Let's Talk About Managing Cravings and Diabetes Together!

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Even with type 2's there seems to be different types. if you are obese then you have like me self inflicted diabetes but if I cant control the eating I have no other way really to bring BS or my weight down. …

but all I think of is food. I know that guilt and disappointment when I give in. It really is my enemy.

Be kind to yourself @Nayshiftin

There is such a lot of stigma and frankly misinformation levelled at people with T2, and it can be really difficult not to absorb it - but it really isn’t accurate. And it’s pretty unhelpful too.

There is such a large genetic component to developing T2 - from genes that influence appetite, taste preference, and fullness, to the ones that govern what the body actually does with the energy consumed.

You didn’t set out to deliberately get T2. No one does.

And 2 different people could eat in just the same way as each other, one would get diabetes and the other would not. You can have people with high levels of insulin resistance who don’t get T2, and those who have scrupulously followed official ‘healthy eating’ guidelines who get a diagnosis.

Plus the guilt and stigma are just another burden to carry. Pretty demotivating, and not likely to help you.

All any of us can do is try to play the hand we are dealt as best we can - make the best of the opportunities we have, and try to work around and accommodate our own unique physical frailties.

Big hugs to you.
Before being dx'd with T2DM I ate lots of sugary stuff ..but, from day 1 of my diabetes journey ..I began looking upon ✻sweet treats✻ as plastic desserts, wax gâteaux, etc ..nice to look at but inedible ..like the 'food models' used by retailers.
Can you do the same with crisps? Im not a cake , sweet or chocolate person . i loved milk and crisps and shortbresd . Cream is not milk and not attempted to substitute the others.
Be kind to yourself @Nayshiftin

There is such a lot of stigma and frankly misinformation levelled at people with T2, and it can be really difficult not to absorb it - but it really isn’t accurate. And it’s pretty unhelpful too.

There is such a large genetic component to developing T2 - from genes that influence appetite, taste preference, and fullness, to the ones that govern what the body actually does with the energy consumed.

You didn’t set out to deliberately get T2. No one does.

And 2 different people could eat in just the same way as each other, one would get diabetes and the other would not. You can have people with high levels of insulin resistance who don’t get T2, and those who have scrupulously followed official ‘healthy eating’ guidelines who get a diagnosis.

Plus the guilt and stigma are just another burden to carry. Pretty demotivating, and not likely to help you.

All any of us can do is try to play the hand we are dealt as best we can - make the best of the opportunities we have, and try to work around and accommodate our own unique physical frailties.

Big hugs to you.
Having a bad day so thanks needed support. Know it is meant well. Thank you
Be kind to yourself @Nayshiftin

There is such a lot of stigma and frankly misinformation levelled at people with T2, and it can be really difficult not to absorb it - but it really isn’t accurate. And it’s pretty unhelpful too.

There is such a large genetic component to developing T2 - from genes that influence appetite, taste preference, and fullness, to the ones that govern what the body actually does with the energy consumed.

You didn’t set out to deliberately get T2. No one does.

And 2 different people could eat in just the same way as each other, one would get diabetes and the other would not. You can have people with high levels of insulin resistance who don’t get T2, and those who have scrupulously followed official ‘healthy eating’ guidelines who get a diagnosis.

Plus the guilt and stigma are just another burden to carry. Pretty demotivating, and not likely to help you.

All any of us can do is try to play the hand we are dealt as best we can - make the best of the opportunities we have, and try to work around and accommodate our own unique physical frailties.

