Just received an amusing letter...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Our records show that your medical exemption certificate entitling you to free NSH prescriptions is about to expire.

If you still have the condition declared on your original application for an exemption certificate, please complete the form...


Sorry, It made me LOL :D
Maybe one day 😉
LOL! I know there are maybe some conditions that you recover from, but surely they could have diabetes flagged and just send you a new card!

How long do they last? I thought it was 10 years.
When the cure happens they don't want all these ex-diabetics running round getting free prescriptions!
It must be five because Ive only been Diabetic that long 🙂 Yeah you would think they'd do it diferently, but this way is far more amusing :D

I have only been asked for my card once since Diagnosis and I didn't have it on me, so they said not to worry.
That would make me laugh out loud indeed!!

Hope you send them an equally amusing response😉
That would make me laugh out loud indeed!!

Hope you send them an equally amusing response😉

Something like :

'if you know something I do not know ie a cure has been found for diabetes, then please let me know asap as this obviously affects my whole life and future'
This is brilliant! Gave me a hearty, warm chuckle! 🙂

Its almost like they are suggesting an "opt out" option!
i know this is slighty off the subject but my hubby used to manage housing for people with learning difficulties and serious challenging behaviour... and they had to reapply for there incapacity benefit to see if they were fit for work..these were folks who had been locked u in longstay instutions for donkeys years who seriously didnt know there A**** from their elbows but still had to produce sick notes ...crazy ..as if they were going to get better!
hah, didn't even think about it Rossi, I'll have to undo the envelope 😉
How very amusing for a wet cold fridee night
When I first got my medic alert it was a gift and I wanted to wait to let the person who bought it for me to present it to me, but they insisted I opened it and put it on there and then.

So I opened it, looked on the back and I had Crohn's disease, asthma, and a few other new conditions, but the diabetes had GONE!

I was so happy, it vanished in the post... then realised it was the wrong medic alert and not mine :(

We can try I guess, failing that, live in hope that one day they will take it back and ask no questions.
I got a letter for a smear test just after my hysterectomy. That was tactful (I was only 27). I sent them a letter saying they were free to do what they wanted to my cervix, but it was likely to be in the medical waste bin at Airedale Hospital. 🙄
I got a letter for a smear test just after my hysterectomy. That was tactful (I was only 27). I sent them a letter saying they were free to do what they wanted to my cervix, but it was likely to be in the medical waste bin at Airedale Hospital. 🙄

bless you sweetie
Hehehe. Lisa, i like it, good reply. Communication within the NHS is a wonderful thing isn't it?:confused:
Oh dear....

It's like filling in medical forms for school, they are so bog standard, questions include: how often does your child need medication and if your child requires medication everyday?

Obviously had to fill that in with a smile otherwise god knows what..lol!
wonder when my diabetes will expire 😛

haha that made me laugh lol
Our records show that your medical exemption certificate entitling you to free NSH prescriptions is about to expire.

If you still have the condition declared on your original application for an exemption certificate, please complete the form...


Sorry, It made me LOL :D
Maybe one day 😉

if there is a cure for diabetes, I wish someone would tell us. I had one that was just as good, a letter from BT adressed to me telling me that if I didn't pay my bill they would summons me. I wrote back saying they could both cut me off and summons me, I'd be happy to see them in court. I didn't hear any more.
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