libre freestyle2 issues.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Good morning all. I`d like some answers if possible, my mum uses the above cgm but doesn`t/can`t use a mobile to scan and send her readings to our local diabetic clinic. We were told that I could extract the readings from the scanner and send them to the clinic via an app which I have set up, my problem is that I have tried with several devices, (android, chromebook, windows pc and iphone) to extract the readings from the scanner via a usb cable all to no avail. We now have weeks worth of readings stuck in the scanner!
My questions are, Can you actually do this ? if so what apps do I need? What`s the best device to use?
The cgm has been a godsend overall and has stopped her frequent hypo`s via the alarms after being hospitalised recently but I would love to be able to help our local clinic by being able to send them the readings every few days.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts, Stuart.
Are using any old USB cable or the one that comes with the reader?
You need to download the data from the Libre reader to Libre View, not the app, which is LibreLink. LibreView is a website I believe rather than an app. This generally involves a PC rather than more portable device. The reader will store 3 months worth of data so you don't need to worry about down loading it too frequently and clinic staff only view it if prompted to do so because there is a specific problem that you need support with. Even if you have an appointment, they don't generally review it beforehand.
This the LibreView website:

Register an account for your mum.

When you go into upload from the reader you will be asked to install USB drivers. Mac or Windows only.

This will give you access to the data stored in LV.

For her diabetes team to be able to see, you will have to get an ‘invitation’ from them. I can’t exactly remember how it works, but it’s problem free IIRC.

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Once you have created the LibreView account, you need a code for your clinic which you input which allows them to access the data in your Mum's LibreView account.
That's what rebrascora's Clinic don't do. Mine always does! First person I see after the receptionist is a helpful lady who downloads things that need downloading cos there are all sorts of gadgets some of us use, as well as weight and blood pressure, checks my list of medications with me in case my GP has increased or reduced things he has 100% responsibility for - eg my blood pressure tablets and then she tells me my latest blood test results, cos it's an 'armful of blood' every 6 months before seeing them, so I know them just before seeing the consultant and/or specialist nurse.
This the LibreView website:

Register an account for your mum.

When you go into upload from the reader you will be asked to install USB drivers. Mac or Windows only.

This will give you access to the data stored in LV.

For her diabetes team to be able to see, you will have to get an ‘invitation’ from them. I can’t exactly remember how it works, but it’s problem free IIRC.

I`ve done all of that as soon as my mum got the cgm. Thanks for the reply.
That's what rebrascora's Clinic don't do. Mine always does! First person I see after the receptionist is a helpful lady who downloads things that need downloading cos there are all sorts of gadgets some of us use, as well as weight and blood pressure, checks my list of medications with me in case my GP has increased or reduced things he has 100% responsibility for - eg my blood pressure tablets and then she tells me my latest blood test results, cos it's an 'armful of blood' every 6 months before seeing them, so I know them just before seeing the consultant and/or specialist nurse.
Thanks, to be fair we were told at the clinic that they could extract the readings if they needed to, It`s just annoying that niether me nor other family members can`t get any further with it, and we are all tech savvy!
What are you trying to download it onto? I think you need a PC. Are you definitely on the LibreView website and not the LibreLink app. The reason I ask is that you mention app in your opening post and the LibreLink app does not work with the reader. You need to download it to the LibreView website. If all else fails try a different USB port.... I have one that doesn't work.
What are you trying to download it onto? I think you need a PC. Are you definitely on the LibreView website and not the LibreLink app. The reason I ask is that you mention app in your opening post and the LibreLink app does not work with the reader. You need to download it to the LibreView website. If all else fails try a different USB port.... I have one that doesn't work.
Using libre view with a properly set up account....... We`ve tried at least 4 devices with multiple usb ports. If it were my own cgm I`d have binned it by now but as I mentioned elsewhere it`s stopping my mum from having hypo`s via the alarms so it`s valuable just for that! She`s been T1 for 60 years.... Thanks.
Does the yellow cable work OK when you need to plug the reader into the mains to recharge the battery?