Big hugs to you.
I am so glad you posted this, as a Type 2, I have been facing so many negativity about my diabetes, I have spent many times in tears. People can be so mean, and I hate hate the word obese it’s an ugly word and insulting. When I was diagnosed with Type 2, my doctor told me I was obese, he insulted me, fat shamed me, I was 30 IBS over weight and he made me feel so bad, on the drive home I cried and cried, I stopped in at my moms and told her what he said and she said “ you are beautiful” and gave me a big hug, you see, doctors blame you for having this disease, and are so arrogan, in all the years I was over weight no one ever said anything like this, and my weight issue was due to high stress, and menopause. I have lost over 30 lbs and doing fine. I’m proud of myself, and to all the Type 2 don’t let anyone put you down. You’re all beautiful people, remember Type 2’s come in all sizes. And anyone can get Type 2 diabetes not just people with higher wieght.
I am so glad you posted this, as a Type 2, I have been facing so many negativity about my diabetes, I have spent many times in tears. People can be so mean, and I hate hate the word obese it’s an ugly word and insulting. When I was diagnosed with Type 2, my doctor told me I was obese, he insulted me, fat shamed me, I was 30 IBS over weight and he made me feel so bad, on the drive home I cried and cried, I stopped in at my moms and told her what he said and she said “ you are beautiful” and gave me a big hug, you see, doctors blame you for having this disease, and are so arrogan, in all the years I was over weight no one ever said anything like this, and my weight issue was due to high stress, and menopause. I have lost over 30 lbs and doing fine. I’m proud of myself, and to all the Type 2 don’t let anyone put you down. You’re all beautiful people, remember Type 2’s come in all sizes. And anyone can get Type 2 diabetes not just people with higher wieght.
Everydayupsanddowns wrote “Plus the guilt and stigma are just another burden to carry. Pretty demotivating, and not likely to help you.”
In his name yes its our every day highs n lows . I feel kicked and bruised a lot and as he says its pretty demotivating.
Yes if fat one can be rendered worthless, stupid, a disgrace to society, greedy and all other things. Too tearful to keep thinking about them.
If it was as easy as not eating and exercising then the diet industry would have gone bust.
I see others indulging going for all the wrong foods and really not worrying about what they eat. My hubby has scanned all the labels for most diets and can eat three times as much as i do , he nibbles in between meals too and does not gain an ounce. He also has a desk job. It don't make sense.
I refuse a lot so he knows its not diet. He sees what i achieve each day but also knows how unhappy i am .
i was doing well on low carb i tried half a sandwich and its put weight on or either changing to the Freshwell has. i was using the app. You do eat masses on Freshwell so ive returned to the other plus will cal count too.
However the scales seen to stick or budge 1 lb in a week
and thats very slow .
ill get there but have to go away and know ill be wanting same as others.
Its hard to watch others eat foods thats made to encourage folk to eat.
ill have to cope somehow though.
However i wonder when slim will anyone notice an old wrinkly diabetic like me.
Someone said you cant get the diet plan over age or the injections. My DN says your better with diet and meds
i know a lot is mood but i m struggling .
its hardest after i eat as i know i cant have anything but a drink until next time.
However kind folk are though it really is down to us to change.
i think my biggest problem is the worthlessness . So pleased your mum said your loved, beautiful and to ignore these undiplomatic educated people. Yes that is right we should be expecting more that fatism from health professionals. The problem is there is no fast quick cure for fat people to be slim yet.
Once they cure that ….
accidents can be prevented as illness and emergencies can .
However a child born fat is the thinest and a chid born thin can be the fattest. What should be important is a healthy child whatever shape or size they should be celebrated.
Life should be the same fat or thin, bright or dim as we all have to go on until we die.
I wish life was better for all. However
, at the moment I wish there was s fast way to end all the pain, physical and mental with this illness.
Medication is never good , even with them I never really average below 7 so its a life of pain to look forward too.
Low carb like all other diets is just that.
All meds hurt .
life for me would bd better if it was allowed to finish.
Alas that is not our choice either.
So enjoy anything you can. Some do not get a life .
Thinking of my autistic son and others who really suffer .
Do what you can fat or thin.
A kind word or smile helps most through the day.
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Look after yourself @Nayshiftin - you do sound quite down.

There are lots of folks who care about you, and want you to be happy. Have you spoken to your Dr about how you are finding things, and the mental strain it is putting you under. There may be help you can be referred to, like a talking therapy or ‘social prescribing’, or perhaps some medication that might help your mood?
Look after yourself @Nayshiftin - you do sound quite down.

There are lots of folks who care about you, and want you to be happy. Have you spoken to your Dr about how you are finding things, and the mental strain it is putting you under. There may be help you can be referred to, like a talking therapy or ‘social prescribing’, or perhaps some medication that might help your mood?
I am hoping once Ive had a few days away next week . I pick up. If not I will have a chat with nurse.
ive only snother month to go to see if my sugar levels are down . Which with the finger tests should be s lot different . Over all the scales are down too.
I have lots to be positive about.
Just need to snap out of it but like most things easier said than done.
Maybe i should leave and cone back when the mood changes.
Maybe i should leave and cone back when the mood changes.

