Little Miss Chatterbox
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
Oh dear I have low level ketones again, only 0.4, but this is not good if it is happening all the time.
My blood sugar is up at 15 at the mo. I had a carb free lunch to check my basal which went from 7.0 at 12:30 to 8.5 at 15:00. I decided at that point to have a couple of cereal bars which I injected for (at my lunch time ratio) and a correction dose as I was hungry. I shot up to 14.7 at 16:30 when I had an 8 unit correction and is now 15.4.
I am not sure whether to have another correction. I know the insulin I had at 16:30 will still be working and I have to drive home soon, which makes me think I should wait awhile, but having ketones terrifies me.
Thank goodness I am not at work tomorrow - taking the car to the garage for its MOT instead though which is also stressful.
oh dear so the omlette did not improve things can you not put the MOT of the car off while your not at your best you dont want to be doing to much stressful activity xx