Lasagne, dual wave and success - wow wee!

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This Duel-Wave you are speaking of sounds similar to my delayed novorapid injections when eating high fat content food featuring carbs?
Please enligten me a little further on it - as it was one of my questions in my pumping thread - cheers.
Dual wave (as in your other thread) is where part of the insulin is put in upfront, and the rest over a given amount of time. So its similar to having 2 injections, but the second is more a drip feed than an all in one.
Referring to earlier comments, I've never put potato in moussaka, nor feta in the topping, because neither are really traditional.

What I did do a few weeks ago is create a much reduced fat, lower carb moussaka that was just as tasty as the real thing, and using the traditional lamb. If you ask me nicely, I'll tell you how it's done...
This Duel-Wave you are speaking of sounds similar to my delayed novorapid injections when eating high fat content food featuring carbs?
Please enligten me a little further on it - as it was one of my questions in my pumping thread - cheers.
No its not. You can choose %, time, & quantity to suit what you are eating Adam
A dual wave gives you a lump of insulin up front, you choose how much, then delivers the rest of the calculated bolus over an amount of time, you choose how long, in drips.

An extended bolus - it delivers the whole lot in drips for whatever time you decide.

You can't program a pump to calculate a bolus, and deliver it eg half an hour later. Neither can you program it to give you some now, then none for half an hour, then the rest.

You'd have to do some of either of those manually.

Pumps are good - but they don't have the same capabilities as a human brain and hands and what capabilities they do have, they achieve differently!
Same as if you were doing something that takes a lot of energy. Reduce basal. Pumps are miles ahead. 😎
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