Not at all! Sometimes the forum is at its best and most relevant when people are having a hard time, and need to just vent and let it all out (or simply express their frustration or sense of melancholy).

Please keep on posting. Your posts will be helping anyone else who is in a similar place feel less alone.

The forum should reflect all the ways diabetes can affect us. It’s fine to have encouraging upbeat ‘everything is going brilliantly’ posts, from people whose diabetes is well managed, but diabetes isn’t always like that - and it‘s important that the forum reflects times and experiences where diabetes is hard work, or cruel, or frankly exhausting!
Thank you for your understanding and acceptance.
I am hoping once Ive had a few days away next week . I pick up. If not I will have a chat with nurse.
ive only snother month to go to see if my sugar levels are down . Which with the finger tests should be s lot different . Over all the scales are down too.
I have lots to be positive about.
Just need to snap out of it but like most things easier said than done.
Maybe i should leave and cone back when the mood changes.
Really sorry to hear how down you're feeling. Re: stigma and 'self inflicted' etc. One thing this new class of drugs (Ozempic etc) has shown is how powerful hormones are. NOBODY can fight their own hormones and if the body's signalling system is out of whack, then you'll get powerful and overwhelming cravings.

There's a really great article about this that came out last week:

“This is not about willpower or personal choice,” said Dr. Florencia Halperin, an endocrinologist and chief medical officer of Form, a virtual medical weight-loss clinic. “This is about your brain driving behaviors.”

Full article below. I hope the link works and you don't hit the paywall.

Really sorry to hear how down you're feeling. Re: stigma and 'self inflicted' etc. One thing this new class of drugs (Ozempic etc) has shown is how powerful hormones are. NOBODY can fight their own hormones and if the body's signalling system is out of whack, then you'll get powerful and overwhelming cravings.

There's a really great article about this that came out last week:

“This is not about willpower or personal choice,” said Dr. Florencia Halperin, an endocrinologist and chief medical officer of Form, a virtual medical weight-loss clinic. “This is about your brain driving behaviors.”

Full article below. I hope the link works and you don't hit the paywall.

Will look into this Thank you.
Really sorry to hear how down you're feeling. Re: stigma and 'self inflicted' etc. One thing this new class of drugs (Ozempic etc) has shown is how powerful hormones are. NOBODY can fight their own hormones and if the body's signalling system is out of whack, then you'll get powerful and overwhelming cravings.

There's a really great article about this that came out last week:

“This is not about willpower or personal choice,” said Dr. Florencia Halperin, an endocrinologist and chief medical officer of Form, a virtual medical weight-loss clinic. “This is about your brain driving behaviors.”

Full article below. I hope the link works and you don't hit the paywall.

Just read this . As i ammon Jardiance i think its similiar . If i had to self fund almost £200 for Wegovy and only those that have been on Saxenda first. Its highly likely Id not get it even prescribed.
However I am trying its not easy but it is the fight being out of control that upsets me the most. If i could eat the same thing and be content then it would help.
What I really disagree with is obesity is all about what one eats. i can eat less do more n my bs and weight go up. i swell up like a balloon with fluid. Another time i can eat more and do less and sleep well and lose snd bs are lower.
Hormones are a huge thing.
However my biggest argument is Stigma is weight and Bs all that defined us.
Like blondes sre stupid. Type 2 have bad brains that make them fat or make bad choices.
oh dear my brain needs to switch off.
Just read this . As i ammon Jardiance i think its similiar . If i had to self fund almost £200 for Wegovy and only those that have been on Saxenda first. Its highly likely Id not get it even prescribed.
However I am trying its not easy but it is the fight being out of control that upsets me the most. If i could eat the same thing and be content then it would help.
What I really disagree with is obesity is all about what one eats. i can eat less do more n my bs and weight go up. i swell up like a balloon with fluid. Another time i can eat more and do less and sleep well and lose snd bs are lower.
Hormones are a huge thing.
However my biggest argument is Stigma is weight and Bs all that defined us.
Like blondes sre stupid. Type 2 have bad brains that make them fat or make bad choices.
oh dear my brain needs to switch off.
People who do research into fat cells know that the relationship between weight and calories isn't as simple as people think it is. It seems like some people are more efficient at extracting energy from foods - so a person who is thin and eats a piece of bread will absorb less energy and be less likely to put on weight from the bread than someone whose body is more efficient.

