Legs/hips tightness(?)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello. So, I've just introduced myself on the newbies group as I joined this forum earlier today. I'm diabetic type 1 and wanted to ask about something I've been experiencing over this last year that has got me really worried.

I'll try to keep this as simple as I can. Essentially, about a year ago I started feeling a strange tightness on my hips and upper legs. I could be on a shopping center, on the street, at home. It wasn't exactly pain nor cramps, i just felt paralysed for a few seconds and then all back to normal. During this year, the situation has gotten worse, it started lasting longer, it could last for days and I started having some other movements limited. For instance when putting my shoes on, certain types of swimming, like crol (I've always exercised a lot, not anymore). My doctor (diabetes one) was worried it could be something related to the disease so I've been to an orthopaedist, neurologist, rheumatologist, done MRI's (2), X rays, ultrasounds and many other exams and nothing other than a slight insufficiency of vitamin D was diagnosed. I don't know if many rheumatic problems are connected to diabetes, I just know they normally take a long time to be discovered and I was just wondering if anybody had had a similar experience or knows about the relation between diabetes and the symptoms I've just described? I'm just starting to lose faith on ever finding out whatever this is which is starting to affect my mind as well. I fear going on walks by myself, which was something I used to love doing, it affects my life more and more and I just want to find a solution...
I was going to suggest you seek medical help, but you have already done that. Exercise is good, maybe you would benefit from seeing a physiotherapist? It might be something as simple (and uncomfrotable) as a tarpped nerve. I hope you find some help and a solution soon.
Can I ask if you've had EMG studies done? That's the one where they stick electrodes on you and make the muscles twitch.
I finally kind of found out what I have, nothing diabetes related. What I have a is another chronic disease unfortunately. It's called dystonia and I'm doing some genetic studies to find the cause still. I might have to find another forum for that..Doesn't seem health agrees with me at all... Thank you all for your suggestions and support.
I finally kind of found out what I have, nothing diabetes related. What I have a is another chronic disease unfortunately. It's called dystonia and I'm doing some genetic studies to find the cause still. I might have to find another forum for that..Doesn't seem health agrees with me at all... Thank you all for your suggestions and support.
I was diagnosed with dystonia many years ago when they couldn't find a cause for my loss of the ability to write. I am still convinced it was some kind of RSI. It did go away on its own eventually I am happy to say.
I hope you find some answers soon. Keep up with the exercise, non weight bearing ones taht work the muscles gently can help so swimming is good and things like seated tai chi. A physio will shed some light on what you need to do. It is probably something quite simple like a trapped nerve as already mentioned or postural. A physi will help with the postural stuff.
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