And, have you still got any of the older type of phone battery charger cables with the same connector that fits the Reader?
I appreciate your frustration!
It is difficult to know what to suggest when we don't know what you have tried or which equipment you are using. We have a lot of people posting problems with Libre but this is not one I have seen before. Maybe the reader is faulty and cannot download. Try contacting Abbott to see if they will replace it or ask the hospital if they have another your Mum can try.
Does the yellow cable work OK when you need to plug the reader into the mains to recharge the battery?

And, have you still got any of the older type of phone battery charger cables with the same connector that fits the Reader?
We`re using all newish kit, along with the supplied yellow cable. I`ve tried talking to Abbott but they were vague at best. I agree with you about the reader though. Thanks again.
I was merely trying to establish whether it's the Reader itself, or the yellow cable. Plus, I still use MS Edge as my browser though computer (laptop) also has Chrome but last year some time - or a bit longer, Libreview just refused to work so one day I wondered if it would work on MS Chrome so downloaded it on there and it accepted the same email address and password OK though initially the first download after took practically forever, cos it had so long to catch up with - and still takes longer than the pretty instant results we all now expect from mob phone apps, but still works OK and my hospital D clinic (at Rugby St Cross) seem to have no prob either.

In case it's the cable, I was only going to suggest you might try to download it on your computer via a phone one instead. I'm no electronic expert BUT I know 100% one of them will recharge the Reader battery perfectly OK with no ill effects. (we are often off mains elec for weeks at a time when away in our motorhome, frequently on 'field' type campsites so only having the 12v supply from the habitation batteries to use.)

Right - let's try the basics. You open the prog. Does it immediately show you your User Name (email address) and Password (as a row of asterisks) or, if you've not instructed your computer to remember that, what happens immediately after you enter them and click Log in?
I was merely trying to establish whether it's the Reader itself, or the yellow cable. Plus, I still use MS Edge as my browser though computer (laptop) also has Chrome but last year some time - or a bit longer, Libreview just refused to work so one day I wondered if it would work on MS Chrome so downloaded it on there and it accepted the same email address and password OK though initially the first download after took practically forever, cos it had so long to catch up with - and still takes longer than the pretty instant results we all now expect from mob phone apps, but still works OK and my hospital D clinic (at Rugby St Cross) seem to have no prob either.

In case it's the cable, I was only going to suggest you might try to download it on your computer via a phone one instead. I'm no electronic expert BUT I know 100% one of them will recharge the Reader battery perfectly OK with no ill effects. (we are often off mains elec for weeks at a time when away in our motorhome, frequently on 'field' type campsites so only having the 12v supply from the habitation batteries to use.)

Right - let's try the basics. You open the prog. Does it immediately show you your User Name (email address) and Password (as a row of asterisks) or, if you've not instructed your computer to remember that, what happens immediately after you enter them and click Log in?
Many thanks, I really cannot get it to work on chrome at all, the cable is fine but I will try an old cable if I can find one. On a windows setup you just cant extract the readings. I`m on holiday for a week now so I`ll pass on all of the above to other family members to read through and bash on with. Thanks for your help.
What version of Windoze are you running? Mine is on Win11.
I use Chrome as my Browser, and I can upload readings from my readers, to Libre View, no problem.
I'm also wondering whether the prog they've all downloaded, isn't really a 'pukka' one - cos when Mr Google looks for it, there are shedloads of results under the real one, on my laptop.

I really don't know what on earth it might be, cos computer buff, I ain't. I can't believe though, that having multiple people all downloading it and using the same 'sign in' or multiple ones, is likely to help, really. The software surely isn't designed for sharing with multiple people - why would it be? I wouldn't expect a family member to be able to access mine but if I was indisposed I'd expect OH to fire up my laptop and do it that way - rather than downloading the prog to his.

The OP hasn't replied to the Q about the 'signing in', so maybe whatever they see, doesn't have that on the screen, in which case, see first sentence of this post.
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