Just Need To Moan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Really can't catch a break at the moment

First the issue with my 2 monthly CMS prescription, supplied with 1 pot of test strips in October's lot, apparently health centre pharmacist had been trying to contact me for weeks yet I hadn't heard a thing (I got told this by a woman at the chemist), used up previous supplies and was down to half way through my last pot but was assured there were 2 pots at the chemist, Bruce picked them up Saturday but only after the chemist shut did I find that they were completely useless to me due to being 1 pot of BG strips and 1 pot of ketone strips for a meter I've never owned! Down to 11 strips come Sunday and panic mode hit, ended up in tears, mum angry at me for the state I was in about it, thankfully after a 30 mile round trip for Bruce and his dad I got a pot on emergency

Now me and Libre 2 haven't seen eye to eye but Bruce said you'll just have to rely on your Libre more, pfft, yeah that's another one ended after 3 days wear!

Feeling very frustrated atm xx
sorry its been such a drama for you to get essential supplies :(
I don't understand how they can all screw up so much.
Oh my goodness! How frustrating for you @Kaylz

Sounds like a foul-up of epic proportions.

Hope you can get some sort of phone or video appointment to let them know how difficult this is making things for you.

Could they not provide you with more strips, but less frequently - to reduce the burden of collection if nothing else?

Have they reduced your strip allowance since Libre? Are they aware how flaky you are finding it from time to time, and how you need strips to fall back on?
Oh my goodness! How frustrating for you @Kaylz

Sounds like a foul-up of epic proportions.

Hope you can get some sort of phone or video appointment to let them know how difficult this is making things for you.

Could they not provide you with more strips, but less frequently - to reduce the burden of collection if nothing else?

Have they reduced your strip allowance since Libre? Are they aware how flaky you are finding it from time to time, and how you need strips to fall back on?
Apparently it was due to the CMS needing reviewed by the health centre's pharmacist, they told the chemist they had been trying to contact me for weeks yet I haven't heard anything from them, I was only made aware of this on Saturday so couldn't do anything about it until Monday, phoned the health centre Monday morning and was told there isn't even a pharmacist in on a Monday!

Anyway I was booked in for a call back on Tuesday and we renewed the CMS, I asked if it was possible to have 200 extra strips in the CMS that was actually due last weekend but wouldn't be issued until I'd spoken to them as I'd gone through everything I had but instead she's went with add 100 extra strips to every 2 monthly CMS, I also asked her if they could put it through to be ready Saturday as I'm really getting anxious about my strips, I phoned the chemist yesterday and they don't know if it can be ready by then as they are out of stock of a few items!

I get all my supplies every 2 months as CMS is everything to last a certain amount of time

No they haven't reduced my strip allowance and I was getting 200 a month the whole time but the amount of sensor failures I've had I use the strips a lot plus there are periods where I drop like a brick after getting up in the morning, I've went days without a sensor as I just feel so frustrated with them I think whats the point etc and as I ain't fully hypo aware and often can't distinguish my feelings between a low and my anxiety I then have to test for that as well, it's all just something I could've done without at the moment xx
Just huge {{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}. I can understand how frustrating for you this is. I don’t know what CMS is. Is it where the pharmacy are in charge of ordering your supplies? I stopped that years back as the pharmacy made such a lash up of it. I now just order meds as needed using Patient Access.
The health centre pharmacist set it up last year as it makes it easier for them so pretty much the health centre pharmacist issues all the supplies on CMS every 2 months, I've never had a problem with it before although I chose to go back to repeat for my insulin as ended up with loads of novorapid

A friend has kindly sent me 100 strips but they shouldn't have let this happen in the first place, my number has been the same for years and I've had no contact whatsoever so their claim is a total lie, they know I need my supplies xx
*hugs* @Kaylz It’s really stressful when they mess up your prescription stuff. I was in tears one Christmas when they messed up mine and I was facing the prospect of zero testing strips. I dream of a pharmacy where we can just pick what we need off the shelf with no middleman/woman.

I hope it gets sorted soon. XX
@Inka that's what I was facing Sunday as there isn't a chemist open in our town on a Sunday, was having visions of not being able to eat etc cause I couldn't test and my mum just didn't get my panic at all!

Text saying it's been dispensed today so phoned just now to find out whether it was my CMS, my repeat items or both and the woman has assured me it's both so I'll get Bruce to collect it on Saturday and check it as soon as he gets in xx
Finger crossed for you @Kaylz that Bruce picks up what you are expecting on Saturday and your problems are resolved.
It sucks when you are let down, especially when it comes to your health.

Can I be really stupid? What is CMS? Is this is Scottish thing that ignorant English like me don't know about or is it something I am just ignorant abour regardless of my nationality?
@helli well I'm expecting everything I'm prescribed bar 1 item! LOL

Its the Chronic Medication Service and after having a look it is only in Scotland 😳 so it offers a serial prescription, meaning I don't have to remember to order things and it's automatically done every 2 months, if I need extra of an item I just call the chemist and if I don't need something on it I just have to tell them not to add it, it is convenient usually! xx
Thank you for educating me @Kaylz
I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Educating "US". I had guessed that it was some system that dispensed regular medications automatically, but good to have an actual explanation, so we all understand. Think I am happy with my current system of just ordering what I need when I need it but can imagine it makes life easier for the pharmacists to be just dispensing to any patient, just once every 2 months rather than every month or couple of weeks if I suddenly find I need something, but could be expensive to the NHS as many items on my prescription list would not be needed in that time scale and I would end up with a stock pile.
So sorry that you have had this hassle @Kaylz
I understand how difficult that can be, and it is another thing to
deal with on top of just managing day to day.

I hope that things get sorted and that the Libre behaves for once.
but could be expensive to the NHS as many items on my prescription list would not be needed in that time scale and I would end up with a stock pile.
As I mentioned if you dony need an item you just get kn touch and tell them that before it's due xx
right @Kaylz I wanna see a post tomorrow saying you got everything and it is all present and correct or you will need to be telling me whose butt I'm off to kick 😛

But seriously, hope everting is there and works x
right @Kaylz I wanna see a post tomorrow saying you got everything and it is all present and correct or you will need to be telling me whose butt I'm off to kick 😛

But seriously, hope everting is there and works x
Well that gave me a well needed laugh! LOL

Strips are the only thing I'm in desperate need of but OH isn't picking it up until afternoon as he's going to his mum and dads for a while and doesn't want to carry insulin all about the town lol
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What strips do you need?
If it’s accu chek aviva strips you need I have loads spare due to my meter being dodgy and getting a new one, welcome to have them as backup
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