But fat tissue isn't very well understood. It's only been quite recently that scientists have begun to understand the role that fat plays in regulating hormones. There's a huge amount that's not understood, and yet so many people like to talk about food, calories and fat as if the whole question is settled.
I agree @MarinaDE I think there’s more involved than we initially thought - not just hormones, but the gut microbiome and body type too (ie where you store fat, how much muscle you have, etc).

Some people seem to put on weight more easily than others. I’ve always been slim and had to eat a fair amount to maintain my weight. I just think that’s chance not anything special I’m doing or not doing. A friend at uni was the same. She had a few days of high stress where she didn’t eat as much and the weight fell off her even though she was slim to start with. Like me, she struggled to get that weight back on and maintain it. Neither of us are athletes or super-fit, but clearly we have a different metabolism/biome/build/genes.

As for cravings, I treat them as I would if I didn’t have diabetes, ie I try to keep them within healthy limits. I don’t deprive myself of anything. Obviously I can inject, of course, but I love my food and I feel there’s a place for treats and such.

In fact, the one time I did try to limit treats, I became obsessed with them! A friend asked me to join her in not eating any chocolate during Lent and I was quite keen because I thought it would be a break for my body and a good test of willpower that I could easily do because it was only short-term and only one food item. However, after 3 or 4 days, I became totally obsessed with chocolate and absolutely craved it to the point that it was in my head a lot of the time. I didn’t think that was good mentally, so I told my friend, had some chocolate and the awful craving stopped. Sometimes forbidden fruits are the most tempting.
I agree @MarinaDE I think there’s more involved than we initially thought - not just hormones, but the gut microbiome and body type too (ie where you store fat, how much muscle you have, etc).

Some people seem to put on weight more easily than others. I’ve always been slim and had to eat a fair amount to maintain my weight. I just think that’s chance not anything special I’m doing or not doing. A friend at uni was the same. She had a few days of high stress where she didn’t eat as much and the weight fell off her even though she was slim to start with. Like me, she struggled to get that weight back on and maintain it. Neither of us are athletes or super-fit, but clearly we have a different metabolism/biome/build/genes.

As for cravings, I treat them as I would if I didn’t have diabetes, ie I try to keep them within healthy limits. I don’t deprive myself of anything. Obviously I can inject, of course, but I love my food and I feel there’s a place for treats and such.

In fact, the one time I did try to limit treats, I became obsessed with them! A friend asked me to join her in not eating any chocolate during Lent and I was quite keen because I thought it would be a break for my body and a good test of willpower that I could easily do because it was only short-term and only one food item. However, after 3 or 4 days, I became totally obsessed with chocolate and absolutely craved it to the point that it was in my head a lot of the time. I didn’t think that was good mentally, so I told my friend, had some chocolate and the awful craving stopped. Sometimes forbidden fruits are the most tempting.
I so agree, however when not on a diet
the weight does go on . I can cope most of the time but when those munchies come they come. I also cannot stop beating myself over it . Ive trued lots of diversion therapies but similar to you my brain continues with food.
once i break the diet i cant seem to do it strict enough having this constAnt battle.
i associate food giving with kindness as will take my daughter treats.
I know ill not have control or will feel deprived in restaurants but this is s week stressed about it before i get there . I have ideas but nope I'm hell bent on ill fail. I am doing well but its like a drop in the ocean.
Not helped by the unwelcome visitor as i call it
. i am thinking the Empagliflozin might be causing it but cant see it doing anything as my blood sugars dropped better before i started it. they have stayed around the 6/7 marks .
Still its okay.
im happy you can be in control of food and enjoy without it being the enemy.
Diabetes makes eating harder emotionally. It’s not good to have a condition so tied to food @Nayshiftin Try not to beat yourself up about it. Acknowledge it and how annoying/difficult it is, but don’t let it take over your thoughts. You’re still in charge xx
Thank you for your understanding and acceptance.
Just wanted to add to what others have said and remind in this heat that blood sugar levels can fluctuate no matter what we eat, dehydration affects us so much right now and I know for me that my mood swings are off the charts and if I check m y bloods they are running several points higher than an normal day for me.

