Ketones and high sugar levels

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Alright thank you for the advice I will do that sadly I only have my 1st appointment good with them some point this month so I guess I'll have to wait for that but I will be speaking with my gp tomorrow so I'll see if the diabetic nurse there has any advice too

@ILikeSugar :| It was what you said above that made me think you had a team - ie were under a consultant at a hospital. Even if you haven’t seen them before but have an appointment, you should still be able to phone them as you’ll be on their system.

No, definitely don’t double your insulin! Insulin is potentially very dangerous as well as being a great lifesaver. Always, always be cautious and make any increases gradually.

Here are some sick day rules in case you don’t have any:

Alright thank you for the advice I will do that sadly I only have my 1st appointment good with them some point this month so I guess I'll have to wait for that but I will be speaking with my gp tomorrow so I'll see if the diabetic nurse there has any advice too

@ILikeSugar :| It was what you said above that made me think you had a team - ie were under a consultant at a hospital. Even if you haven’t seen them before but have an appointment, you should still be able to phone them as you’ll be on their system.

No, definitely don’t double your insulin! Insulin is potentially very dangerous as well as being a great lifesaver. Always, always be cautious and make any increases gradually.

Here are some sick day rules in case you don’t have any:

I didn't know that I could call them before I have my 1st appointment on the 20th so i didnt know if I was able to call beforehand I've just got off the phone with 111 and my GP sp hopefully itll be sorted soon
I didn't know that I could call them before I have my 1st appointment on the 20th so i didnt know if I was able to call beforehand I've just got off the phone with 111 and my GP sp hopefully itll be sorted soon

I hope so 🙂 It’s always stressful when your blood sugars won’t go down, and even more so when you’re fairly recently diagnosed. Hopefully a little more insulin will sort thing for you and your blood sugars will soon be behaving more normally🙂
I think it is highly likely that your basal needs have increased if your levels across the board have risen. Once you get your basal insulin dose right, even if it is only a temporary increase for illness, or a more permanent increase due to Beta cell die off, everything else will make much more sense and levels should be more stable.

If you have a contact number for a diabetes nurse I would contact her and explain about the problem and discuss a possible basal dose increase.
@ILikeSugar :| All the way down this thread I was thinking exactly what @Rebrascorer said above. It seems you are fairly newly diagnosed, so likely to still be in the "honeymoon period" where you still produce a bit of your own insulin. As time goes on you will produce less and less of your own so it may well be that you need to increase your basal insulin cautiously (as @trophywench says, not more than 10% at most). It is definitely worth ringing whichever hospital diabetes centre where you are seeing the DSN (usually details can be found on the hospital website) and asking for help sooner than your appointment.
@ILikeSugar :| All the way down this thread I was thinking exactly what @Rebrascorer said above. It seems you are fairly newly diagnosed, so likely to still be in the "honeymoon period" where you still produce a bit of your own insulin. As time goes on you will produce less and less of your own so it may well be that you need to increase your basal insulin cautiously (as @trophywench says, not more than 10% at most). It is definitely worth ringing whichever hospital diabetes centre where you are seeing the DSN (usually details can be found on the hospital website) and asking for help sooner than your appointment.
Thanks it would seem that way I did call 111 and they told me I needed to speak to my GP within 2 hours so I called them and they said that I'd get a call back soon which I didnt, typical from my GP they're not the best I'll give them a call tomorrow as well as trying to get hold of of the specialist nurse
If you mean the specialist nurse at the GP’s then they do not usually know very much about T1s and the ins and outs of our treatment. You really need to speak to someone at the diabetes centre at your local hospital.
Thanks it would seem that way I did call 111 and they told me I needed to speak to my GP within 2 hours so I called them and they said that I'd get a call back soon which I didnt, typical from my GP they're not the best I'll give them a call tomorrow as well as trying to get hold of of the specialist nurse

How are things going @ILikeSugar :| ? I hope your blood sugar has improved.
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a run-in with illness and your diabetes misbehaving so early on before your first appointment @ILikeSugar :|

If you’d like a bit of a head-start and reference material to refer back to on modern insulin therapy, the books Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas (suitable for all ages), and Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner are well thought of on the forum, and have helped many of our T1 members understand their diabetes and insulin treatment more clearly.
How are things going @ILikeSugar :| ? I hope your blood
Hi thanks
How are things going @ILikeSugar :| ? I hope your blood sugar has improved.
Hi thanks for checking up they're slowly getting better I've just had to up my long lasting insulin quite a bit and I'm still taking quite a bit more rapid acting insulin too so I'm hoping that'll wear off some point soon
Yeah it's a shame but it is what it is I guess and thank you very much I will have a look into those
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a run-in with illness and your diabetes misbehaving so early on before your first appointment @ILikeSugar :|

If you’d like a bit of a head-start and reference material to refer back to on modern insulin therapy, the books Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas (suitable for all ages), and Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner are well thought of on the forum, and have helped many of our T1 members understand their diabetes and insulin treatment more clearly.
Hi thanks

Hi thanks for checking up they're slowly getting better I've just had to up my long lasting insulin quite a bit and I'm still taking quite a bit more rapid acting insulin too so I'm hoping that'll wear off some point soon

I’m pleased things are improving 🙂 Don’t worry about the insulin - if you need it, you need it. Just keep an eye out for things possibly changing again.
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