Libre 2 bluetooth

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning everyone. I'm applying my first Libre 2 tomorrow. Am i right in thinking i need bluetooth turned on my phone to activate and leave it on to get alarms? I'm sure i read somewhere that this is right but can't find it now. Sorry if this question has been asked before, i can't find it on the forum search.
Yep, it will scan ok without BT but obviously not get alarms.
The sensor will send information to your phone over Bluetooth which your phone will use to check whether your blood sugars are too low or too high and will alert if they are.
This is the main difference between Libre 1 and Libre 2 so, whilst you can still scan Libre 2 sensors with Bluetooth turned off, if you intend to do so there is little value in upgrading to the latest Libre.

The other thing to check is that you have the latest version of LibreLink on your phone. Old versions will not read Libre 2.
Thank you both
I found the Libre2 alarms very helpful. Hope you get on well with it!
The main snag so far with Libre 2 is the rate of sensor failure, nob all to do with what I scan it with.
I have the alarms on the reader not my phone. Had a couple of issues with phone and alarms and haven’t braved alarms on the phone again yet!

It’s the same as libre 1 - If you start with phone you can’t use reader and if you start with reader the alarms are on that !
That’s why I use the reader! The phone alarm loss of signal drove me mad. I rarely get a loss of signal alarm with the reader maybe one loss signal alarm a day and it is usually when I am genuinely out of range
I tried libre 2 with librelink patched to xdrip on my phone and got alarms high and low from both apps but decided to go back to libre1 as i did not like having to scan the sensor all the time ,i much prefer to use use xdrip with MM2 transmitter and just look at my phone and see the graph instantly without having to find the sensor where ever i have it attached on my body.
This is not a good start. The first libre 2 i've applied, scanned it with my phone, waited for the 60 mins. When it said it was ready to scan, i scanned to have a message saying the sensor was starting up (again?!). Rang Abbot and was on hold for 30 mins, to be told they'll send out a replacement. Not a good start!!
Just applied my last sensor. Its started up ok this time but even though i've set the alarms i'm getting a notification that alarms are unavailable. I've checked everything is allowed and switched so not sure why they're not working. Any ideas anyone?
Grrrrr! I think i know what i've done and why alarms are unavailable. I'd turned off bluetooth by accident before activating so when i realised and turned it on it was too late! Oh well, try again in 2 weeks time. I'll live and learn.
I tried libre 2 with librelink patched to xdrip on my phone and got alarms high and low from both apps but decided to go back to libre1 as i did not like having to scan the sensor all the time ,i much prefer to use use xdrip with MM2 transmitter and just look at my phone and see the graph instantly without having to find the sensor where ever i have it attached on my body.
Why not use the OOP2 option with Libre 2, xDrip and no need for MM?
No need to scan and nothing to recharge.
Grrrrr! I think i know what i've done and why alarms are unavailable. I'd turned off bluetooth by accident before activating so when i realised and turned it on it was too late! Oh well, try again in 2 weeks time. I'll live and learn.
Did you start with phone or reader?? I think if you put Bluetooth back on it should do alarms??? I know when I turned mine off as it wasn’t working right with the alarms and doing my head on! when I put it back on the alarms started again.
I started it with my phone. I've just turned bluetooth off and back on again and the red exclaimation mark has disappeared so maybe its sorted. Fingers crossed! Had to turn off the signal loss alarm though, its drove me mad already!

Its been a bit of a day all round really. Stressful day at work, 2nd vaccine (only got a headache so far) then the hassle of the first sensor not activating and then trying to sort out this one. I hope it doesn't fail on me as i've no more sensors until prescription has gone through and/or Abbott send the replacement.
:confused: Oh a stress too much I feel

I had the same problem. I think though if you turn signal loss alarm off you may not get the high or low alarms but I may be wrong with that one. I’m sure someone else will know. It’ll still work (just like libre one) even if no alarms on.
I have my 2nd jab next week. So pleased. Hope you don’t have any other jab side effects and a better day tomorrow.
:confused: Oh a stress too much I feel

I had the same problem. I think though if you turn signal loss alarm off you may not get the high or low alarms but I may be wrong with that one. I’m sure someone else will know. It’ll still work (just like libre one) even if no alarms on.
I have my 2nd jab next week. So pleased. Hope you don’t have any other jab side effects and a better day tomorrow.

I agree. As I understand it, once there is a break in the connection it won't re-connect until you do a scan. I guess it's a power saving, constant retry issue.
think though if you turn signal loss alarm off you may not get the high or low alarms but I may be wrong with that one
Just turned signal loss alarm back on and it says alarms are unavailable again and red exclaimation mark is back. I think its definitely connected to my inadvertently turning off bluetooth before activating. Will use it like libre 1 for the next 2 weeks and try again next time.
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