Licence renewal.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My licence is coming up for renewal shortly. I recall last time it was 2021 and I had a terrible time getting any response from the DVLA. In the end my GP had to certify me fit to drive until the licence was sorted out. As I also have glaucoma I need to have an eye test, I can't just renew online. Any suggestions how far in advance I need to start chasing?
On a different driving related subject, my insurance renewal is due. I've driven for 52 years, have 14 years no claims bonus, no convictions, mileage of less than 6500 a year. Last year I paid around £250 fully comprehensive. One of the quotes this year was £1,220!! Needless to say I rejected it!
I've driven for 52 years
Don’t want to be offensive but if you’ve been driving that long you’re probably getting older, and it’s longer since you last had to learn the Highway Code etc. plus costs of everything have generally increased.
My licence is coming up for renewal shortly. I recall last time it was 2021 and I had a terrible time getting any response from the DVLA. In the end my GP had to certify me fit to drive until the licence was sorted out. As I also have glaucoma I need to have an eye test, I can't just renew online. Any suggestions how far in advance I need to start chasing?
On a different driving related subject, my insurance renewal is due. I've driven for 52 years, have 14 years no claims bonus, no convictions, mileage of less than 6500 a year. Last year I paid around £250 fully comprehensive. One of the quotes this year was £1,220!! Needless to say I rejected it!
The DVLA should send you a reminder, with the associated renewal forms, 90 days before your current licence expires. That's what happened with our youngest, who has a 5-year medical licence. His medical condition isn't one where he can renew his licence online. Needless to say we're still waiting for his new licence, 8 weeks on.

£1,220? That seems a bit OTT. I was quoted half that, and having passed my test in January 1975 I've been driving almost as long as you - and I'm older than you.

@grovesy - mine too, but it was just a straightforward 3-year, over-70s renewal.
Took about a month from filling the form in to getting it back but this was the first time rather than a renewal. From posting my old licence off to getting the new one was about two weeks.
Last year I paid around £250 fully comprehensive. One of the quotes this year was £1,220!! Needless to say I rejected it!

There was an article I listened to on the radio while driving earlier this week, where many drivers were being quoted astronomically elevated insurance premiums. Particularly as they age.

Quite shocking really!
There was an article I listened to on the radio while driving earlier this week, where many drivers were being quoted astronomically elevated insurance premiums. Particularly as they age.

Quite shocking really!
I shopped around and got a renewal at just over £260 fully comprehensive in the end.
There was an article I listened to on the radio while driving earlier this week, where many drivers were being quoted astronomically elevated insurance premiums. Particularly as they age.

Quite shocking really!
I am in no doubt that these elevated quotes are driven by AI. These days it is extremely difficult to keep your personal data secret and AI thrives on determining your potential "value" and ability to pay an inflated figure for anything you might be just looking at. This very much applies to things like insurances, holidays, fitted kitchens and generally slightly unusual or "one-off" items. You will even see astronomical prices on-line for items you can buy in a chain store for relative pennies, inflated to tens of pounds or worse. Successive governments have quietly encouraged this, it all adds to VAT income; even the gas/electricity utility automated billing system was underwritten by the Government because that has quietly put constant access into most people's homes through their broadband connection - allowing steady intrusion and visibility into the potential spending power of each home.

When I renewed my car insurance last spring, after getting heavily inflated quotes I used a brand new (to me) browser [DuckDuckGo] re-engaged with a well known comparison site from a brand new email account and based on the same credentials of age, address, driving parameters got quotes 30% less than last year, rather than 200% greater. Once I'd accepted a quote that met my needs I used the DuckDuckGo cache clearing big prominent button, that removed all history of my browsing.
I sent my DIAB1 form on 17th June.
First licence and I have heard nothing back. No idea who to contact or what the next stage is, if I should chase. I will see if I can check online. I was excited to get started but this has dragged.
I just checked online and it says license issued but not the date that happened, just the date I applied and I’ve not had it yet. Update so I phoned (didn’t think they would be open at 8am, and it was answered quickly) she said it was sent on 19th July so is on the way. Just got to find a driving instructor and mess about with insurance etc.
We should be moving soon if all goes to plan, and it will be small village with 1 bus route that stops at 7pm, regular trains but they only go to one small town or to Manchester so if I don’t drive it will be hard work. Doesn’t even have a shop, everything is half an hours walk away. I’m already going to have change my prescription to online.
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I don't know about the north-west but there's a big shortage of driving instructors here in West Wales as there was where I lived in Berkshire beforehand. Might be worth starting to ring round now and getting on waiting lists. I'm not sure how old you are but insurance for learners over 35 is surprisingly limited. Took me a while to find some as I'd go through all the online forms only to be told at the end I was ineligible. I went with Admiral in the end. One advantage of being at the er...mature end of the scale is that it was much cheaper. It will also go up once you pass which surprised me.
I’m on 3 waiting lists already, I got an offer but it was for the week after my operation and I will still in bed then. Typical.