I was lucky enough to get to volunteer at the professional conference this year and there’s so much work going into understanding how this evil condition affects our moods and stigma we face and the battle to stay on plan trying to cope day to day. DUk are on our side, it’s taking time but there’s huge understanding now about genetics and how it can be triggered with type 2 and lots of work on type 1 and mental health too by the way!

Please hang in there and be kind to yourself, if any consolation my husband eats like a pig, he has a very active job on his feet for shifts, eats about four times what I do and forgets how it feels for me when he’s yomping all day and night especially on day offs and he looses weight without trying. I have to bribe him to eat/ buy foods I hate as at times when pmt hits as it destroys me seeing him eating all my favourite things, I get pancreatitis and his last week off with him took me weeks to recover from and all I ate off plan was 2/3 evening meals with a couple of tweaks, took me months to forgive myself for trying to be social and enjoy a couple of evening meals one of which was my birthday (christmas I can cope with as I am the cook so can’t eat once it’s all made but my birthday destroys me each year so much so I don’t even allow cards etc now as it’s a sore point, on his birthday for big 50 sat with glass of water while he and his family had a big meal ). Sorry for waffling just trying to show you’re not alone on how it makes you feel.
Just wanted to add to what others have said and remind in this heat that blood sugar levels can fluctuate no matter what we eat, dehydration affects us so much right now and I know for me that my mood swings are off the charts and if I check m y bloods they are running several points higher than an normal day for me.

I was lucky enough to get to volunteer at the professional conference this year and there’s so much work going into understanding how this evil condition affects our moods and stigma we face and the battle to stay on plan trying to cope day to day. DUk are on our side, it’s taking time but there’s huge understanding now about genetics and how it can be triggered with type 2 and lots of work on type 1 and mental health too by the way!

Please hang in there and be kind to yourself, if any consolation my husband eats like a pig, he has a very active job on his feet for shifts, eats about four times what I do and forgets how it feels for me when he’s yomping all day and night especially on day offs and he looses weight without trying. I have to bribe him to eat/ buy foods I hate as at times when pmt hits as it destroys me seeing him eating all my favourite things, I get pancreatitis and his last week off with him took me weeks to recover from and all I ate off plan was 2/3 evening meals with a couple of tweaks, took me months to forgive myself for trying to be social and enjoy a couple of evening meals one of which was my birthday (christmas I can cope with as I am the cook so can’t eat once it’s all made but my birthday destroys me each year so much so I don’t even allow cards etc now as it’s a sore point, on his birthday for big 50 sat with glass of water while he and his family had a big meal ). Sorry for waffling just trying to show you’re not alone on how it makes you feel.
Thanks for sharing that. Sorry how your birthday has changed. I guess your type 3c with your pancreas involved. I Might have that all wrong .Most here say is the most complex off all so be kind to yourself too.
i agree it the mountain we make of it to hurdle ourself to get out off,
I don’t know whether talking about it has helped but I do see a little way forward where as this time last week … tmi to type .
@ Inka and all others who have been so patient hopefully i will get better.
We are all here because we have diabetes in some form.
It is a complex condition and where it leads can and has been very grim for some. I just hope I can have the sense to treat myself and others too do with respect.
I hope we get the help and care we need.
Thanks for sharing that. Sorry how your birthday has changed. I guess your type 3c with your pancreas involved. I Might have that all wrong .Most here say is the most complex off all so be kind to yourself too.
i agree it the mountain we make of it to hurdle ourself to get out off,
I don’t know whether talking about it has helped but I do see a little way forward where as this time last week … tmi to type .
@ Inka and all others who have been so patient hopefully i will get better.
We are all here because we have diabetes in some form.
It is a complex condition and where it leads can and has been very grim for some. I just hope I can have the sense to treat myself and others too do with respect.
I hope we get the help and care we need.
Thank you, yes appears I am headed to type 3c, just wanted to say you should be so proud of yourself for keeping going and chatting here is a big step towards dealing with how your feeling, please take care and never feel bad for having a chat, rant or whinge x
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