Libre reader versus LibreLink

I think it may depend on how "twitchy" your health care professionals are about time below range. I have a predisposition to nocturnal hypos even when I have adjusted my night time Levemir down to zero, so I often struggle to hit the less than 4% below range target. Thankfully my consultant is very happy with my diabetes management and doesn't see those lows as a problem and I am happy that I am managing them as well as I can and they don't bother me or impact my quality of life and in reality some of them are most likely not quite hypos but I no longer check them but just have a JB or two and go straight back to sleep. Mostly they are very mild. I am sure there are other DSNs and consultants who would have a fit if they saw those regular nocturnal lows, so being able to notate them would perhaps be useful if you had clinicians who are critical or anxious about hypos instead of supportive.
Wow! I am amazed there are diabetes consultants who have enough bandwidth to spend the amount of time needed to analyse every patient's TIR.
My DSN may glance at my last 2 weeks of graphs just before my appointment. In which case, I am ready to expain any anomalies at the start of my appointment. It usually starts with

endo: "how are you?"
me: "I am good thanks. A bit frustrated with the number of false hypos on my CGM but as I check them I am confident they are ok."
endo: "oh ok. good to hear you are keeping an eye on them."
dsn: "yes, I did spot a few but I am confident you know what you are doing as you always seem to be on top of it."
The LibreView data provides an AGP summary which highlights any issues which need to be addressed and mine regularly highlights nocturnal hypos. It only takes a minute for the consultant to look at that AGP summary on his computer and see that issue. He doesn't have to look back through days or weeks of data.
What I don’t like about the libre app is it can be so way off the actual level and there’s no way to overwrite or override the log.
Such as compression lows, if we could flag false / incorrect readings 1) we and our medical team could see it in the data 2) libre could see all their faults
You can make a note in the Comments section, eg if I have double-checked a low reading with a fingerprick I might write "BG 5.3" or similar in the Comments and it will show in LibreView which the medical team sees.
What I don’t like about the libre app is it can be so way off the actual level and there’s no way to overwrite or override the log.
Such as compression lows, if we could flag false / incorrect readings 1) we and our medical team could see it in the data 2) libre could see all their faults
You can. Press add note then write your comment.
Wow! I am amazed there are diabetes consultants who have enough bandwidth to spend the amount of time needed to analyse every patient's TIR.
I just show him on my phone in the libre app in the appointment. He flicks through the different views there.
You can. Press add note then write your comment.
Yeah but it doesn’t alter the data or go back to freestyle.
Yeah but it doesn’t alter the data or go back to freestyle.
You can’t alter the data because you don’t have a correct version of that time period without compression but adding a note means you can prove what it was in appointments, the note is visible on libreview.

Not sure what you want abbot to do about things like lying on the sensor, they already sound an alarm to wake you and you have to not respond to that alarm for 15 mi utes before it will show as a hypo on the reports.