Libre 2 issues

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After several years on waiting list, I'm finally on the Libre. Things looked great at the start....but first sensor worked for only 7 days, then was told to "replace sensor" (error 365), second one lasted 7 hours with "sensor ended" (error 337). Both went wrong during the night, which might be a coincidence. They were fitting fine.
I'm going through the hassle of using the help lines, so they know we have problems. Hopefully "Abbotts" will get things sorted. When it works, it's a life changer. I'm going to try and keep the faith for a bit longer.
I don't know what those error codes relate to but if it is happening during sleep I wonder if it is the way you lie or move around in your sleep and the sensor is getting twisted or compressed. I use an arm band for my Libre and I find it really helps protect and support my Libre from catching on clothes or catching it in the shower when I am washing.... because I forget which arm it is on without the visual reminder of the strap. There are some people who have had a consistent problem with Libre 2 who had no significant problems with the original Libre, so it may be that there are some bad batches of Libre 2 or that they have somehow changed the device slightly and it is now not suiting some people.

I still have the original Libre and that suits me fine and now that I have gained confidence in my own hypo awareness day and night, I don't see any need for the upgrade with alarms and I may actually ask my consultant when I next get an appointment, if I can stay on the original as I was marked up for the upgrade last June but it hasn't happened as yet and not sure I want to risk the upgrade now as quite a few people have reported problems.
if I can stay on the original as I was marked up for the upgrade last June but it hasn't happened as yet and not sure I want to risk the upgrade now as quite a few people have reported problems.
I was a bit worried, but I wanted to try the new version. So far (two or three months, I think) it's been working fine for me. Main annoyance is that I can't use the reader (since they're not selling them, and while I could use my old reader it would mean I couldn't get the alarms).

(A minor irritation is that the (Android) phone app complains that there's a problem with the settings meaning it can't give alarms, but it's mistaken since the alarms work fine.)
My phone isn't compatible so I need the reader and I think that may be why I haven't been swapped over onto the Libre 2 already. I am happy with the status quo though and can't see much benefit for myself with the Libre 2 versus the risk of having the problems some people are experiencing. @Kaylz being a prime example of someone I know and trust and who had plenty of experience successfully using the original, but perpetual problems with the Libre 2
There does seem to be a much higher incidence here on the forum with people having problems with Libre 2 as compared to the original. I just don't want to risk it!
At the begining of the year, Abbott were giving the Libre 2 readers to people who had registered their Libre readers with them.
At the begining of the year, Abbott were giving the Libre 2 readers to people who had registered their Libre readers with them.
I applied in June, but didn't receive one and when I rang to report a sensor which failed, they said that I can't have a Libre 2 reader until I am prescribed the Libre 2. (bit chicken and egg!). As I understand it, Abbott are very short of Libre 2 readers for some reason perhaps due to the sudden surge in demand when Libre 2 was released on prescription and I think that is likely why my prescription hasn't been upgraded yet even though I was given the nod for it by the consultant in June.
I’ve used libre 2 since last January. Had 4 faulty ones in the year - 3 in the last batch so 3 in about the last 4 weeks. All have been replaced and the Abbott’s person said there was a faulty batch.

Although one looked like the filament had bent when I put it in when I removed it and looked at it.

It had been great at all other times much more accurate than libre 1.

