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KETONES & FLU ! New lessons learnt


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a fabulous time this festive season.

( Type 1 diabetic for reference )

In usual style, I fell ill last week ( always do in the run up to Christmas Day ). It started with feeling run down and a bit of a sore throat, so I got an early night with my boyfriend with a raised glucose of 14mmol/L which was proving hard to budge down. Gave a dose of short acting insulin and passed out. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling worse, so decided to check my blood ketones on my metre, which at this point showed to be 1.5. I injected some more insulin and drank a load of water and patiently waited a hour to test again, to see my ketones had risen to 2.5. At this point I was feeling very unwell so decided to call 111 for advice. They told me a healthcare professional would ring back in half an hour. We fell asleep again and I awoke at about 4am ( 2 hours later from the 111 phone call ) to find I had still not been contacted by 111. Tested my ketones again to find they were 4.5. At this point my blood sugar had slipped a little down to 13mmol/L, so I drank more water and took more insulin. A hour later I tested my ketones again and at this point we were at 4.9!!! I had noticed my skin hurt to touch, I was shaking, sweating, had blurry vision, I felt nauseous and confused. I told my boyfriend it was time to call 999 as I was concerned I was heading towards DKA ( something I have never had but had been warned about a million times, as we all have !!! )

The paramedics arrived within 20 minutes, which for the NHS these days was remarkably fast. The paramedics had never heard of ketones or DKA so were a little confused while I was telling them what was going on. I did a ketone reading for them and urged them to check the NHS website to prove I wasn’t being overdramatic. One of the paramedics took my temperature while the other looked online for ketone guidelines. They found my temperature was 40degrees and my heart rate was 120 and agreed I was most likely heading towards DKA.

They gave me fluids by IV in the ambulance and fast tracked me through a local A&E. Once in A&E the doctors took my bloods to check for DKA and informed me, rather condescendingly that I was no where near DKA; my bloods were perfect; they seemed confused why I was there. However, when they checked my ketones they found them to be at a level of 5.5. At this point my blood glucose had dropped to 9mmol/L ( and stayed that way the rest of the day ) and my temperature was at 41degrees. They knew something was wrong and started treatment immediately.

I was kept in the bed for another 6 hours, given a total of 5litres of IV fluids, I had my chest and lungs scanned, my urine tested, blood work done again. My ketones would rise and fall, rise and fall, but not quite go below 2.

After testing me for loads of different things I was diagnosed with Flu type A. That’s it ! The dreaded flu they tell us diabetics could f**k us right up- and they were certainly right ! This pesky illness drove my ketones through the roof, despite my blood sugar being ok in the end, my insulin dosage being adequate, my carb intake being sufficient.

This has never happened to me in all the 23 years I have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I didn’t even know you could have ketones that high without heading towards DKA ! I have had extended high blood glucose in the past, along with illness and never had my ketones rise above 1.5. I have a theory that it was my severe fever driving my ketones up - they only seemed to drop once my temperature did. And the only way my temperature managed to drop was with the endless fluids they gave me! The science behind this, I have no idea. But perhaps a lesson in future to get my flu jab….

Anyone else experienced ketones of this level without being close to DKA ? Or a fever that propelled their ketone levels ? I have certainly learnt that even if you do not feel like you are experiencing DKA, if you have high ketones, please go to A&E. Despite the doctors initial disregard to me because I wasn’t in DKA, they ended up becoming concerned about my hydration levels and how that could effect my organs long term- High ketones are a sign our bodies need a bit of extra help, even if DKA isn’t on the cards !

Love to all of you, soldiers we are xxx
Most people including me, think flu is only like a bad cold. I well remember a Canadian Type 1 telling us on DSF 20 years ago how awful flu is and saying, "You know when you have it, when even your hair hurts!" Even then I didn't really believe her - until I came down with flu over Christmas. I had to get out of bed for the loo, came back to the bedroom, walked over to the window and remember thinking - all I want to do is cry - but found that crying was far too much effort when so much hurt so just went back to bed and slept for another 8-ish hours.

In previous years I'd had flu jabs but usually came down with a lousy cold about a week-10 days after which lasted at least 10 days-a fortnight - hence that very winter I'd made the statement that I wasn't sure the jabs made any difference, so I wasn't going to have one, and didn't.

My advice - never never never ever, don't have a flu jab!!! I started to panic in 2020 (was it?) but then saw that our local Boots were taking bookings - so we booked in there and had them. This year my husband had his RSV jab cos he's a tiddly bit older than me and also has COPD and specifically asked when the flu jabs were happening - but surgery had no info. We were just discussing one weekend that we'd have to ring on Monday to ask what was happening when he got a text to say when they were doing them so we duly booked and had them. Phew.
I've only had flu once age 12 in the sixties on Boxing Day. Our parents rushed as home 90 miles fearing for grandparents. Getting out of bed to go to the toilet was almost impossible. I spent most of my life thinking the horrendous flu had protected me but remembering how ill I felt. I always have my flu jab
Hope you are feeling a bit better @Type1gal . Do make sure you pace yourself.
Well done for advocating for yourself with the paramedics and doctors! The insulin you had probably saved you from DKA even though your ketones were still going up it was helping control them.
How scary for you @Type1gal ! I hope you’re feeling much better now. Ketones are horrible and can go up really fast. I’m so glad you had the confidence to advocate for yourself.

Thank you for posting this very timely reminder.
What a terrible experience @Type1gal it's a good job you persevered and got medical help. People forget that flu is still a serious illness that puts many people in hospital every year. I have only had it twice in 50 years and I felt completely pole-axed for two weeks.
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Sorry to read about the awful time you’ve had with flu and ketones @Type1gal

We spend so much time keeping our T1 in its box that I think it’s easy to get a bit complacent and feel like we’re “in charge”

Sobering to hear your experiences of T1 getting all feisty and forthright.

And yes - flu jabs are worth getting every year!
Sorry to read about the awful time you’ve had with flu and ketones @Type1gal

We spend so much time keeping our T1 in its box that I think it’s easy to get a bit complacent and feel like we’re “in charge”

Sobering to hear your experiences of T1 getting all feisty and forthright.

And yes - flu jabs are worth getting every year!
So true ! Every time I tested my ketones I genuinely thought ‘ they’ll have gone down by now, always do’ - sobering reminder for sure. Flu jab next year it certainly is !
What a terrible experience @Type1gal it's a good job you persevered and got medical help. People forget that flu is still a serious illness that puts many people in hospital every year. I have only had it twice in 50 years and I felt completely pole-axed for two weeks.
Flu is the worst ! I’m usually pretty quick to get over bugs and was over the worst of it within 24hours BUT that 24hours was unreal. Never been ill like it and hopefully not again for a long time
I've only had flu once age 12 in the sixties on Boxing Day. Our parents rushed as home 90 miles fearing for grandparents. Getting out of bed to go to the toilet was almost impossible. I spent most of my life thinking the horrendous flu had protected me but remembering how ill I felt. I always have my flu jab
Hope you are feeling a bit better @Type1gal . Do make sure you pace yourself.
Goodness me !! You’re a fighter ! Much better now thank you
I hope that you feel a lot better soon @Type1gal , and well done on persisting so that you got the treatment that you needed. It highlights the importance of us advocating for ourselves. Not always easy when you feel so rough.