Keto or Low Carb

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. Has anyone reversed their diabetes without a strict keto approach? I would rather be low carb but wondered if this would be enough. Thank you
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There are a few different approaches to reducing blood glucose to a level that would be considered to be in remission for some people, but as everybody is different it may not be possible for some people whatever they do so being realistic is important.
Low carb is much more doable and definitely is successful for many people. Low carb is considered to be less than 130g per day but many folk go lower than that often somewhere between 50 and 100g per day.
Keto is substantially harder as it is more like 20g carb per day.
Whatever regime you adopt has to be sustainable long term.
What was your HbA1C which gave you your diagnosis as that will indicate how much you need to do to reduce your blood glucose to normal level and have you been prescribed any medication as that may affect the wisdom of considering a keto approach.
I don't like the sound of Keto, but did low carb - if I eat carbs, it's in veg or fruit or low carb oat crackers (I tend to eat a of fruit and veg). I am doing around 50-70g of carbs a day, sometimes less than 50. I get fats from Fish and nuts and olive oil, with the occasional bit of double cream and low fat Greek yoghurt. I got my hbA1c down to 36 in three months with this approach.
Hi. Has anyone reversed their diabetes without a strict keto approach? I would rather be low carb but wondered if this would be enough. Thank you
The Newcastle Diet has worked well for many of us.
It doesn't need the long term approach, just a follow-up by keeping the weight off and eating anything sensibly.
It is all the same thing really - the labels don't mean much at all.
If you eat in such a way as to lower your blood glucose levels to normal - that is it really, job done, just watch all your tests slide back towards normal numbers and feel better.
I need to eat no more than 40 gm of carbs a day to be in normal numbers, but my thyroid is coming back from the dead now that I have been eating that way for a few years. I needed 200 micrograms of thyroxine for decades and in the last year I have been stepped down to 125, and might need to go lower.
I don't eat low calorie - there is no need, only my ability to deal with carbohydrate is broken, so my first meal today was pork chop mushrooms and sweet pepper, and tonight it will be chicken and mixed vege casserole.
Hi. Has anyone reversed their diabetes without a strict keto approach? I would rather be low carb but wondered if this would be enough. Thank you
hello lovely , I have successfully reversed my diabetes by being low carb , I eat the high fat verision and I feel amazing . I don’t miss eating the way I use to , I’m still on tablets metformin 500mg x1 for the long term . But I’m also strength training aswell to help myself out . I feel amazing and I’ve lost weight by doing this .
hello lovely , I have successfully reversed my diabetes by being low carb , I eat the high fat verision and I feel amazing . I don’t miss eating the way I use to , I’m still on tablets metformin 500mg x1 for the long term . But I’m also strength training aswell to help myself out . I feel amazing and I’ve lost weight by doing this .
Wow that’s great! And good to know
hello lovely , I have successfully reversed my diabetes by being low carb , I eat the high fat verision and I feel amazing . I don’t miss eating the way I use to , I’m still on tablets metformin 500mg x1 for the long term . But I’m also strength training aswell to help myself out . I feel amazing and I’ve lost weight by doing this .
It is all the same thing really - the labels don't mean much at all.
If you eat in such a way as to lower your blood glucose levels to normal - that is it really, job done, just watch all your tests slide back towards normal numbers and feel better.
I need to eat no more than 40 gm of carbs a day to be in normal numbers, but my thyroid is coming back from the dead now that I have been eating that way for a few years. I needed 200 micrograms of thyroxine for decades and in the last year I have been stepped down to 125, and might need to go lower.
I don't eat low calorie - there is no need, only my ability to deal with carbohydrate is broken, so my first meal today was pork chop mushrooms and sweet pepper, and tonight it will be chicken and mixed vege casserole.
Thanks for the reply. Sounds like you have done amazingly well. Is your 40g net carbs or total carbs? Your meals sound divine! Thanks
In the UK people tend to use Total carbs as product information gives total carbs as the fibre has already been deducted so net carbs is not relevant for most people.
I was asking as a product had carbs listed … then underneath it said …..of which is fibre
Are you sure it said fibre not fiber? UK products list fibre separately, not as part of total carbs. Are you in the USA, or looking at US websites? Deducting fibre/fiber to get net carbs is not a thing in the UK.
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