Lets Hear It For Northerner

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Lots of luck, Northerner. Hope your cold's all done and dusted before then.....

Good luck Northe'

I've done a few runs in my time, and I'll pass on some advice that will get you round no bother, was first told to me by a local wino!

"You know your left foot follows your right, no matter which one starts"

So no matter what you'll do us all proud.

(Maybe I'll race you next year!!??)
good luck northerner and to let everybody know i am doing a coffee morning for JDRF THE 13 OF NOVEMBER 11 TO 12 AT MY FRIENDS HOUSE she is got a big house remember the 14 is WORLD DIABETES DAY
good luck north you deserve it !are the wierd levels due to the anticipation???
Thanks for the reminder Donald - I keep forgetting! I suppose the worse that could happen is that I turn up an hour early!)

Erm, actually, if you're a real muppet like me one year, you could turn up 2 hours early... 😱 (Wondered why no-one else was at lectures that monday morning...!!)

All the best Northener - you're a star & you've got us all cheering you on! 🙂 Go for it! (But try not to break any legs this time please! 😉)
How did you know what I was going to be wearing?

I thought you were going to run in fancy dress.....:D Here's a suggestion....:D


Good Luck in the race. I would have come to cheer you on but will be in Yorkshire.
Good Luck Northe, and enjoy it :D Doesn't matter how you reach the end, just that you're doing it. Just picture the vision of Kate at the finishing line.....🙂 Hope the cold is getting better and Kate is plying you with hot lemon and honey (don't forget the extra insuling for the honey!)
Thanks everyone! Tez - that picture is really scary, hope I don't meet her on the way round tomorrow! Looks like the weather might be fine, but breezy. I think it will be warmer than last year. I will be sure to report in when I get back!🙂
once again good luck tomoro i will choon in channel 5
hi northener hope you are not to achey x, i c\ught 5 mins on channel 5
Northe, how did it go?
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