Libre sensor and self-consciousness

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I never meant to imply that everyone here has it all sorted out. Apologies if that is the case. Everyone definitely has their own insecurities and worries, I would never assume otherwise. But self-consciousness is a tricky thing. When I'm feeling out of place or uncomfortable in my own skin it feels like it's the most obvious thing to everyone around me, even though I logically know no one cares or notices.

I'm going to try the Libre next weekend when I've got no where to go and can have a couple of days to figure it out.

I said that as reassurance not criticism 🙂
I have worn them on my thigh and stomach, thighs kept knocking them with my jeans but seemed to work ok, tummy not so good, read very low constantly but I’m very skinny and have had a lot of tummy surgery so have scarring which may have been an issue. It’s funny because I was actually stood next to a lady today who was wearing one. I kinda like the looks that get exchanged.
I saw someone on Facebook recently who had his sensor covered up with one of these stickers, which I found quite amusing 🙂

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When I was diagnosed aged 49 I suspect I was at an age where I wasn't really interested in what people might think, so made the decision not to hide my finger pricking (as we were all doing in 2008!) or injecting. I was, of course, discrete, but to me it was no different to, for example, using an asthma inhaler. I hope you can get past your concerns - the benefits of a Libre are huge, I have found 🙂

Ah that's quite funny! Wish I could be that humorous though, lol.

I know it will be beneficial. I'm also a little concerned as to what it might show up.
Theresa May was frequently seen in parliament when PM and otherwise with her Libre sensor plainly on view to whoever was watching the telly. She appeared to wear hers a lot nearer her elbow than I ever have though. Mind you I'm a shortarse, so quite possibly her arms are a lot longer than mine.

She may well not be your or my role model - I particularly noticed the ring where she'd had a previous one on that arm one day - O Yuk - and folk on here know I had a right rant to the forum Admin, Mike, aka @everydayupsanddowns only the other day about the very same thing, cos there's no excuse for tidemarks whoever you happen to be!) (What else haven't you bothered to wash recently? said my mother ....) :D 😱

Yeah I know she wears them. She's actually use to be my local MP. I think anyone wearing one visibly should be a role model.

Maybe it was a tan line and not a dirt mark? That's what will happen for me, I work outside and will definitely end up with weird round tan lines.
I have worn them on my thigh and stomach, thighs kept knocking them with my jeans but seemed to work ok, tummy not so good, read very low constantly but I’m very skinny and have had a lot of tummy surgery so have scarring which may have been an issue. It’s funny because I was actually stood next to a lady today who was wearing one. I kinda like the looks that get exchanged.

See I'd find that sort of encounter really awkward to be honest.
See I'd find that sort of encounter really awkward to be honest.
I did at the start hence me trying to place it elsewhere so I do get it. Even on my arm I still find myself pulling my sleeve down and checking it’s covered. Sounds silly but I worry more that people will wonder what it is, like it’s my charging point or something lol
I choose what I wear to fit in with what I need at the time - same as not wearing shorts and a Tshirt to a formal business meeting - so if I need to conceal my pump at a 'do' I'd choose my outfit to accommodate it comfortably and ditto with a long enough sleeve to conceal eg a Libre sensor but there again amongst friends or family, I don't hide anything. My oldest mate recently attended a Buck House garden party with one of her other female friends who is involved in a charity - so I was very interested in knowing things eg that Princess Anne is quite tiny and though truthfully Camilla is showing her age in her face, wore a stunning but paler coloured outfit whereas Anne's was equally expensive looking and gorgeous but more bright and modern. The guests were all advised to wear sober comfortable clothes and shoes which were suitable for walking on grass and standing about in for ages - no need whatever for anyone to wear a hat and men to wear a jacket and preferably a tie, but not compulsory.
and folk on here know I had a right rant to the forum Admin, Mike, aka @everydayupsanddowns only the other day about the very same thing,

Hehe! I wear my tide marks with pride 😉😛 (actually I just forgot your vaseline trick before I’d towelled it off)

I’ve just returned from a music festival in Oxfordshire where my band were lucky enough to have a small slot or two.

It was VERY hot and short sleeves/strappy tops / vests were pretty much everywhere.

At the last count I clocked three different Libre wearers (Libre 1 or 2) and two other Dex wearers, with me being a third.

One Dex wearer was a kid taking part in a samba drumming workshop just near where we were having a little busk, and I gave her a big grin and said ‘Nice Dex… me too!’ patting my arm.

Quite coincidentally I happened to sit next to her Mum while catching Altered Images - remember them?? (daughter nowhere to be seen) and she said, ”Thank you so much for saying hello to my daughter earlier, she really loves spotting other people with T1 around, and it makes her feel less alone”. Then we had a good old chinwag about the faff of T1 and it was a lovely moment.

This may not appeal to you given your private nature, but just to say that if you keep your eyes open you will most likely see a sensor or two over the summer - and those are only the ones not using Bruce’s trick of making sure the sensor is above the sleeve line (which I used to do at the start too).

I really like spotting others ‘in the wild’. Lots of knowing smiles exchanged, or simply knowing that others exist (like spotting an abandoned test strip on the pavement of a brand you don’t use).

Hope you get on well with Libre2 @Miss Vincent and find spots on your arm that suit your wardrobe and your privacy.

As Northie says, there are a variety of stickers and decals from pretty florals, or abstracts, to gags or funnies.
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