Keep with it.
I applied in June, but didn't receive one and when I rang to report a sensor which failed, they said that I can't have a Libre 2 reader until I am prescribed the Libre 2. (bit chicken and egg!). As I understand it, Abbott are very short of Libre 2 readers for some reason perhaps due to the sudden surge in demand when Libre 2 was released on prescription and I think that is likely why my prescription hasn't been upgraded yet even though I was given the nod for it by the consultant in June.
When I discussed my upgrade at my hospital review (last May, I think) having originally been told not to demand an upgrade til my next clinic review, the doctor said the upgrade was now being rolled out by GPs and should be automatic. She mentioned this on my clinic report to my GP , and because we’d just got a new clinical pharmacist at our surgery specifically to deal with hospital requests, and she was red hot, she picked this up from the letter and I was automatically switched.(Alas, she’s since left the practice!).So I think if you took the plunge and decided to upgrade, your GP should just be able to switch you automatically.
Because I had a spare sensor from when I was self funding, I wasn’t overly concerned if the reader didn't arrive promptly (I didn’t have a smart phone at the time) but in fact I applied for one on the Abbot website and it arrived within a couple of days.
I may be lucky, but I've got on fine with the Libre 2, after the first couple which I thought were a bit dodgy. I wondered if they’d had a 'bad batch' as there were a lot of complaints on here at the time. I must say I find the low alarms at night annoying, because of the tendency of the Libre to read lower, or to have a compression low, and I tend not to use them, as I wake up anyway if I’m genuinely hypo. I’ve never used the high alarm, but I find the low one invaluable during the day, though, when I’m walking or gardening, because I set it to around 5.5 so I can see that I'm plummeting, and treat the hypo before it happens.
I’ve got a Libre 2 reader, I don’t have a compatible phone. I just ordered it with my trial sensor with the code the diabetes clinic gave me. This was September. Looks like I’ve been lucky. If the worst came to the worst I have a Libre 1 reader from my self funding days, I managed to live without alarms then. My phone is due for an upgrade in June so will probably get a compatible iPhone.
And, touch wood, I haven’t had any problems with Libre 2 sensors so far. I too wear a strap like Barbara.
Never bedded in sensor since start of using libre system, find it near enough accurate from day 1 to 14, more so since changing to libre 2 device.
Never bedded in sensor since start of using libre system, find it near enough accurate from day 1 to 14, more so since changing to libre 2 device.
As with most thing diabetic, we are all different.
For me, I have learnt not to trust my sensor for the first two days. It’s great if your body is more accommodating to aliens 😎
As with most thing diabetic, we are all different.
For me, I have learnt not to trust my sensor for the first two days. It’s great if your body is more accommodating to aliens 😎

Ha, suppose after 40 years of having aliens inserted under skin it should be use to them.

Do agree about us all being different, so many aspects of managing this condition varys, interesting at times to read others experiences.
My phone isn't compatible so I need the reader and I think that may be why I haven't been swapped over onto the Libre 2 already. I am happy with the status quo though and can't see much benefit for myself with the Libre 2 versus the risk of having the problems some people are experiencing.
For me the benefit has been the low warnings which have enabled me to react and avert hypos. I've gone from 4 - 5% hypo on Time in Range, to 0% over the past 14 days, 1% over the past 30/90 days. So I do think the Libre2 has it's advantages for me anyway. I use my phone - I bought a new phone with NFC back in 2019 when I dropped the Libre 1 reader on the pavement half way through a holiday. I'd carry my phone anyway, so it's one less bit of diabetes trankenalia to drag round. I've only had one duff Libre 2 which read 3% out, and which Abbott replaced.

I've got a fairly new one on at the mo and was delighted this lunchtime when my meter said 5.9 and so did the Libre. I have thought for a long time that some people are lucky enough to get on well with them whereas they don't suit others, though I am unsure what the reason for that is.
After several years on waiting list, I'm finally on the Libre. Things looked great at the start....but first sensor worked for only 7 days, then was told to "replace sensor" (error 365), second one lasted 7 hours with "sensor ended" (error 337). Both went wrong during the night, which might be a coincidence. They were fitting fine.
I'm going through the hassle of using the help lines, so they know we have problems. Hopefully "Abbotts" will get things sorted. When it works, it's a life changer. I'm going to try and keep the faith for a bit longer.
Im always having this problem thought it was something i was doimg. I want to try dexcom but cant aford it
I should eat my words, apparently it's been dispatched. So maybe it's just that they don't have many and are prioritising replacements.

That is interesting to know.
I didn't realise that I can continue to use my Libre 1 reader for Libre 2 but that it just won't have the alarms. I am quite happy with that situation as long as the Libre 2 sensors I get are reliable. I am really not bothered about the alarms. I was just worried that my prescription would be changed to Libre 2 and I would be left with nothing to read them with.
Might try again and see if I can order a replacement Libre 2 reader, but the man on the customer service line at Abbott was adamant that I couldn't order one until my prescription had been changed to Libre 2 and apparently it hadn't been changed yet, so maybe that is the stumbling block.
I didn't realise that I can continue to use my Libre 1 reader for Libre 2 but that it just won't have the alarms.
Probably. (The one I have has that on the box.) I think there are some old ones which couldn't be updated, but presuming yours is running the current software it can.
Might try again and see if I can order a replacement Libre 2 reader, but the man on the customer service line at Abbott was adamant that I couldn't order one until my prescription had been changed to Libre 2 and apparently it hadn't been changed yet, so maybe that is the stumbling block.
Well, depends how honest you are, I guess.
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