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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Oh Christ, just been at antenatal clinic and I have ketones in my urine. Been sent home with strict instructioms to drink bottle of water on the way, test glucose and ketones when get back and phone Dr straight away. If not any better might have to go back and go on a drip. Now feel sick with worry.

Also baby waS head up - not a good appointment
Hope baby will turn itself round - sometimes they do. Did they intend you to test blood or urine for glucose and ketones? Blood would see more sensible, but only possible with Optium Exceed meter, as far as I know. Are you home yet?
Hiya Rach hope your home and the ketones are out of your system, cmon lil baba behave for mum, please let us know your ok hun xxx
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shiv;1507lp33 said:
Sending big hugs Rachel, let us know how it goes xx

Blood sugar now 12.7 and ketones 0.7 (were 15 and 1.1) spoke to Dr. have had another correction dose. I am to check again at 7:30 and he will phone me back at 8ish.

Thank goodness they are going down.
Blood sugar now 12.7 and ketones 0.7 (were 15 and 1.1) spoke to Dr. have had another correction dose. I am to check again at 7:30 and he will phone me back at 8ish.

Thank goodness they are going down.

Glad to hear it hun cant be nice, is OH around x
OH has just been sent to shops, with a list, as I was meant to get things on the way home. Feeling a bit less panicy now,

good one, hope you are going to be putting your feet up hun and taking it easy.
good one, hope you are going to be putting your feet up hun and taking it easy.

Ketones down to 0.3 thank goodness. Just got to keep drinking and checking. Just hope no harm has been done to humble.
Ketones down to 0.3 thank goodness. Just got to keep drinking and checking. Just hope no harm has been done to humble.

phew hun, keep your fluids up and and leave an update before you go to bed

t/c x
Sending you (((Big Hugs))), hope your bs settle down soon xxx
Hope you are all settled now Rachel? Big hugs from me too. Baby will probably turn much longer have you got? (I know if feels like forever)!! As i learnt very quickly baby does, what baby wants - naughty little pickles they are.

Bernie xx
Hope you are all settled now Rachel? Big hugs from me too. Baby will probably turn much longer have you got? (I know if feels like forever)!! As i learnt very quickly baby does, what baby wants - naughty little pickles they are.

Bernie xx

Ketones are now clear 🙂 but blood sugar is 14.9 :-(. I think it is going to be a long night of testing and correcting. This has got rid of the guilty feelings I was having about moving my maternity leave forward. Mine and bumbles health has to be top priority no matter what from now on.

I did not even eat anything bad at all today, the only causes I can think of are stress or the stuffy nose I have had for the last 7 months finally developing into a cold.
Hey honey- hope you feel better and less stressed. Glad the keytones are minimal now. Poor you, I bet that was bloody stressful.

Lots and lots of love and hugs xx
Ketones are now clear 🙂 but blood sugar is 14.9 :-(. I think it is going to be a long night of testing and correcting. This has got rid of the guilty feelings I was having about moving my maternity leave forward. Mine and bumbles health has to be top priority no matter what from now on.

I did not even eat anything bad at all today, the only causes I can think of are stress or the stuffy nose I have had for the last 7 months finally developing into a cold.

Bless ya are right though about you and bumble (love that nickname) being a priority. I must admit i often fall into the trap of not wanting to let others down and putting others first and in practice it can be quite hard to be selfish. This is one time though that you can be selfish and not give a monkeys!

Have you found recently that your levels are increasing? I am sure you know that this is the norm 🙄 with the D. It may be though bumble is contributing to an increase in the levels so your insulin is on the increase too? Could be as well the cold though. Doesn't help does it?!

I feel for you in this heat too with a cold as well! I have just got over one (still not quite right) and got to say its one of the worst things eating hot soup and feeling hot in this weather! Although cooling down a smidge (thank god)!

Hope you feel better are so nearly there 🙂

Bernie xx
Hope you dont have to much of a bad night rach hun xx take care
Bless ya are right though about you and bumble (love that nickname) being a priority. I must admit i often fall into the trap of not wanting to let others down and putting others first and in practice it can be quite hard to be selfish. This is one time though that you can be selfish and not give a monkeys!

Have you found recently that your levels are increasing? I am sure you know that this is the norm 🙄 with the D. It may be though bumble is contributing to an increase in the levels so your insulin is on the increase too? Could be as well the cold though. Doesn't help does it?!

I feel for you in this heat too with a cold as well! I have just got over one (still not quite right) and got to say its one of the worst things eating hot soup and feeling hot in this weather! Although cooling down a smidge (thank god)!

Hope you feel better are so nearly there 🙂

Bernie xx

My insulin needs have gone up a lot in the last month (i am now 31 weeks). All my meal time ratios have at least doubled, and my evening Levemir is 3.5 times what it was pre-pregnancy.
The weird thing is my readings on Sat and Sun were spot on, I was really happy with myself, then it all goes haywire.

Fortunately it is not so hot up here in Edinburgh, it was rain, wind and fog most of Sat. I don't think I could cope with heat too. I am far too redheaded & freckly.
I just saw this on facebook, so glad you didn't need to go into hospital. It sounds like you need the maternity leave bought forward and you shouldn't feel quilty for that at all you need to take care of yourself and the little one. I hope that things are better today xx
Oh dear I have low level ketones again, only 0.4, but this is not good if it is happening all the time.

My blood sugar is up at 15 at the mo. I had a carb free lunch to check my basal which went from 7.0 at 12:30 to 8.5 at 15:00. I decided at that point to have a couple of cereal bars which I injected for (at my lunch time ratio) and a correction dose as I was hungry. I shot up to 14.7 at 16:30 when I had an 8 unit correction and is now 15.4.

I am not sure whether to have another correction. I know the insulin I had at 16:30 will still be working and I have to drive home soon, which makes me think I should wait awhile, but having ketones terrifies me.

Thank goodness I am not at work tomorrow - taking the car to the garage for its MOT instead though which is also stressful.
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