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Light headed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
whatheaded what would you do if you were feeling light headed. My BGs are fine but I feel really apaced out. it is not alcohol related and I have eaten enough.
whatheaded what would you do if you were feeling light headed. My BGs are fine but I feel really apaced out. it is not alcohol related and I have eaten enough.

Hope your feeling ok now Amanda I would have a lie down and keep drinking plenty water, take it easy and keep checking BS regularly.
If you can I would test your blood pressure. I have had lightheaded feelings several times when my blood pressure was a bit low.
Hi Amanda,

I agree with checking blood pressue. Could also be a symptom for anemia.

I'd see how long it persists for and then see if a trip to the doc might be in order.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
thank you everyone. It was a bit scary yesterday but I'm feeling a lot better today and have had my diabetic blood tests. Hopefully they will find out if anything is wrong. Will have blood pressure tested in a fortnight
I believe that a blood pressure monitor is as important as your test meter, especially for those of us that have cardiac/blood circulation problems. Worth the small investment.
... or could perchance be a short-term inner ear prob? - water down your ear in the shower ? out in the wind ?

Funnily enough I was sitting here last night and suddenly felt nauseous/giddy, lasted a couple of hours and my BG was 9.2 at the time (which I corrected) but not high enough to cause 'ketone nausea' - so maybe there's just a lot of it about? I tested after to see if it was coming down - 8.0 so it was - so I just went to bed and lay very still, as you do. Fine this morning. Weird.
Maybe it is a virus type thing because I felt nauseous as well (but assumed it was my gastroparesis). Have also had to have lots of headache tablets since Saturday - already on my second lot today and - it also made feel teary, although I'm not depressed, and I'm finding it hard to concentrate. It's very annoying because I want to work on my assignment before I go back to work tomorrow - ended not doing hardly anything on it all weeked because I felt lousy
Now not sure what to do because I have been sick.....any suggestions very appreciated. I feel awful but dont want to speak to the doctor
Now not sure what to do because I have been sick.....any suggestions very appreciated. I feel awful but dont want to speak to the doctor
try nhs direct?????????
Now not sure what to do because I have been sick.....any suggestions very appreciated. I feel awful but dont want to speak to the doctor

Hi it could be a bug in your system :( you could ring NHS direct or just try to rest but keep an eye on your BS to make sure it's not going haywire. If you are still feeling bad later on then it's best to ring someone for advice. I am wishing you well and I hope things improve for you very soon. Take care Sheena x
Thanks Gail, Sheena and Cherrypie - BGs are fine but I feel that if I drink too much or eat anything that I will be sick (and that's despite being on two lots of anti-nauseea medication). Have just phoned NHS Direct and they've said it will take 5 hours for them to call me back with an assessment.
Just worried because last time I was like this, 5 years ago, I ended up being admitted to hospital -
Right, Amanda, time to phone your GP - they'll be closed by 5 hours from now when NHS phones you back, and they'll know more about you than an out of hours doctor or A&E Dept.
Thank you Copepod. you are echoing what I thought. I phoned the GP surgery after last posting on here - didn't get past the receptionist. She spoke to the diabetic nurse who just send a message back saying keep taking insulin as normal and have more blood tests that normal. That was it. They didn't check my records and didn't even consider the gastroparesis or any of the medications that I am on. Feeling thoroughly fed up with trying to get help. I've just eaten some dry biscuits in the hope that I can keep them down.
Thank you Copepod. you are echoing what I thought. I phoned the GP surgery after last posting on here - didn't get past the receptionist. She spoke to the diabetic nurse who just send a message back saying keep taking insulin as normal and have more blood tests that normal. That was it. They didn't check my records and didn't even consider the gastroparesis or any of the medications that I am on. Feeling thoroughly fed up with trying to get help. I've just eaten some dry biscuits in the hope that I can keep them down.

that's rubbish Amanda :( I can't believe that's all you got from phoning your GP. Stupid receptionist...she probably just saw 'diabetes' and asked the diabetes nurse, who just assumed you only had diabetes to worry about.

And that's exactly why I don't ever phone my drs!! (though I always advise everyone else too lol - good at not listening to my own advice!).

I really hope those biscuits have helped and you're starting to feel better.

Thank you Katie. TW no point in phoning gastroparesis person because she can't prescribe more medication. If it is the gastroparesis getting worse next stage is having botulinum injected in my stomach and I don't want to reach that stage. I'm trying to keep my fingers crossed that it is a bug. Need to feel better tomorrow so that I'm not off work again....
Very sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly Amanda - does the diabetes nurse think that after all these years you wouldn't know to keep taking your insulin and testing? What a useless piece of advice which doesn't address your problems at all! 😡

A couple of weeks ago I started feeling light-headed - almost like I was going to pass out. I had eaten breakfast, my BG was fine and so was my blood pressure - didn't know what else I could check! It passed fairly quickly for me though, so didn't think any more about it. Sorry, that's not very helpful for you, but does illustrate that you can feel like that when most normal indicators are normal.

I hope you feel much better soon and that you can get through your work day without problems.
Thank you Alan. Sorry to hear that you've felt light headed as well - maybe its a Diabetes Fairy Trick:confused:
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