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Hi sid, it’s so frustrating ! Yes let me know if you get any answers. I’m currently wearing both libre and dexcom at the same time to make my final decision. Readings as of right now libre 3.7 dexcom 5.8. This libre sensor seems to be running lower where as the last few have been much higher. I give up !
Hi sid, it’s so frustrating ! Yes let me know if you get any answers. I’m currently wearing both libre and dexcom at the same time to make my final decision. Readings as of right now libre 3.7 dexcom 5.8. This libre sensor seems to be running lower where as the last few have been much higher. I give up !
What is your finger prick reading?
Is it somewhere between the two or closer to one than the other?

Bear in mind that you are only comparing one Libre with one Dexcom. Having tried a few of each, I do not find there is a consistency - one Libre can read high and the next will read low. Same with Dexcom. This is why the ability to calibrate them with my finger prick is so important to me.
Hi, yes dexcom is virtually bang on all the time against finger prick . Admittedly I’m only on my second one of those. However the libre has been way out for me for a long while. I so wish it was the other way around as libre is free and the dexcom certainly isn’t :(
Hi, yes dexcom is virtually bang on all the time against finger prick . Admittedly I’m only on my second one of those. However the libre has been way out for me for a long while. I so wish it was the other way around as libre is free and the dexcom certainly isn’t :(
Yes, it is a shame that it is easier to get Libre on prescription (not that it is free … sorry to be a pedant but it is still costly to the NHS) than Dexcom.
Have you asked about a Dexcom instead of Libre? You don’t have much to lose by asking. You now have good evidence that it is closer for you. As mentioned previously, the chances are low but you definitely won’t get it if you don’t ask.
Yes free to me but costly for nhs. For that reason I won’t pursue the dexcom via this route. There are many others that warrant either on prescription more than I. I am sure the day will come when my libre is taken away and my experiments at the minute are to determine which one , if any I will self fund.
It's odd that so many have poor experiences with the Libre. I find the sensors really very accurate. The Libre1s were reasonably close but the Libre2 seems spot on all the time. I have to fingerprick using my pump handset in order to bolus. Yesterday at lunchtime pump handset was 6.4 whilst Libre was 6.3. Today at lunch both said 7.4. As @everydayupsanddowns said in a post elsewhere, they seem to suit some people really well, but others not at all. Thing is, you don't often hear from people who get on well with them so I thought I should post just for a bit of balance.
I think that’s it’s probably people are more likely to complain when they have bad experiences than they are to compliment the good ones. The majority must be happy, the tech is proven reliable. Mum always said I was a odd one. :D
LOL @ your mum!
Think I'll start tomorrow morning to actually keep a note of the two side by side readings when I do them - last Libre sensor was all over the place, this one seems better. Tricky cos last one I bled on insertion but ran out of strips before it ended because I had for some unfathomable reason omitted to put a new pack of strips in the van (don't tell me off, I know) so had nowt to compare it to and thus a lot of guesswork and erring on the side of caution with boluses and corrections much more than I'm used to.

Still unwilling to trust it for dosing, full stop. The 2 is certainly more accurate than the 1 was for me but spot on? only sometimes even allowing for the leeway of 10-15mins. Still tells me I'm hypo when I'm over 5 sometimes and hence reckons my HbA1c will be around 44. You'll know if it is on Weds when I get the results, when you see the Gloucester Old Spots roosting in your gooseberry bushes .......
I must try my other Libre2. So far I’ve only used a few, and the balance seems to be towards spot-on for me, with an occasional dodgy one.

Dex is my favourite sensor though. Very good parity with fingersticks for me, and even though factory calibrated, so no fingerstick calibration is needed, it is still available as an option if a sensor has drifted slightly. My main niggle is that updates from the sensor are only transmitted every 5 minutes. Which is mostly fine, but can be painfully laggy if BG is low or trending towards hypo territory.

I wonder whether Libre3 will have optional calibration? I really hope so!
Hi sid, it’s so frustrating ! Yes let me know if you get any answers. I’m currently wearing both libre and dexcom at the same time to make my final decision. Readings as of right now libre 3.7 dexcom 5.8. This libre sensor seems to be running lower where as the last few have been much higher. I give up !
Hi Emma just got off the phone with Abbots and I was told there is a problem with iPhones on ISO 14.5 and 14.7 the problem is with the app and they are trying to sort it out, but he could give me no time scale!!. informed them of the sensor readings which has been the last two in my case. I had to give the serial No this is found on the bottom of the box there are a block of numbers, it is the one that starts with 3MH lucky I had kept the last box, so it may be worth keeping the box until you replace with a new sensor in case you have to contact them my be there was a problem with a batch.
the last two sensors have been running low which is a pain when it wakes you up at 4am in the morning to let you know you are going low when in fact Im at 5.9 mind you it was a lovely sun rise this morning Im off for nap.
Hi sid, glad you got some kind of reasonable explanation. I’m on iso 14.6 so that crossed that theory off for me. I think Whilst I seem to be enjoying a period of stability with BG I’m not going to wear either. I’ve struggled with health anxiety in the past as I had a lot going on in a real short space of time. Im feeling better in my mind and I feel that the monitors unsettle me. Dexcom was great but now is behaving similar to the libre. I’m still wearing both but I’m seriously considering going back to finger prick only. Morning blood Dex 7.8, libre 6 finger 4.3 this is how it is for me virtually 100% of the day. Was in a salon this morning and my dexcom was going off high sugars, hard to finger prick with gel manicure going on but I did it when I got back to the car and I was 5.8.
On a different note, It was very Misty round my way this morning so no beautiful sunset and the neighbours have bought 3 goats which found their way into my garden… wasn’t expecting that !
@Sid21 the serial number of the sensor is on the app that you started it with and it is on the sensor itself.
So if you do throw the box away, you can still get hold of the serial number.
😡 (along with a crying emoji) well that's another I'm going to have to report,I really am getting thoroughly fed up with Libre 2 and Abbott really need to pull their fingers out and get it sorted xx
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