I’m just 35 - also typical
Well I got the renewal papers yesterday, tried to renew online, and got kicked out, a) because even though the paper form said no need to report non-insulin controlled diabetes, the website insisted I fill in my medication details: b) because their stupid website won't accept my landline which it insisted I fill in, (has 10 not 11 digits), (what happens to the people without landlines any more?): c) said I had more than one reportable condition. Should I just have ignored my diabetes, which I had to report last time? Would that have invalidated my new licence? The website is so out of date, it doesn't keep up with the paper forms!!!
So, not taking any chances, I filled in all the forms, wrote a detailed letter about my glaucoma, and Type 2 diabetes (not insulin controlled) and sent it off Registered Post. Last time I waited 3 months and they claimed they never received the application. Not holding my breath this time!
Well I got the renewal papers yesterday, tried to renew online, and got kicked out, a) because even though the paper form said no need to report non-insulin controlled diabetes, the website insisted I fill in my medication details: b) because their stupid website won't accept my landline which it insisted I fill in, (has 10 not 11 digits), (what happens to the people without landlines any more?): c) said I had more than one reportable condition. Should I just have ignored my diabetes, which I had to report last time? Would that have invalidated my new licence? The website is so out of date, it doesn't keep up with the paper forms!!!
So, not taking any chances, I filled in all the forms, wrote a detailed letter about my glaucoma, and Type 2 diabetes (not insulin controlled) and sent it off Registered Post. Last time I waited 3 months and they claimed they never received the application. Not holding my breath this time!
Our youngest is still waiting for his new 5-year licence, despite sending in his application (his condition isn't one he can do online) 11 weeks ago. As from today he's driving under Section 88. His medical details are the same as they were when he applied for his provisional licence, except for 2 things - he's been discharged by the eye clinic, they don't want to see him anymore, and he's been discharged by his consultant, who also doesn't want to seen him anymore. None of this washes with the DVLA, who've treated his renewal as though it was a first application.
Our youngest is still waiting for his new 5-year licence, despite sending in his application (his condition isn't one he can do online) 11 weeks ago. As from today he's driving under Section 88. His medical details are the same as they were when he applied for his provisional licence, except for 2 things - he's been discharged by the eye clinic, they don't want to see him anymore, and he's been discharged by his consultant, who also doesn't want to seen him anymore. None of this washes with the DVLA, who've treated his renewal as though it was a first application.
I actually recorded it took 19 weeks and 3 days to get my licence last time. I drove under Section 88 with a letter from my GP for 11 weeks. It actually took a very strongly worded letter after 12 weeks, to be notified I needed an eye test. If I'd been that inefficient in my job, I'd have been sacked!
I drove under Section 88 with a letter from my GP for 11 weeks.
You've got me wondering whether he needs the same. He's never been told by a doctor or healthcare professional that he shouldn't drive so we've assumed he's OK. His medical condition is genetic and doesn't require any kind of medication.
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I was stunned to receive a letter from the DVLA just 7 days after they received my renewal application. My eyesight test is booked within the week! Hats off to them - they've really got their act together this time.
I was stunned to receive a letter from the DVLA just 7 days after they received my renewal application. My eyesight test is booked within the week! Hats off to them - they've really got their act together this time.
Wish they'd do the same for our youngest. He's still waiting for his new licence, 3 months after applying.
Wish they'd do the same for our youngest. He's still waiting for his new licence, 3 months after applying.
I sent the application by Special Delivery, with a very detailed letter of all my eye tests and treatments this year. This is what I had to do last time when they didn't do anything about my application. No deniability then
I know a lady of 70. Renewal at 69 was £800 (lives in 0207 telephone code area, turbo car and no garage). Despite no claims or convictions this last year teeal quite is £1700. She thinks they want her to subsidise their cheapo promotions for young family individuals in older Focus!

Worried I may not be able to get insurance if I get my licence back. I much preferred it years ago when they published tables of age vs group showing base premium. Top many introductory offers and massive rise in second year!