Libre - Sharing with Clinic

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The one problem is that when I finally got an appt, the doctor was superb. The first good interaction with a diabetic in more than 10 years. Not kidding.
But-- that's great!!! ... Is there any way you could speak to this doctor about the problems you had with others in the team, and the effects this has had on your mental health, versus how much better you felt dealing with her?

Or-- probably even better-- have someone like your GP speak/write to this doctor about the problems with others in the team, and the serious effects on your health, and how much more beneficial it was to you to have an appointment with her rather than someone else? ...

No doubt it's true that, in the normal scheme of things, there is no guarantee you'll get to see a particular doctor. *However*, if there's a real and serious mental-health impact on the patient, the clinic could and should take that into account.

(And this particular doctor would doubtless be highly motivated to try to arrange that, on being told, either by you or by your GP, that you felt your appointment with her was "superb" and your interaction with her was the "first good interaction" you'd had with a diabetes professional "in more than 10 years"!)

Same with nurses: it sounds like there was one particular nurse who behaved very badly? But there must be other nurses in the clinic, and there is in principle no reason you couldn't be assigned to one or two of them, chosen by your nice doctor as likely to be appropriate for you. (At my clinic there is only one consultant but a team of DSNs, and each patient gets assigned to a pair of them.)

Just some thoughts! But maybe an angle worth trying? Anyway, fingers crossed you get a good solution, one way or another.
Good thought. I'm dithering about what to do. Libre is now kaput because the electrode got ripped out of my arm - none to stable on feet because of T1 unrelated mobility impairment (RTA) - and I fell into a door frame.
It was giving wildly inaccurate readings.
Dangerously inaccurate. It read 15, which made no sense to I BM-ed and got 8.9. No kidding. It proceeded to remain wildly inaccurate throughout the evening. So I returned to blood testing to get everything back.
T1 sometimes feels like heads it wins, tails we lose. But legs behaving like a**es, that might have be a blessing in disguise!!!!!!!! A Libre break probably a good idea.
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