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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all, right okay since I swapped to libre 2 (about last 5 sensors) I have had unbelievably high readings. 100% of the time showing 2,3,4 higher than finger prick. Even when my sugars have been steady for hours. Which means I’m having to finger prick way to often which sort of defeats the purpose. Don’t get me wrong I know I’m extremely lucky to have funding for the libre and I am grateful but it’s simply not working for me. However I’ve just started a free trial of the Dexcom and so far is bang on. My question is, and I’m sure this won’t be what I want to hear, is there any funding for this at all? I’ve read online that there isn’t, just wondered if anybody had a different experience. I know folks will say just use the libre for the patterns but to be honest I’m finger pricking too much so if I’m going to that I may as well not bother. Plus the perfectionist in me doesn’t want to see those numbers 🙄
Dexcom does get funded but to very few and the criteria is far stricter than that of the Libre, from what I've read in your posts, I'm sorry but I don't think you stand a chance, I too would love Dexcom as yet another of my Libre 2 sensors is going to need reported and due to my contamination OCD and the state of my hand I can only use 3 fingers on my left hand for testing so becoming a PITA xx
I asked about Dexcom funding and my consultant laughed. Very, very few Type 1s get it funded. I knew one very young child who did, but they’ve now been swapped to the Libre.
Hi guys, yep thought as much. Was worth a shot. I won’t ask consultant then (don’t want to get laughed at ) shame because I love it. Will put it on my Christmas list! How sad is that. Thinking about just going without but DN says she’s expecting me to go downhill fast at some point so it’s reassuring that it’s there. My dentist wears the dexcom so I assumed she had it on prescription. Sorry about your hands kaylz that must be a real pain in the … finger !
My consultant told me Dexcom would be available if I was pregnant. That felt a bit extreme to get a different CGM and limited to only 9 months!

Have you tried alternative apps which allow calibration such as Glimp, xDrip or xDripiOS?
The advantage of these are the more accurate readings (and no need to scan) but the disadvantage is that they are unofficial and do not send data to LibreVioew for our DSNs to review.
To be honest I hadn’t realised the dexcom was so expensive, I actually thought it was not supposed to be as good at the libre so I wasn’t expecting much. I’ve got way too many kids already so won’t resort to getting pregnant lol. Somebody (maybe you helli) suggested the apps before but my little brain melted… however I defo need to investigate this further maybe one of my surplus children can look into this for me. Thanks everybody!
To be honest I hadn’t realised the dexcom was so expensive,
It's not the only CGM, though it does seem to be the one people talk about so I'm guessing it's the most popular (with Libre being by far the most used CGM-ish thing now, of course).

There's also which always looks quite attractive when I look at it. (Though Libre still wins for me since it works fine and now I get it on prescription.)

It looks cheaper than Dexcom but I've not really dug into it. What seems odd is that nobody on this forum (or elsewhere, for that matter) seems to mention it beyond asking whether anyone knows anything about it (like what I'm doing, I guess).

If it works OK and it's cheaper than Dexcom I guess somewhere must offer it on prescription? Or is it just that many CGM (as opposed to Libre) users want a connection with a pump and that means Dexcom?
Well it’s an ever growing market I think… especially as I’ve heard that non diabetics are choosing to use them for fitness reasons. ( not sure I would but each to their own ) I certainly have never heard of the other one you mentioned so will have a google. I’m a huge fan of the libre 1 as it worked so well for me, just seems to make no sense that the 2 doesn’t and nobody else has had this problem. I even tried it on my thigh.. not only was it totally inaccurate I also couldn’t wear my skinny jeans for 2 whole weeks !!!!
Hello 1 am on my 4th Libre 2 and they don’t work on me l have exchanged 2 but not used the replacement yet
I cannot rely on it today it told me I was 3.5 so could not drive blood test 5.6 so Could drive what do you do ?
I was pleased to see your experience with the Dexcom and I can only dream perhaps the Dexcom 7 will be less expensive and will be on prescription. why the Libre 1 was fine
I don't know if the Medtrum CGM to worth looking at. They have priced it competitively against the Libre but my CCG will only consider Libre which is a huge shame because I have the Medtrum pump. If I was self funding I would be very interested but not sure if it is worthwhile when I am ok with Libre 2. Their website suggests you have to call them if you are interested which is a bit of a pest.
To be honest I hadn’t realised the dexcom was so expensive, I actually thought it was not supposed to be as good at the libre so I wasn’t expecting much. I’ve got way too many kids already so won’t resort to getting pregnant lol. Somebody (maybe you helli) suggested the apps before but my little brain melted… however I defo need to investigate this further maybe one of my surplus children can look into this for me. Thanks everybody!

I’d much prefer a Dexcom to a Libre! A few years ago when I optimistically thought I’d be able to afford it, I read loads about it and compared it to the others available, read reviews, did lists, etc. Then circumstances changed and I couldn’t afford it.

