly giving you worse case scenarios. I know this because it’s what mine does! I am getting better though slowly. Hopefully all will go well at your scan, but if somethings not quite right, there is usually always something you can do about it and you sound like a determined lady. I know it’s hard, all the worry that goes along with diabetes but it really does get better. Xx
Thank you Emma, I really appreciate you taking the time to reassure me and your kind words.

You are correct about being anxious, I have periods of not worrying and thinking things will be OK and feeling more positive then I get another set back, blood test result etc and it sets me off. I have received the following letter from about the mix up of my initial results. I have also just been told another blood test wasnt carried out in error for Folliate I think, so having that one tomorrow


Trust none of them are in the medical profession. Ha ha
Nope lol but I did fess up pretty quickly after the initial ahh that’s so cute. I actually chose the scan that looked least like a baby too.. baby spleen and baby gallbladder would have been far more convincing :rofl:
Thank you Emma, I really appreciate you taking the time to reassure me and your kind words.

You are correct about being anxious, I have periods of not worrying and thinking things will be OK and feeling more positive then I get another set back, blood test result etc and it sets me off. I have received the following letter from about the mix up of my initial results. I have also just been told another blood test wasnt carried out in error for Folliate I think, so having that one tomorrow
I know, it’s horrible as test and scans etc are a bit of a trigger for anxiety. Maybe you could think of something nice to do after the scan, so your looking forward to something. The letter is good, seems like they have owned their mistake and put procedures in place but sorry you had to go through that. My daughter received a text to say she had highly abnormal blood results and she needed to get them repeated. She wasn’t worried but I was so I made her call the doctor. She looked on the system and there were 2 sets of full bloods one didn’t even belong to her. The doctor was furious, and told her to take it further, she did repeat the bloods and she was fine.
I know, it’s horrible as test and scans etc are a bit of a trigger for anxiety. Maybe you could think of something nice to do after the scan, so your looking forward to something. The letter is good, seems like they have owned their mistake and put procedures in place but sorry you had to go through that. My daughter received a text to say she had highly abnormal blood results and she needed to get them repeated. She wasn’t worried but I was so I made her call the doctor. She looked on the system and there were 2 sets of full bloods one didn’t even belong to her. The doctor was furious, and told her to take it further, she did repeat the bloods and she was fine.
Oh, I am glad your daughters second results were OK, its even more worrying when its your daughter or son that has these things happen to them.

I have told my children (seems odd calling them that, they are 27, 29 and 32!) to get checked for cholesterol as it looks likely to be hereditary and they have typical live for the moment lifestyles with food and alcohol, although my eldest son had a fatty liver diagnosed a year ago and has lost 5 stone (is almost too thin now) he uses his phone app to work out what he can eat and goes to the gym 5 times a week. My other son that got married is a bit like me which worries me, he occasionally still smokes but has given up recently using the incentive to put the money he spent on cigarettes aside to treat his new wife to a lovely hot tub break and shopping spree) He loves his food, especially sweet food but as he is 6ft 4 it takes a while for the weight to make him look fat, he looked lovely in his suit for the wedding but his waist size is quite large so I worry he will get diabetes like me. He has lactose intolerance but still eats ice cream and dairy (the rest of us suffer!), he also has asthma, but like his older brother he seems to have taken note of the fact my conditions are partly hereditary. I found out at the wedding that my size 8 niece and sister have both been diagnosed with high cholesterol, like my parents who were very health conscious it looks likely my children will have this as well.

My daughter is only 5ft and her weight goes up and down but she carries her weight on her bum and boobs and has a tiny waist so not as high risk for Diabetes (I am an apple shape, well a potato is a better description)

Have a good day x
@EmmaL76 - Do you just remove your top for the scan and can you keep a bra on?
The scans are in very specific areas, and usually just involve lifting your top out of the way, and protecting from the jelly they put on. I hope all goes well @Jenny65
The scans are in very specific areas, and usually just involve lifting your top out of the way, and protecting from the jelly they put on. I hope all goes well @Jenny65
Thank you, it sounds very similar to the scans I had when I was pregnant, although then I had to drink loads of water before hand 🙂
Thank you, it sounds very similar to the scans I had when I was pregnant, although then I had to drink loads of water before hand 🙂
Scans in pregnancy you need a full bladder that is why you have to drink, for those.
So sorry Jenny, I’ve only just checked in. I’m sure you have probably found out by now that you normally just move your clothes about. Please let us know how you got on xx
Im back!

So the experience wasnt the best. The rather surly nurse wasnt very friendly or reassuring. She told me to lie on my right hand side and breathe in, I was confused as I was only hours earlier told by my GP that only my liver was being scanned and nothing else. The nurse said she was scanning my kidneys and doing a full abdominal scan. Eventually she went to the area the liver is, and I asked if she had scanned my panreas too. Her response "yes, very fatty pancreas", I said "Oh and my liver?" she responded, "yes fatty liver too" She discussed me not having a gall bladder and asked if I had suffered from Pancreatis (not sure of spelling), I said no, gall stones. I asked her when I would have the results and she said they would be sent to my doctor tonight but if I dont hear from them within a week to ring and chase up.

I asked whether there was any scarring, she said the ultrasound doesn't pick up sclerosis or scaring that would be a different test. I asked a few more questions and felt really judged by her responses, one was in relation to my question about not drinking and if the fatty liver is different in people that dont drink, she raised her eyebrows and said I cant say anything, I felt she thought of me as a fat woman who probably drank and ate too much so what did I expect, but I may have just been upset at her pancreas comments.

I dont know what I was expecting but I thought it would have at least shown some sort of recovery from 5 weeks of following healthy eating, losing over a stone and giving up smoking, or maybe the liver just cant recover by diet alone? What are my options if weight loss and exercise dont help?

Who examines the scan and makes the diagnosis, is it the scanner or will it be looked at by a hepatic specialist, If its her then I fear what I will be told to be honest, it was like she knew a secret and wasnt sharing and it made me a little angry as the secret was about my body and health

Rant over, as you were xxx
If this was your first scan, they’d have nothing to compare against so not sure how you’d expect to see an improvement? You’re not going to have gone from a fatty pancreas and liver to normal in just 5 weeks.
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