This is why I don’t bother getting excited about official loops or the artificial pancreas-type ideas. Even if they invent something fab, very few people will actually get it. So that would just be added cruelty - to know it existed but to know you had a cat’s chance in hell of ever getting it.
if you were happy with the original Libre and it worked well for you, ask your DSN to go back to that. i will certainly be doing that if I have problems with Libre 2 as I love the original and it works well for me.
Hi all, right okay since I swapped to libre 2 (about last 5 sensors) I have had unbelievably high readings. 100% of the time showing 2,3,4 higher than finger prick. Even when my sugars have been steady for hours. Which means I’m having to finger prick way to often which sort of defeats the purpose. Don’t get me wrong I know I’m extremely lucky to have funding for the libre and I am grateful but it’s simply not working for me. However I’ve just started a free trial of the Dexcom and so far is bang on. My question is, and I’m sure this won’t be what I want to hear, is there any funding for this at all? I’ve read online that there isn’t, just wondered if anybody had a different experience. I know folks will say just use the libre for the patterns but to be honest I’m finger pricking too much so if I’m going to that I may as well not bother. Plus the perfectionist in me doesn’t want to see those numbers 🙄
The Libre 1 is still available if you preferred that
If you still have some Libre sensors it may be worth trying them on your belly. That’s not where they’re designed for but it may work better for you and if it does then it makes it workable. When my daughter had a Libre they were more likely to read a little higher on her so we just made a mental adjustment but I’m not a perfectionist and seeing the numbers didn’t bother me so it was workable for us. I hope you can find a solution or find funding for the dexcom.
If you still have some Libre sensors it may be worth trying them on your belly. That’s not where they’re designed for but it may work better for you and if it does then it makes it workable. When my daughter had a Libre they were more likely to read a little higher on her so we just made a mental adjustment but I’m not a perfectionist and seeing the numbers didn’t bother me so it was workable for us. I hope you can find a solution or find funding for the dexcom.
Hey, thanks for your message. It’s funny because the dexcom is currently on my belly and that’s doing great. Only tried the libre on my arm or thigh and there isn’t much meat on me. I think I get obsessed with the numbers because, and apologies to those who have already heard me say this, I was originally told I was type 2. This was queried because im not your typical type 2. After a few tests consultant said he was 85% sure I was honeymooning type 1. This was last year. In the last month I have come off insulin, and have done really well with my glucose being around 5-7 for the entire day by finger prick. Libre is showing much higher. Im sort of trying to build myself a case I suppose. As for the dexcom , I won’t get funding. I was selfish to think maybe I would. There are way more people out there that need it more than me. They say eventually my pancreas will give up.. maybe it will and maybe it won’t, I just wanna do the best I can in this little window of opportunity
Hi all, right okay since I swapped to libre 2 (about last 5 sensors) I have had unbelievably high readings. 100% of the time showing 2,3,4 higher than finger prick. Even when my sugars have been steady for hours. Which means I’m having to finger prick way to often which sort of defeats the purpose. Don’t get me wrong I know I’m extremely lucky to have funding for the libre and I am grateful but it’s simply not working for me. However I’ve just started a free trial of the Dexcom and so far is bang on. My question is, and I’m sure this won’t be what I want to hear, is there any funding for this at all? I’ve read online that there isn’t, just wondered if anybody had a different experience. I know folks will say just use the libre for the patterns but to be honest I’m finger pricking too much so if I’m going to that I may as well not bother. Plus the perfectionist in me doesn’t want to see those numbers 🙄
The libra was working fine for me when I first got it, but then the app on my phone stopped reading the sensor contacted Abbots they sent me new sensors and a reader first sensor was fine but still not working with my phone app and the the last two sensors are giving me lower readings of up to 2.5 on my finger prick test.
So I feel the sensors are not fully reliable as is the app.
So at present I am carrying out more finger prick test.
The libra was working fine for me when I first got it, but then the app on my phone stopped reading the sensor contacted Abbots they sent me new sensors and a reader first sensor was fine but still not working with my phone app and the the last two sensors are giving me lower readings of up to 2.5 on my finger prick test.
So I feel the sensors are not fully reliable as is the app.
So at present I am carrying out more finger prick test.
Hi Sid, I’m still loving the dexcom and they have since offered me another free one however I believe they have ended the free trial thingy now. My readings have remained very close to finger prick. I plan to wear both the libre and the dexcom at the same time starting from tomorrow to compare results, but the libre on my tummy to see if that works better for me. If it does great ..then if not I have a feeling they will take my funding for libre away soon (which is fair enough to be honest) so I may self fund the dexcom for 6th months but it’s not something I can do long term. Are your readings any better ?
One thing to consider is that DexCom app is supported on a much smaller set of phones than the Libre (although that is of little consequence when, like @Sid21 , the LibreLink app stops working on their phone).
Hi Sid, I’m still loving the dexcom and they have since offered me another free one however I believe they have ended the free trial thingy now. My readings have remained very close to finger prick. I plan to wear both the libre and the dexcom at the same time starting from tomorrow to compare results, but the libre on my tummy to see if that works better for me. If it does great ..then if not I have a feeling they will take my funding for libre away soon (which is fair enough to be honest) so I may self fund the dexcom for 6th months but it’s not something I can do long term. Are your readings any better ?
Hi Emma, Tried to contact Abbots regarding the readings I am getting, but gave up after 30 min waiting on the phone, I did notice on there website that at present they have run out of readers!. So I put the app on an old iPhone running on a older iso 13.4 but no improvement on the readings so will try Abbots again next week. In the mean time I'm doing readings on the phone and putting my blood readings on so I can show my contact nurse. so I may end up the same as yourself Emma giving it back, one thing that concerns me is that it worked fine for the first few months so is there a problem with the sensors!!!. its a shame as I was pleased to get something that was helpful. reading on line there appears to be a lot that are having problems, but Im lucky I have always been good with my numbers averaging between 5.8-6.8
will update if I get any news from Abbots. Will look at the DexCom but like yourself its the funding that will be the problem.
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